Facts About the Vietnam War that Liberal Historians Ignore

That's the problem weaponized ignorance, he should read the book by Smedley Butler US Marine General, War is a racket, then he will understand who and what the industrial military complex is ...
That would require a certain level of literacy, don't you think?

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Did they? collaborators tend to be killed it happened in WW2.
It’s funny, the ARVNs and US military didn’t go around killing collaborators. And if you are going to come back with the photo in the Tet Offensive, that guy was a PRVN senior officer captured in civilian clothes killing “collaborators”.
They didn't play by your rules, because your rules were no rules, Vietnam is about 12 thousand miles from the US, WTF were you even doing there? did you ever ask yourself that?
What were YOUR rules in Malaysia? What were you doing there? You had less excuse to be there than we did to be in Vietnam. Both Vietnam and the USA were SEATO members and our assistance was requested by the legitimate sitting government.
You are stupid. Whole Vietnamese villages of civilians were destroyed and the inhabitants massacred just for having a cache of rice.
Bullshit. My Lai was publicized because it was such an abnormal event. The US couldn’t have hidden atrocities committed by forces that were largely composed of draftees.
Lying doesn't bother you in the least does it.
The Republic of Vietnam was as legitimate as the People’s Republic of Vietnam. Just like the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Post WWI the communists tried to set up a bunch of tyrannies claiming to legitimately represent the people; none of them did. Uncle Ho refused a fair election supervised by the UN. He insisted that he would only participate in one supervised by communist stooges and not open to investigation.
Lying doesn't bother you in the least does it.
The Republic of Vietnam was as legitimate .....
No, it wasn't
.... the Republic of Korea ...
Yes, it is.
... the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Yes, it is.
Post WWI the communists tried to set up a bunch of tyrannies claiming to legitimately represent the people; none of them did.
You are stupid.
Uncle Ho refused a fair election supervised by the UN.
You are a liar.
He insisted that he would only participate in one supervised by communist stooges and not open to investigation.
You are a liar.
What were YOUR rules in Malaysia? What were you doing there? You had less excuse to be there than we did to be in Vietnam. Both Vietnam and the USA were SEATO members and our assistance was requested by the legitimate sitting government.
The so called Government in Vietnam wasn't legitimate, as for Malaya i aggree we shouldn't have been there, like many other places it was the final death throws of British Imperialism, but there are those who still think we are an Imperial power, or should be.
Bullshit. My Lai was publicized because it was such an abnormal event. The US couldn’t have hidden atrocities committed by forces that were largely composed of draftees.
That crime was shown because a journalist Semour Hersh exposed it, just like Assange exposed war crimes,also did you miss the phoenix program ? didn't torture and murder prisoners, pull the other one it's got bells on :abgg2q.jpg:
Bullshit. My Lai was publicized because it was such an abnormal event. The US couldn’t have hidden atrocities committed by forces that were largely composed of draftees.
Yeah because bombing the fuck out of civilians since WWII by the US military is so abnormal…LMFAO.

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