Margarine vs butter

I probably have too, but I'm not going to muscle my way to get in front of the little old lady or the mother with little kids who probably has less expendable income than I do. :) Albertsons is putting stuff out all day long though so I often luck out.
There have not been any kinds of frenzies like that any time I hit the discounted section.

My doctor told me decades ago to stop eating butter. So I did.

One day I wanted a fried egg, and so I put a little spoonful of margarine in the frying pan......which was hot by the way.
I put the margarine back in the fridge and got out the eggs.
I took out an egg and went over to the stove.........where I fully expected the margarine to be melted and hot by then..........

And all I saw, was a spooful of margarine just sitting there. Not melting, not smoking, not sliding to the side of the pan.........nothing.

I put the egg back. Took the pan off the stove. Took a paper towel and wiped that stuff out of my pan, and put it in the sink.
Opened the fridge and grabbed that crap margarine and threw it in the garbage.

I started using Pam after that, for cooking, and just didn't eat butter.

After a few years I got tired of not having anything buttery. So I tried I Can't Believe Its Not Butter.
Of course I tested it, and it melted just like butter. Been using it ever since.
It wasn't just the lard, it was the way those old country folks cooked and seasoned everything just right. I'm a pretty decent cook and have tried to replicate fried okra the way they used to make it It just never seems to come out the same.

The secret is bacon grease. Put a giant tablespoon in your lard/Crisco before you fry. Make sure you are using CAST IRON cookware. And your okra batter needs to be the consistency of wallpaper paste, and have flour AND some cornmeal in it, as well as salt and pepper, and maybe a splash of onion powder and a spoon of sugar.
I'd need a pretty damned big cast iron cauldron to render that sow down to lard. 100 gallon size at least.
I has a feeling you gonna have to take her to visit the local steel mill.
It wasn't just the lard, it was the way those old country folks cooked and seasoned everything just right. I'm a pretty decent cook and have tried to replicate fried okra the way they used to make it It just never seems to come out the same.
Yeah. Real lard has a pork taste.

The stuff from the store doesn't taste like anything. Totally neutral.

My Grandad lived through the depression, and he'd get a hankerin' for a lard sandwich from time to time. He'd get lard from the Amish. Totally different from what you get at the store.

You have Amish and Mennonites up there... Check with them.


Dr. D has the right idea. Probably work as a substitute.


You could get some fatback.

When I was a young man, margarine was all the rave, and butter was more of a specialty or niche product.

But then, the big "transfat" scare came down, and a lot of people made the switch to butter.

A lot of people think margarine is bad for people. They still like stuff, but don't want to use it.

My idea is a new product, a product made with butter, but tasting just like Margarine for those hankering for the taste of the traditional product.

Do you think that a product called "I Can't Believe its Butter" could sell.

Margarine is poisonous

Wanna lose weight
Eat nothing but meat and butter
Have a tbone for breakfast ...go right ahead taters on the side
You can have the eggs toast either

No bread ,no sugar ,no rice ,no macaroni

After day three you'll feel like complete's fine you're just going through sugar'll pass in a couple days

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