We Can't Unsee What We Saw

we always did better, but we're not better than we were under Trump, no matter what pile of crap you choose to launder here.
I am, and it looks like it will continue. Maybe you are doing something wrong.
It was easy for the media to convince the true believers that they didn't see what they saw for the last two years. Democrats and the media claimed that the falls and the missteps and the zone outs were faked until the debate. Now they ask us to forget it as they make the absurd claim that it was a one time event when we know Biden isn't going to get better and the future of the United States is in jeopardy.
The fact that you need me to explain it to you is a testament to your enslavement.
Or a testament to your misunderstanding of slavery. Lol
Happy voting, and remember, poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids! Tell your children.
You wanting to share it with your kids is only an example of how meaningful and impactful that statement was on your life. Lol.

I’ll do to America what I did to California!
Your second choice was Ron DeSantis. Not much different.

California if it were an economy of it's own it would be the 5th largest economy in the world. Man has experience. I bet you'd love it if Arnold could run. He was Governator of Cali. Did he win over Cali so it now votes GOP? I didn't think so. And Cali voted for Reagan. So it's a swing state. Go win it.
If that was truth you could quote me saying that rather than simply inferring it like an intellectual incel.

When you prove it to be, incel.
That was easy

You don't care about Black voters so stop pretending as if youd be in tune with our concerns.

Well there you go. Maybe the problem isn't lack of ID. Maybe, like in North Carolina the problem is that Republicans try to eliminate the sorts of ID black voters are more likely to have than white voters, from being used as IDs to vote.

North Carolina Supreme Court Strikes Down Voter Photo ID Law as Unconstitutional, Discriminatory

What gives is that you're ignorant. Court's have ruled previously that Republican legislatures have "targeted black voters with surgical precision" by requesting voter information from the State, looking what types of IDs black voters are more likely to use to vote than whites and then eliminating those IDs from being eligible to be used to vote.

Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.
She is if Joe wins again.
Your second choice was Ron DeSantis. Not much different.

California if it were an economy of it's own it would be the 5th largest economy in the world. Man has experience. I bet you'd love it if Arnold could run. He was Governator of Cali. Did he win over Cali so it now votes GOP? I didn't think so. And Cali voted for Reagan. So it's a swing state. Go win it.
People and companies are running from California to Florida.

Great analogy!
He is your only hope to retain the white house. Come what may, I will be fine. I did not want either of the candidates to win in 2016, but knew one of them would, and did. So, I went on vacations, took up skiing, kayaked when I could get away and coasted through it. It is quite likely I will do the same, this time, if it turns out poorly. I find politics interesting, but it does not rule my life. I suspect many other Independents are in my same boat, but the boat track its course well, even in rough water.
Yea, I'll survive. Trump won't do anything to hurt the economy. At least not the economy on his watch. What mess he leaves behind, you'll see. 2028. 4 years away from me getting ss. I suspect 20% cut to my ss. But even that's fine by me. Because I don't have kids so I'm not worrying about leaving anything behind. If I get my full social security I probably won't touch my principle. Just live off SS and interest on my 1.2 million. 4% is $48,000 a year. If I get $2000 a month also in ss, I'll be fine. That's $70K a year to live on. I'll be fine.

In a way, just like I'm enjoying watching all the women crying about abortion, I think I'm going to take some pleasure when they cut everyones social security 20%. I'll be able to say I told you so.

Maybe they will only cut benefits for people who are 50 and younger. That would be great for me. It will be an interesting 4 years if Trump wins. I suspect he won't live 4 more years. Who's going to be his VP?
Joe Biden, you know I love you, and I'll vote for you over Trump no matter what. But after that performance at the debate, you need to step down.

I even think you did a great job these past 4 years. But you need to step down. And Kamala ain't your replacement.
What do u like most about uncle Joe, fact he was inappropriate with his kids thus theyre pervs and drug addicts, or he lied about the deaths. Of his own family for a political pitch aimed to gather votes from your kind, thus his kids are pervs and drug addicts?

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