Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

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Wanted to see what the members of the US message or thought about this issue.

I vote yes because the USA is a Christian majority country and Christianity has profoundly affected our country. And this is not the same thing as forcing somebody to become a Christian. None of the students are being forced to become Christian. They are some being taught about a religion, which is a major part of American history.
It’s in many areas of life. It is truly a part of the US culture, even though we are technically not at theocracy.

And here’s a critical point that some folks who are reactionaries will not get to or will not have read this far. I would say the same thing in a Muslim majority country or Jewish majority country..meaning if they mandated teaching about the Islamic religion or Jewish religion at public schools… I would not oppose it. This is the response to those who will say “well why not teach about Satanism or something like that in public schools”
I voted no.

The federal government has no business mandating what public schools teach. It has no constitutional authority to do so.

In the case of a state mandating it, I also think it is a bad idea as it should be the local school board in consultation with administrators, teachers, and parents who decide what the curriculum should be. Certainly Bible Study if there is one should never be a required course but an elective only.

But I think Bible study as well as groups studying any other religious literature should be allowed in the school for those who want to have it, if not as curriculum then in private groups. And ANY responsible history taught anywhere in the USA will include the affect that JudeoChristian heritage has had on the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our judicial system.
Say who? Is it you, citing you? Its you citing you, isn't it?

Yeah, I'll go with the actual law over some rando on the internet that insists they know better.

No thank you on forcing feeding people your religion against their will.
Do you remotely understand the difference between school vs. public school? Do you remotely understand the meaning and function of an adjective?
Neither do I. But I don't think robbing and murder is a good idea, either.

Then why would you be in support of forcing kids at public schools to consume Christian scripture whether they like it or not?

I don't think liberty means what y'all think it means.
I'm not. Go back to sleep.


FDR, you better start with a more basic poll. Ask people if they think attending public school is a requirement. The people here who say yes will most likely have attended public school.
I was going to say that no one could possibly be this dense, however......

Laughing......try again when you have any rational justification for forcing people to consume Christian scripture.

You're in excellent company. I can't think of a single reason either.
Laughing......try again when you have any rational justification for forcing people to consume Christian scripture.

You're in excellent company. I can't think of a single reason either.
Try again when you learn about adjectives, jokes, or what mandatory school means.
Furthermore, Christianity has played possibly the largest role in shaping the western civilized world. From our moral foundation the way we set up our criminal justice system for example, things like mercy and forgiveness or charity.

Obviously the Eastern world was largely affected and influenced by religions like Islam and Hinduism along with Buddhism. It so happens that the western world has largely been shaped by Christianity.

Its interesting that the number one destination for all immigrants and refugees of the world if they could choose…. is the Christian majority USA. Again the United States is not a theocracy. … also perhaps the greatest middle-class to ever exist in world history occurred in the post World War II era in the United States…. And in the 1940s and 1950s Christianity was even more influential in our society compared to you today.

Christianity was even more influential still when people were property and the US engaged and violently preserved the most brutal tyranny our nation has ever known.

With slavery heartily supported by Christians in the south. And citing your Bible to justify it.

No thank you. Let people choose for themselves if they want to consume your scriptures. If Christianity is as valuable and useful as you seem to think it is, you won't need to force feed it to folks against their will.
Some of the kindest and most hospitable people of American history were Christians.

Think of people who donate to the poor. This has occurred all throughout Christian history, history. From the men and women of Europe, Africa, and all over the world Christian people have set up charities and hospitals and they have been motivated by Jesus to do so.

And they were also motivated by Jesus to conquer other nations in his name, slaughter people, or enslave them. And used your Bible to justify these brutal acts.

Again, let people chose for themselves. Your desire to FORCE folks to consume your scriptures denotes an insecurity and awareness that given the choice, they won't choose your faith. So you have to FORCE feed them.

Which is the very behavior that is eroding interest in your faith.

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