Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?

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  • No

  • Undecided

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The Ten Commandments are not uniform in the Bible, or in translation, and there are a couple that are purely religion based, but setting those aside for a moment, they would be the foundation of a great little HS course on moral and ethical life practices. Dennis Prager has written a wonderful little pamphlet on the Ten Commandments and their ramifications.

In my mind, it would be entirely appropriate to teach HS Seniors a course on morals and ethics, with a major focus on prominent areas of our culture where lying is routine and accepted...advertising, legal advocacy, politics. Students should be advised to take such communications with the proverbial grain of salt, and to explore the facts more deeply on their own, so as not to be misled.

Do any public schools formally teach such a thing? I rather doubt it.

That's a good idea... concentrate on ethics.
Is it even stupidity? To me it's just laziness. People who can't be bothered to look things up even when they have all the tools right there at the tips of their fingers.
"Looking things up" doesn't help in this case. There is nothing there that indicates that the Christian religion is responsible for crime.

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