You can't be president until you are 35. Is it time to have an upper limit on age?

It's not just about age, it's about the media that always has been on the side of the democrat party for the last hundred years. The Media knew that Woodrow Wilson had a debilitating stroke but kept it a secret from the American public. The media knew that FDR was a dying man who would not live to complete his 4th term but they kept it a secret so that democrats could hand pick his successor, Harry Truman.
I pinpoint the Democrats utter control of the media to be during FDR. He lasted a very long time in office. The media is currently trying to elect Biden. The programs talking of the alleged debate favor Biden by the Media. Why did Democrats convict Trump? The media explains it. They want Biden to stay in office. This nation was never created to make the Media our masters.
Here I am almost 86 and quite lucid and intelligent. But I bring up Presidents age.
Presidents are banned from being president until they are 35. Why this age? I believe the founders believed at 35 you can take on hard tasks. Presidents do not become presidents by accident. They live with goals and plans all over the place they intend to try. Failed candidates got there by having clear plans. They failed but not because they lacked goals and plans.

How about dealing with advanced age? I know that waking up daily is wonderful. I would be stupid not to think of dying. I don't focus on this. But it is a fact of how humans end up at the end. They die.

Think of presidents who have died in office. To replace say FDR with Truman meant Truman was not up to speed on what FDR was. They put less trust in VPs than commonly believed.

Is it time to have an upper limit for presidents as to age?
I want to hear from serious posters.
Supposedly voters decide if someone is too old or not. Age is but a number. Just because you are around 80 doesn't mean you aren't sharp. Unfortunately for democrats, Biden is ready for the nursing home.
Supposedly voters decide if someone is too old or not. Age is but a number. Just because you are around 80 doesn't mean you aren't sharp. Unfortunately for democrats, Biden is ready for the nursing home.
The way Government is set up, I can't see how voters can be very involved. Because the changers to the constitution are those clowns in the Congress. And they have a bad habit of paying us no attention. Democrats allege we are a Democracy for one reason. To fool us into thinking we actually matter for things done by the Congress.

It would be like we tell Children they are in charge. How silly.
Not without a constitutional amendment. With that provision, I certainly agree they should look at it.
They being the Congress? With the Democrats blocking that, would the change stand a chance? Democrats block securing our border for one example. Don't be fooled by the Senate bill. It was the House Bill HR2 blocked by the Democrats.

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