Facts About the Vietnam War that Liberal Historians Ignore

Very interesting, of course as a 19 year old lad like most of us we were not politically aware, too interested in girls and music,
I doubt much has changed. It's true that teenagers of today ought to know more about the political situation but I'm sure it's just a matter of what's popular within their group. I might say that much depends upon your country but I've had to give that idea up (I've been in Sweden now for more than 40 years) and I've seen the madness Greta Thunberg spouts.
Bolton is only 20 miles from where i live, have you ever heard of the Bolton legend Fred Dibnha? i believe he was quite mad.
I've been to the UK but never to Bolton. In fact the only thing I "knew" (for many, many years) was how many holes in Bolton Lancashire it took to fill the Albert Hall but only after a lo-o-o-o-ng time afterword did I realize the holes weren't in Bolton at all but in Blackburn! Oh well.
Sorry, but I don't buy into your far leftist revision of history.
Far left :abgg2q.jpg: the actions of several American Governments after Vietnam prove my point, and some Americans still believe Vietnam war was the right thing to do, probably by most who were there and just can't admit they were lied to and fooled.
I doubt much has changed. It's true that teenagers of today ought to know more about the political situation but I'm sure it's just a matter of what's popular within their group. I might say that much depends upon your country but I've had to give that idea up (I've been in Sweden now for more than 40 years) and I've seen the madness Greta Thunberg spouts.

I've been to the UK but never to Bolton. In fact the only thing I "knew" (for many, many years) was how many holes in Bolton Lancashire it took to fill the Albert Hall but only after a lo-o-o-o-ng time afterword did I realize the holes weren't in Bolton at all but in Blackburn! Oh well.
This is the story of Fred Dibnah Bolton legend, as for holes in roads it has not improved much since.
Far left :abgg2q.jpg: the actions of several American Governments after Vietnam prove my point, and some Americans still believe Vietnam war was the right thing to do, probably by most who were there and just can't admit they were lied to and fooled.
He's just winding you up.

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