Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

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  • No

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I guess you haven't read about my opinions on Covid, huh? Okay
I probably didn’t. Or I don’t remember. But I assume you might be against the lockdowns?

I Viewed that whole thing as a religion in and of itself. The religion of Covid mandates. Of people believing anything and everything they are told by big media, hollywood and big Pharma when it comes to that issue.

I don’t doubt that Covid was real. It certainly was. I was in the hospital for two months recovering from a horrific car crash in March 2020. And a few floors above me there were people who were dying. I believe it was a bad version of the flu 🤒 people who were susceptible, older, or pre-disposed medical conditions were at high risk.

Looking back at things I knew when they were Republicans and Democrats agreed to print trillions of dollars it was a horrendous mistake. And of course, as we saw the price of homes skyrocketed literally pricing people out of the American dream and that’s an issue to this very day. And we still have high prices from that whole thing.
I don’t think you do. In order for choice it has to be an option. Without that option you don’t have a true choice.

Forcing folks to read your Bible is not 'choice' or 'options'.

Neither of those words mean what you think they mean.
So the crusades were NOT religiously motivated? Southern Christians did NOT cite the Bible and its proscriptions on slavery? The Klan didn't wear Christian crosses when they lynched? And the whipping of slaves WASN'T torture?

And don't get me started on the Amalekites.

Again, we have centuries up centuries of 'good Christians' using their faith to justify all manner of atrocity. If the Bible is a recipe for produced horror for millions.

Let folks choose if they want to read it. Don't force feed your Bible on the unwilling.
I respect different religions. Suggesting that European Christians were violent colonizers or something like that is very bigoted and no different than saying Jews, Indians, or blacks were violent uncivilized people.

So if you assume that I’m some kind of a Christian supremacist you’re wrong. And by the way, if you have a concern, just ask me don’t assume something.

All people, whether they atheist, Jewish, Christian you name it have a history of doing good or bad

During the first crusade, the Knights Hospitaler set up what was thought to be the first hospital in the history of the world. They welcomed Jews and Muslims alike, and they even gave medical treatment to their own enemies. The Muslim chronicler Ibn Jubair visited the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and said that the Muslims there were treated with great respect and dignity. There are some anti-Christian bigoted myths about what the crusades were or how the European Catholics interacted with the people of the Middle East.

Everything that you might assume about me seemingly is wrong. Like these points you’re making about Saudi Arabia, or Christopher Columbus. My opinion on these things come from a position of a good heart.

For example, I don’t know what you think about the people of Saudi Arabia. I know some of them …they are not fanatics. Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest and cleanest countries of the world. It’s not what you think it is. And I would venture to say that there is racism against the Saudi’s based on people who do not have situational awareness and people who have a lack of understanding of different cultures. They just just go by what they’re told by someone in the media or Hollywood.
So the crusades were NOT religiously motivated? Southern Christians did NOT cite the Bible and its proscriptions on slavery? The Klan didn't wear Christian crosses when they lynched? And the whipping of slaves WASN'T torture?

None of that is in the Bible.

As for the OT, yes God was a commander of sorts at that time. And then, as now, He will punish evil. However Christians are not to act as if our enemies are Amalekites, because that time in history is over.

At any rate, like Pharoah, it seems you have hardened your heart and my impression is that, also like Pharoah, God has given you up to it. So there it is.
I respect different religions. Suggesting that European Christians were violent colonizers or something like that is very bigoted and no different than saying Jews, Indians, or blacks were violent uncivilized people.

So you're saying that European Christians didn't commit brutal acts of violence, and didn't colonize?

History is not your friend, Franklin.

So if you assume that I’m some kind of a Christian supremacist you’re wrong. And by the way, if you have a concern, just ask me don’t assume something.

Strawman. I've never once called you a 'christian supremacist'.

I've said that your heart's desire is to FORCE people to consume your scriptures. To FORCE people to read your bible.

And that you demonstrate the actual reason why your faith alienates so many people in the US: the behavior of Christians.

That you believing FORCING people to read your Bible is true and right is a demonstration of why your faith is dwindling in this country.

All people, whether they atheist, Jewish, Christian you name it have a history of doing good or bad

During the first crusade, the Knights Hospitaler set up what was thought to be the first hospital in the history of the world. They welcomed Jews and Muslims alike, and they even gave medical treatment to their own enemies. The Muslim chronicler, even who buyer visited the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and said that the Muslims that are retreated with great respect and dignity. There are some very anti-Christian bigoted myths about what the crusades were or how the European Catholics interacted with the people of the Middle East.

Everything that you might assume about me seemingly is wrong. Like these points you’re making about Saudi Arabia, or Christopher Columbus. All of them for my position to come from a position of a good heart. Seeing the in people.

For example, I don’t know what you think about the people of Saudi Arabia. I know some of them they are not fanatics. Saudi Arabia is one of the wealthiest countries of the world. It’s not what you think it is. And I would venture to say that there is racism against the Saudi’s based on people who do not have awareness and people who have a lack of understanding of different cultures. They just just go by what they’re told by someone in the media or Hollywood.

You're raising the strawman fallacy to an art form. And beating the stuffing out of positions I've never taken.

And welcoming of Jews and Muslims alike, you say? Can you tell us how welcoming the Christians of Spain were to Jews and Muslims under Ferdinand and Isabela?
Two words: Cultural Marxism. Look up a guy named Antonio Gramsci. He was an Italian communist who differed with Marx. Gramsci knew economic Marxism would fail because people like to have stuff. No one wants to wait in line all day for a potato.

Gramsci advanced the idea to backdoor economic Marxism. His idea was to infiltrate institutions: schools, media, sports, business, etc. Gramsci believed that the old guard had to be comprehensively destroyed to implement Marxism. You had to do it gradually and most of the populace would be unwitting accomplices.

Gramsci is why you see things today like choose-your-pronoun, transsexualism, social media censorship, climate alarmists, "happy holidays," MLK day replacing Easter as a day off, and the rest.

A lot of this is laid out in Gramsci's Prison Notebooks.
That is interesting. And your points there’s no doubt that there is a movement by various people in the USA to destroy good moral values that includes Christian values. This is obvious with the public display of men getting naked in front of children. We saw in one video posted here at a public event a man receiving oral sex, and then urinating on another man where there were children present.

So when I hear Christianity is now being taught in public schools in Oklahoma, I think that’s a wonderful thing. Compared to all the filth we have in this country, the high crime rates, the racism of the left, the rise of BLM, and so on and so forth. I would absolutely say teaching Christianity in a public school telling people about the values of helping others, giving to charity, making the world a better place …that certainly doesn’t hurt.

Also the rise of blm, the rise of the insane idea that white people of history were somehow the only people to enslave others is being promoted by people with an agenda. The reality of the matter is that all peoples of history, whether they are black, white, Jewish, Muslim, atheist etc Engaged in criminal actions. There is a history of good and bad stretching across the religions of our world.
None of that is in the Bible.
The crusaders disagreed. The southern pastors and Christian slave owners disagreed. The Klan disagreed.

Where they not Christians? Or are you going to just lean into the No True Scotsman fallacy?
Also the rise of blm, the rise of the insane idea that white people of history were somehow the only people to enslave others is being promoted by people with an agenda. The reality of the matter is that all peoples of history, whether they are black, white, Jewish, Muslim, atheist etc Engaged in criminal actions. There is a history of good and bad stretching across the religions of our world.
Do you honestly believe that 'other people enslaving others' in any way justifies this nation's violent defense of the most vile tyranny imaginable?

Slavery in America was overwhelmingly a white and male proposition. And the legacy of that evil -defended by Christians across the south- is what black folks oppose.

That some Muslim somewhere in history ALSO enslaved someone in no way absolves the southern Christians who eagerly used their faith to justify its practice here.

Or magically changed slave owners in American from overwhelmingly white. And overwhelmingly male.
The crusaders disagreed. The southern pastors and Christian slave owners disagreed. The Klan disagreed.

Where they not Christians? Or are you going to just lean into the No True Scotsman fallacy?

The No True Scotsman fallacy can be a fallacy you know.

It is a fallacy to say No True Scotsman would drink coffee.

It is NOT a fallacy to say No True Scotsman would be born in Cuba, to Cuban parents, whose ancestors have been Cuban for generations.

I'm so freaking tired of internet philosophy.
So when I hear Christianity is now being taught in public schools in Oklahoma, I think that’s a wonderful thing. Compared to all the filth we have in this country, the high crime rates, the racism of the left, the rise of BLM, and so on and so forth. I would absolutely say teaching Christianity in a public school telling people about the values of helping others, giving to charity, making the world a better place …that certainly doesn’t hurt.

Of course you think its a wonderful thing. Its your heart's desire to FORCE people to consume your scriptures, whether they want it or not.

And are these the same 'values' that produced segregation, slavery, rape, murder, mutilation, and systematic torture? Centuries of OWNERSHIP of other people?

Again, Southern Christians were Christians. They prayed, they read the Bible, they used it to justify their actions. If you want us to judge Christianity by the behavior of Christians, then you can hardly ignore centuries of the most vile tyranny practiced by Christians in this country.
Of course you think its a wonderful thing. Its your heart's desire to FORCE people to consume your scriptures, whether they want it or not.

And are these the same 'values' that produced segregation, slavery, rape, murder, mutilation, and systematic torture? Centuries of OWNERSHIP of other people?

Again, Southern Christians were Christians. They prayed, they read the Bible, they used it to justify their actions. If you want us to judge Christianity by the behavior of Christians, then you can hardly ignore centuries of the most vile tyranny practiced by Christians in this country.

He's asking you to judge by their good behavior and you're asking him to judge by the bad. Really you're both yapping about the different sides of the same coin.
The No True Scotsman fallacy can be a fallacy you know.

It is a fallacy to say No True Scotsman would drink coffee.

It is NOT a fallacy to say No True Scotsman would be born in Cuba, to Cuban parents, whose ancestors have been Cuban for generations.

I'm so freaking tired of internet philosophy.

Uh-huh. So are you saying that the Crusaders weren't Christians? That the Klan weren't Christians? That the southern slave owners and southern Christian pastors who used to the Bible to justify slavery weren't Christians?

You've got to either acknowledge history and the fruits of your faith.....or jump headlong into the No True Scotsman fallacy.

Pick which.
Uh-huh. So are you saying that the Crusaders weren't Christians? That the Klan weren't Christians? That the southern slave owners and southern Christian pastors who used to the Bible to justify slavery weren't Christians?

You've got to either acknowledge history and the fruits of your faith.....or jump headlong into the No True Scotsman fallacy.

Pick which.

Honey you don't need me for this. Carry on.

I just think internet philosophy should be left back in like 2006 where it belongs.
He's asking you to judge by their good behavior and you're asking him to judge by the bad. Really you're both yapping about the different sides of the same coin.

He's asking me to IGNORE centuries of the fruits of your faith. Genocides. Murders. Rape. Mutilation. Slavery. Oppression. Segregation. Lynchings. Crusades.

Um, no.

You can't use 'all the good Christians have done' as justification to FORCE people to consume your scriptures. And you certainly can't do it while ignoring all the harm 'good Christians' have inflicted on the world, using their Bible to justify it.
Honey you don't need me for this. Carry on.

I just think internet philosophy should be left back in like 2006 where it belongs.

Laughing....quite the corner you've painted yourself into, Sue.

Give me a holler if you ever manage to figure out that Crusaders were Christians, that the Klan were Christians, that the southern slave owners and southern Christian pastors who used to the Bible to justify slavery were Christians.

I don't want the Bible they used to justify centuries of atrocities forced on anyone. If its as useful as y'all seem to think it is, you won't need the coercion.
Laughing....quite the corner you've painted yourself into, Sue.

Give me a holler if you ever manage to figure out that Crusaders were Christians, that the Klan were Christians, that the southern slave owners and southern Christian pastors who used to the Bible to justify slavery were Christians.

You won't listen. You've hardened your heart, and God is letting you. Go your way. I just read the Bible verse in Luke in my reading yesterday: wipe the dust off your feet and move on. Bye
You won't listen. You've hardened your heart, and God is letting you. Go your way. I just read the Bible verse in Luke in my reading yesterday: wipe the dust off your feet and move on. Bye
More accurately, I refuse to ignore centuries of the fruits of your faith. The atrocities. The mutilations. The enslavement. The rapes. The murders. The genocides. The most vile tyranny....for centuries.

You can pretend that none of it happened, or that none of them were Christians. But history tells a very different story.

I'll be here if you ever muster the courage to face the reality of it.
More accurately, I refuse to ignore centuries of the fruits of your faith. The atrocities. The mutilations. The enslavement. The rapes. The murders. The genocides. The most vile tyranny....for centuries.

You can pretend that none of it happened, or that none of them were Christians. But history tells a very different story.

I'll be here if you ever muster the courage to face the reality of it.

You're wrong, and I don't care where you are.
You're wrong, and I don't care where you are.

Your willful ignorance doesn't make centuries and centuries of oppression, rape, enslavement and murder at the hands of 'good Christians' just disappear.

The world is still here, even when you close your eyes.
Your willful ignorance doesn't make centuries and centuries of oppression, rape, enslavement and murder at the hands of 'good Christians' just disappear.

The world is still here, even when you close your eyes.

Last word syndrome, eh?

Last word

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