Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

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Some of the kindest and most hospitable people of American history were Christians.

Think of people who donate to the poor. This has occurred all throughout Christian history, history. From the men and women of Europe, Africa, and all over the world Christian people have set up charities and hospitals and they have been motivated by Jesus to do so.

Yes, Christianity changes hearts, souls, lives and civilizations. I'm a Christian and I accept this as obvious and true.


You do not coerce, or really even entice, people to Jesus. In the end only the Holy Spirit can do that. I do not like using the Bible, Christianity, and Jesus Christ as tools to get to a political end, as in, "I'm really ticked off about drag queens in schools, so let's put the Bible there instead". Yes, the Bible is preferable to drag queens, but if it's not taught by, and received by, Spirit-filled Christians it's being used as a political cudgel.

I'm happiest when the schools do not PROHIBIT God--and they should not, btw--but when they do not promote one religion over another.
Yes, Christianity changes hearts, souls, lives and civilizations. I'm a Christian and I accept this as obvious and true.


You do not coerce, or really even entice, people to Jesus. In the end only the Holy Spirit can do that. I do not like using the Bible, Christianity, and Jesus Christ as tools to get to a political end, as in, "I'm really ticked off about drag queens in schools, so let's put the Bible there instead". Yes, the Bible is preferable to drag queens, but if it's not taught by, and received by, Spirit-filled Christians it's being used as a political cudgel.

I'm happiest when the schools do not PROHIBIT God--and they should not, btw--but when they do not promote one religion over another.

And this denotes a degree of faith in one's faith. Where as Franklin's call to FORCE people to consume Christian scripture denotes a lack of it.

If Christianity is as useful and valuable as some here seem to think it is, you don't need to force feed it to people against their will.
And this denotes a degree of faith in one's faith. Where as Franklin's call to FORCE people to consume Christian scripture denotes a lack of it.

If Christianity is as useful and valuable as some here seem to think it is, you don't need to force feed it to people against their will.

Those with ears to hear, will hear. As Jesus said.


If children are given a free reading/writing assignment and want to write about their faith, they can. That's their first amendment right. Many of the Left side think the schools must be scrubbed free of religion. That's not true. I just cannot promote one.
And they were also motivated by Jesus to conquer other nations in his name, slaughter people, or enslave them. And used your Bible to justify these brutal acts.

Again, let people chose for themselves. Your desire to FORCE folks to consume your scriptures denotes an insecurity and awareness that given the choice, they won't choose your faith. So you have to FORCE feed them.

Which is the very behavior that is eroding interest in your faith.
Conquerors of all religions have cited their holy books in conquest. Baby-bath water.
Those with ears to hear, will hear. As Jesus said.


If children are given a free reading/writing assignment and want to write about their faith, they can. That's their first amendment right. Many of the Left side think the schools must be scrubbed free of religion. That's not true. I just cannot promote one.

Its not the students expressing their religious faith that most on the Left object to. Its the teachers and public schools forcing it on the students.

That is not the 1st amendment.
Like Christopher Columbus, one of the exemplary Christians you cited earlier?
Many Christians of history. Right now in Africa there are many wonderful Christian women building hospitals, spending a lot of their time teaching kids to read help out disabled people. This is the beautiful value of the faith of Christianity.

Skyler, I’ve seen you have a history of ignoring points. Cutting up posts and what not and that’s all good. But everybody can see what you’ve been saying and I’ve been been saying… nobody in the USA is forced to be a Christian. You are incorrect when you suggest that Christianity is being forced upon people.

Christopher Columbus helped bring the European people over to this country. The western world that is to say the Americas were largely unknown and not even thought of by the European population during the era of Columbus. The United States is a country largely based upon Christian European values. We are still to this very day a Christian majority country.
Like Christopher Columbus, one of the exemplary Christians you cited earlier?
Skylar ,

Christopher Columbus was no better or worse than any Indian, Jew, or Asian of his time. he is unjustly vilified by people who sometimes are motivated by anti-Catholic hatred. There are many myths about Columbus largely based upon the black legend, if you know what that is.
Wanted to see what the members of the US message or thought about this issue.

I vote yes because the USA is a Christian majority country and Christianity has profoundly affected our country. And this is not the same thing as forcing somebody to become a Christian. None of the students are being forced to become Christian. They are some being taught about a religion, which is a major part of American history.
It’s in many areas of life. It is truly a part of the US culture, even though we are technically not at theocracy.

And here’s a critical point that some folks who are reactionaries will not get to or will not have read this far. I would say the same thing in a Muslim majority country or Jewish majority country..meaning if they mandated teaching about the Islamic religion or Jewish religion at public schools… I would not oppose it. This is the response to those who will say “well why not teach about Satanism or something like that in public schools”

Another thought:

I really, really, really, REALLY do not want unbelievers teaching the Bible to children. The Bible illiteracy is rampant, to the point people look at the evil done in the Bible like it's a "gotcha" rather than....the point? Yes, the point is, we are bad? We are sinners?

So, again, this is a hard pass for me.

Instead, I have Bible verses posted at my computer and I pray at school all the time. Sometimes I turn off the mic and mutter "Jesus I need patience RIGHT NOW because this child is coming to tattle for the 5,734 time and I just can't right now" o_O:hands:
If someone suggested Moslemism be mandated, the Marxist libs would be all for it.
It certainly is true that an element of the radical left-wing is sympathetic toward non-Christians.

I don’t get it. It doesn’t make much sense. Because much of the refugees coming from Central and southern America are developed Christians.

The majority of the USA is Christian. Christianity is still a big part of life of the American people. I just don’t understand the radical left-wing atheists. These are not the same thing as non-radical atheists. But the radical left atheists apparently don’t believe in respecting traditions or the majority culture of the country they are living in. That doesn’t make sense if they were over in a country like Thailand hopefully they respect Buddhism.
Many Christians of history. Right now in Africa there are many wonderful Christian women building hospitals, spending a lot of their time teaching kids to read help out disabled people. This is the beautiful value of the faith of Christianity.

Skyler, I’ve seen you have a history of ignoring points. Cutting up posts and what not and that’s all good. But everybody can see what you’ve been saying. I’ve been been saying

I'm not going to address every single sentence of every single post. That's an unrealistic expectation to have of anyone.

And I've addressed many of your points specifically. I'm citing the notable Christians you've cited.

Shall we take a look at the life of Christopher Columbus? His murders, his tyranny, his enslavement of people? His petty tenure as a govenor?

If we are to judge Christianity by the behavior of can't ignore centuries of the most brutal tyranny justified by your faith.

Nor can you just gloss over centuries of slavery that Christian pastors and Christian churches across the south used the Bible to excuse.

These are all as much the product of your faith as those nice ladies in Africa.
Instead, I have Bible verses posted at my computer and I pray at school all the time. Sometimes I turn off the mic and mutter "Jesus I need patience RIGHT NOW because this child is coming to tattle for the 5,734 time and I just can't right now" o_O:hands:
Tell that kid, "Snitches get stitches!?
Another thought:

I really, really, really, REALLY do not want unbelievers teaching the Bible to children. The Bible illiteracy is rampant, to the point people look at the evil done in the Bible like it's a "gotcha" rather than....the point? Yes, the point is, we are bad? We are sinners?

So, again, this is a hard pass for me.

Instead, I have Bible verses posted at my computer and I pray at school all the time. Sometimes I turn off the mic and mutter "Jesus I need patience RIGHT NOW because this child is coming to tattle for the 5,734 time and I just can't right now" o_O:hands:
That is a valid point. But Christianity is seemingly more popular and southern USA compared to hard-core liberal areas like in New York City or San Francisco. So there’s a really good chance that you’re gonna have a Christian teacher who is teaching about the Bible or the 10 Commandments in any event.

Anyways, most American people, regardless of the religion are nice hospitable people. At least that’s what I believe and I’ve traveled all across this country from New York all the way to Las Vegas. So even if it’s a non-Christian teaching about Christianity or the 10 Commandments I think it’s OK.
It certainly is true that an element of the radical left-wing is sympathetic toward non-Christians.

I don’t get it. It doesn’t make much sense. Because much of the refugees coming from Central and southern America are developed Christians.

The majority of the USA is Christian. Christianity is still a big part of life of the American people. I just don’t understand the radical left-wing atheists. These are not the same thing as non-radical atheists. But the radical left atheists apparently don’t believe in respecting traditions or the majority culture of the country they are living in. That doesn’t make sense if they were over in a country like Thailand hopefully they respect Buddhism.

Again, if your faith has value, you won't need to force it on folks. That you think you must demonstrates the actual reason that Christianity is dwindling in the US: the behavior of Christians.

Like, say, forcing people to consume your scriptures against their will.
I'm not going to address every single sentence of every single post. That's an unrealistic expectation to have of anyone.

And I've addressed many of your points specifically. I'm citing the notable Christians you've cited.

Shall we take a look at the life of Christopher Columbus? His murders, his tyranny, his enslavement of people? His petty tenure as a govenor?

If we are to judge Christianity by the behavior of can't ignore centuries of the most brutal tyranny justified by your faith.

Nor can you just gloss over centuries of slavery that Christian pastors and Christian churches across the south used the Bible to excuse.

These are all as much the product of your faith as those nice ladies in Africa.
The slavery is a worldwide issue to this very day. And it was a worldwide issue in the past practice by Jews, Muslims, Hindus, pagans, and atheists

During the American Civil War people sided the Bible for ending slavery and supporting slavery. I can recognize that there have been good Christians and bad Christian throat history. I can recognize the same thing with Muslims and Jews and people of any faith.
Again, if your faith has value, you won't need to force it on folks. That you think you must demonstrates the actual reason that Christianity is dwindling in the US: the behavior of Christians.

Like, say, forcing people to consume your scriptures against their will.
Nobody is forced to become Christian in the USA .

And in Saudi Arabia people are constantly surrounded by Islam and the faith of the Muslims. But there’s actually of course many western Christians living in Saudi Arabia and making great money. Yeah, there’s so many wonderful beautiful people in Saudi Arabia and India and Thailand. I’ve traveled to the other side of the world, and I recognize that there are good people in different cultures.

It’s the Christian religion that teaches me to respect other people regardless of their faith.
Again, if your faith has value, you won't need to force it on folks. That you think you must demonstrates the actual reason that Christianity is dwindling in the US: the behavior of Christians.

Like, say, forcing people to consume your scriptures against their will.

I am an actual schoolmarm and I talk way less about "behavior" than your average liberal. It's amusing though, I'll give them that. The "sex drug and rock and roll" hippies turned into the worst hall monitors in what, 40 years?
Nobody is forced to become Christian

But in your scenario, your heart's desire is to FORCE people to consume your scriptures. FORCE them to read your Bible.

That denotes a profound lack of faith in your own religion. If Christianity and the Bible were as a valuable as you seem to think it is, you wouldn't need to FORCE people to consume it.

And yet, you think force exactly that is right and true. And demonstrate the reason that your faith is dwindling in the US: the behavior of Christians.

And Saudi Arabia people are constantly surrounded by Islam and the faith of the Muslims. But there’s actually of course many western Christians living in Saudi Arabia and making great money. Yeah, there’s so many wonderful beautiful people in Saudi Arabia and India and Thailand. I’ve traveled to the other side of the world, and I recognize that there are good people in different cultures.

We are not Saudi Arabia. Nor should we be more like them.
Those with ears to hear, will hear. As Jesus said.


If children are given a free reading/writing assignment and want to write about their faith, they can. That's their first amendment right. Many of the Left side think the schools must be scrubbed free of religion. That's not true. I just cannot promote one.
Societies across the world are influenced by different religions and cultural practices. Perhaps you believe in the religion of Anthony Fauci, forcing people to wear a mask telling parents to put a mask on their two-year-old. Or the religion of radical atheism.

The Christian faith has played a role in building hospitals and teaching people to be nice to others. Many people across the world who decide to give the charity or help others say they do so, because they are motivated by the teachings of Jesus.
But in your scenario, your heart's desire is to FORCE people to consume your scriptures. FORCE them to read your Bible.

That denotes a profound lack of faith in your own religion. If Christianity and the Bible were as a valuable as you seem to think it is, you wouldn't need to FORCE people to consume it.

And yet, you think force exactly that is right and true. And demonstrate the reason that your faith is dwindling in the US: the behavior of Christians.

We are not Saudi Arabia. Nor should we be more like them.
This is kind of what I’m talking about. I would’ve thought you were a left-wing type of person at least it seems like that based on all of your postings. So like me, you respect different religions and cultural systems of our world yes? Including Islam?

There’s bad people in every country. There’s bad atheists, bad Muslims, bad Christians. But there’s good everywhere too.

And your point here about Saudi Arabia is way too short and not appropriate considering the many points I made. What are you against the people of Saudi Arabia? Are you trying to tell me the average Saudi man or woman is not a good person? I know some of these people they’re wonderful people. They’re totally fine with Christians and they even will say merry Christmas.
But in your scenario, your heart's desire is to FORCE people to consume your scriptures. FORCE them to read your Bible.

That denotes a profound lack of faith in your own religion. If Christianity and the Bible were as a valuable as you seem to think it is, you wouldn't need to FORCE people to consume it.

And yet, you think force exactly that is right and true. And demonstrate the reason that your faith is dwindling in the US: the behavior of Christians.

We are not Saudi Arabia. Nor should we be more like them.
I’m no longer responding to this point of yours of “forcing Christianity”. Nobody is being forced to become Christian in the USA. Teaching somebody about the Bible is entirely different from threatening them with a jail sentence for example for not converting to Christianity.

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