Tucker Carlson highlights new January 6 documentary: ‘Everything you have heard is a lie’

TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO: Did the government plant the pipe bomb at the DNC?

21 Jan 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widberg

Ever since January 6, 2021, Darren Beattie has been investigating the events of that day with the persistence of a bloodhound on the scent. One of the narratives that’s kept his attention is the story of the pipe bombs found at the RNC and DNC headquarters. Intriguingly, while the FBI has managed to use cell phones and videos to capture every grandma from Dubuque who set foot near the Capitol building, it’s been completely unable to catch that pipe bomber. According to Battie, that’s because the government already knows who set the pipe bomb: The government itself.
Beattie appeared on Tucker Carlson to dissect newly-released video of the scene and to explain why he believes the pipe bomb narrative is a hoax meant to discredit Trump supporters by implying that they unsuccessfully tried to blow up institutions hostile to Donald Trump (i.e., not just the DNC but also the RNC). Beattie makes a very good case.


What should happen at this moment is an absolute explosion of motion. After all, as Kamala Harris’s office finally acknowledged months later, the Vice President of the United States was in the DNC building. Moreover, the alleged bomb is within roughly 10 yards of the two SUVs. According to the DHS, ten yards is not far enough for safety:
If any type of bomb is suspected, typical recommendations are to keep all people at a minimum evacuation distance until authorized bomb disposal personnel arrive. For a pipe bomb, the US Department of Homeland Security recommends a minimum of 21 m (69 ft), and an outdoors distance of 366 m (1,201 ft).
Instead, a minute or so goes by while nothing happens. Then, police officers and Secret Service agents emerge at a leisurely pace from the SUVs and kind of stand around. A group of school children walks within feet of what law enforcement has been told is a pipe bomb, and the officers and agents do nothing at all. One of them eventually walks over and takes a photo of the pipe that may be a bomb. Only later does a robot defuse it.
I have a decent imagination, but I can’t think of more than two ways to account for the strange behavior the video shows. The first way is that the D.C. police and the Secret Service are as stupid and ineffective as the Keystone Kops, although they display lethargy where the Kops were all about kinetic energy. The second way is Darren Beattie’s way: The cops knew that the pipe bomb was a fake.

Shakespeare once wrote that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” The state of Denmark, as it turns out, though, has nothing on the federal government in Washington, D.C.

Under the Biden regime, the DoJ and FBI have gutted the 9th and 10th amendments to the Constitution. The 'Big fish' consuming small fish means the feds have fewer fish to control. Just one of the goals of the recent pandemic.
The level of government corruption at this point is so deep it is probably impossible to fix. But we have to try.
This is why we need to bring Trump over the finish line. DJT is the only guy with a snowball's chance in hell of curtailing the rot. Of course we will be reminded by the useful idiots that DJT is not perfect. But fact that is he is so despised by the barnacle scum make him the perfect guy.

TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO: Did the government plant the pipe bomb at the DNC?

21 Jan 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widberg

Ever since January 6, 2021, Darren Beattie has been investigating the events of that day with the persistence of a bloodhound on the scent. One of the narratives that’s kept his attention is the story of the pipe bombs found at the RNC and DNC headquarters. Intriguingly, while the FBI has managed to use cell phones and videos to capture every grandma from Dubuque who set foot near the Capitol building, it’s been completely unable to catch that pipe bomber. According to Battie, that’s because the government already knows who set the pipe bomb: The government itself.
Beattie appeared on Tucker Carlson to dissect newly-released video of the scene and to explain why he believes the pipe bomb narrative is a hoax meant to discredit Trump supporters by implying that they unsuccessfully tried to blow up institutions hostile to Donald Trump (i.e., not just the DNC but also the RNC). Beattie makes a very good case.


What should happen at this moment is an absolute explosion of motion. After all, as Kamala Harris’s office finally acknowledged months later, the Vice President of the United States was in the DNC building. Moreover, the alleged bomb is within roughly 10 yards of the two SUVs. According to the DHS, ten yards is not far enough for safety:
If any type of bomb is suspected, typical recommendations are to keep all people at a minimum evacuation distance until authorized bomb disposal personnel arrive. For a pipe bomb, the US Department of Homeland Security recommends a minimum of 21 m (69 ft), and an outdoors distance of 366 m (1,201 ft).
Instead, a minute or so goes by while nothing happens. Then, police officers and Secret Service agents emerge at a leisurely pace from the SUVs and kind of stand around. A group of school children walks within feet of what law enforcement has been told is a pipe bomb, and the officers and agents do nothing at all. One of them eventually walks over and takes a photo of the pipe that may be a bomb. Only later does a robot defuse it.
I have a decent imagination, but I can’t think of more than two ways to account for the strange behavior the video shows. The first way is that the D.C. police and the Secret Service are as stupid and ineffective as the Keystone Kops, although they display lethargy where the Kops were all about kinetic energy. The second way is Darren Beattie’s way: The cops knew that the pipe bomb was a fake.

Shakespeare once wrote that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” The state of Denmark, as it turns out, though, has nothing on the federal government in Washington, D.C.

Under the Biden regime, the DoJ and FBI have gutted the 9th and 10th amendments to the Constitution. The 'Big fish' consuming small fish means the feds have fewer fish to control. Just one of the goals of the recent pandemic.
The level of government corruption at this point is so deep it is probably impossible to fix. But we have to try.
This is why we need to bring Trump over the finish line. DJT is the only guy with a snowball's chance in hell of curtailing the rot. Of course we will be reminded by the useful idiots that DJT is not perfect. But fact that is he is so despised by the barnacle scum make him the perfect guy.

If Tucker said it, that raises the chances it’s BULLSHIT!

Tucker Carlson highlights new January 6 documentary:

‘Everything you have heard is a lie’

Our leadership class is poisonous, power mad and dangerous,’ Carlson said. And this is not the case for ‘the people who showed up at the Capitol to protest the theft of their democratic election.’
18 Jan 2024 ~~ By Patrick Delaney

(LifeSiteNews) — Tucker Carlson promoted a new independent documentary on the January 6, 2021, disturbance that he said “should be the most famous film in the United States” as it “shows you what actually happened at the [U.S.] Capitol” that day.
For the last three years, the media and the political “uniparty” made up of Democrats and Republican leadership has worked diligently to project and maintain a narrative that January 6 was an “armed insurrection” against the government of the United States led by President Donald Trump, Carlson explained in a January 8 commentary on his own new network.

The reasons for this are “because January 6th is a perfect way” for this ruling class “to get what it wants: to suppress the population, to keep Donald Trump from running for president again, and to put its enemies in jail,” Carlson explained.
And they have been successful at keeping many Americans in the dark on this by limiting what can be seen from that day’s events, he argued.
Yet, ironically, “there’s probably no event in American history that was filmed by more people from more angles than January 6,” the former cable news star said. “And yet, until very recently, no one had put together a timeline” of that day’s events.
Despite the fact that the current Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, continues to suppress “to some extent” the U.S. Capitol’s surveillance video footage, “there’s still enough in the public domain that a group of filmmakers decided to put it all together,” Carlson explained.

Contrary to the narrative put out by what Carlson calls “The January 6th special commission, the Fake Committee of Liars, who ‘investigated January 6th,’” the protesters did not “surge” to breach the Capitol after a 2:24 p.m. tweet by President Trump, but rather the Metro police at that moment “accidently teargassed themselves” and ran away from the scene. “And that left a path to the Capitol wide open,” he said.
In providing some other highlights of the film, Carlson noted how “there were more than 200 plainclothes federal informants in the crowd. Some of them were already inside the Capitol before it was ‘breached,’” he mocked, “before law enforcement opened the doors for the protesters, in some cases.” And given the inside presence of some of these agents, the host encouraged his viewers to “draw your own conclusions” on the purpose of this deployment.
Furthermore, the video appears to confirm that police violated the law when they failed to provide the crowd with the required three “clearly audible and understandable orders to disperse” before utilizing munitions upon them, which aggravated the crowd and injured many.
“So, you may have concluded correctly that virtually everything you have heard screamed at you for three years about January 6th is a lie, and this tape proves it,” Carlson concluded. “It’s an hour long. It is well worth your time. We hope every American watches it and draws the obvious conclusion, which is that our leadership class is poisonous, power mad and dangerous. They’re the dangerous ones, not the people who showed up at the Capitol to protest the theft of their democratic election.”

The Democrat C{USA version of Jan 6th is a lie and most know it and are appalled by the persecution of American citizens. The more citizens senile Joe falsely imprisons only guarantees the crowds will start showing up at politicians’ houses, and not with just pitch forks, feathers and tar.
History confirms this, rising taxes, trashed economy, unemployment, inflation, government overreach and way out of control, and now false imprisonment of citizens, not a formula for longevity. Any historian can see how it ends.

We didn't hear it fucker carlson.

We watched it real time.
If Tucker said it, that raises the chances it’s BULLSHIT!
That's putting it mildly. If you "heard it from Tucker", the question is, why the fuck were you listening to Tucker?

This clown did his best work across from Jon Stewart.
“The West still thinks that time is on our side. I think the opposite is true. I think that time is on the side of the Russians, and the longer the war goes on, the more people will die, and the balance of power will not change in Ukraine’s favor."— Victor Orba

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What else are the people in the street going to say, when your opinion can get you arrested? IMO, Tucker is just Trump’s messenger boy telling Putin funding for Ukraine was blocked, but “we told ‘em it was about the border”. :abgg2q.jpg:
Then this ought to tickle you Putin lovers, shitless.
Nice deflection….Who’s worse for America…..Putin or Mexico’s people?
Remember when Putin killed Laken Riley and Mollie Tibbets? Remember when Putin ruined our public school system and our healthcare system? Remember when Putin ran negroes from their jobs and neighborhoods? Remember when Putin robbed negroes of welfare?
Remember when Putin invaded Mexifornia, AZ, NV, NM and much of Texas and planted litters of Dem voting, free shit begging silver tooth money trees/anchor babies to win elections?
but but but….”THREAT TO DEMOCRACY”!!!!
Nice deflection….Who’s worse for America…..Putin or Mexico’s people?
Remember when Putin killed Laken Riley and Mollie Tibbets? Remember when Putin ruined our public school system and our healthcare system? Remember when Putin ran negroes from their jobs and neighborhoods? Remember when Putin robbed negroes of welfare?
Remember when Putin invaded Mexifornia, AZ, NV, NM and much of Texas and planted litters of Dem voting, free shit begging silver tooth money trees/anchor babies to win elections?
but but but….”THREAT TO DEMOCRACY”!!!!
No Deflection. It is a thread on Tucker, who soft interviewed Putin and is now a hero to the Russians. Why are you deflecting by bringing up Mexico? If you cannot handle the thread topic, simply bow out.
No Deflection. It is a thread on Tucker, who soft interviewed Putin and is now a hero to the Russians. Why are you deflecting by bringing up Mexico? If you cannot handle the thread topic, simply bow out.
You tried to hijack the thread by poking fun and I poked fun at your foolishness.
Just get your shit right and stop being all butt-hurt and defensive….It’s so easy to be legit. Try it.

Tucker Carlson highlights new January 6 documentary:

‘Everything you have heard is a lie’

Our leadership class is poisonous, power mad and dangerous,’ Carlson said. And this is not the case for ‘the people who showed up at the Capitol to protest the theft of their democratic election.’
18 Jan 2024 ~~ By Patrick Delaney

(LifeSiteNews) — Tucker Carlson promoted a new independent documentary on the January 6, 2021, disturbance that he said “should be the most famous film in the United States” as it “shows you what actually happened at the [U.S.] Capitol” that day.
For the last three years, the media and the political “uniparty” made up of Democrats and Republican leadership has worked diligently to project and maintain a narrative that January 6 was an “armed insurrection” against the government of the United States led by President Donald Trump, Carlson explained in a January 8 commentary on his own new network.

The reasons for this are “because January 6th is a perfect way” for this ruling class “to get what it wants: to suppress the population, to keep Donald Trump from running for president again, and to put its enemies in jail,” Carlson explained.
And they have been successful at keeping many Americans in the dark on this by limiting what can be seen from that day’s events, he argued.
Yet, ironically, “there’s probably no event in American history that was filmed by more people from more angles than January 6,” the former cable news star said. “And yet, until very recently, no one had put together a timeline” of that day’s events.
Despite the fact that the current Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, continues to suppress “to some extent” the U.S. Capitol’s surveillance video footage, “there’s still enough in the public domain that a group of filmmakers decided to put it all together,” Carlson explained.

Contrary to the narrative put out by what Carlson calls “The January 6th special commission, the Fake Committee of Liars, who ‘investigated January 6th,’” the protesters did not “surge” to breach the Capitol after a 2:24 p.m. tweet by President Trump, but rather the Metro police at that moment “accidently teargassed themselves” and ran away from the scene. “And that left a path to the Capitol wide open,” he said.
In providing some other highlights of the film, Carlson noted how “there were more than 200 plainclothes federal informants in the crowd. Some of them were already inside the Capitol before it was ‘breached,’” he mocked, “before law enforcement opened the doors for the protesters, in some cases.” And given the inside presence of some of these agents, the host encouraged his viewers to “draw your own conclusions” on the purpose of this deployment.
Furthermore, the video appears to confirm that police violated the law when they failed to provide the crowd with the required three “clearly audible and understandable orders to disperse” before utilizing munitions upon them, which aggravated the crowd and injured many.
“So, you may have concluded correctly that virtually everything you have heard screamed at you for three years about January 6th is a lie, and this tape proves it,” Carlson concluded. “It’s an hour long. It is well worth your time. We hope every American watches it and draws the obvious conclusion, which is that our leadership class is poisonous, power mad and dangerous. They’re the dangerous ones, not the people who showed up at the Capitol to protest the theft of their democratic election.”

The Democrat C{USA version of Jan 6th is a lie and most know it and are appalled by the persecution of American citizens. The more citizens senile Joe falsely imprisons only guarantees the crowds will start showing up at politicians’ houses, and not with just pitch forks, feathers and tar.
History confirms this, rising taxes, trashed economy, unemployment, inflation, government overreach and way out of control, and now false imprisonment of citizens, not a formula for longevity. Any historian can see how it ends.

Ironically he is right. Whenever you listen to Tucky...everything you're hearing IS a lie.

Nobody forced the insurrectionists to ransack the US Capitol. There were no agent provocateurs who acted to incite the crown. These people were and are morons who acted like garbage; their leader--trump--is garbage and they did his bidding for him on that day. Trump loved it.

Tucker Carlson highlights new January 6 documentary:

‘Everything you have heard is a lie’

Our leadership class is poisonous, power mad and dangerous,’ Carlson said. And this is not the case for ‘the people who showed up at the Capitol to protest the theft of their democratic election.’
18 Jan 2024 ~~ By Patrick Delaney

(LifeSiteNews) — Tucker Carlson promoted a new independent documentary on the January 6, 2021, disturbance that he said “should be the most famous film in the United States” as it “shows you what actually happened at the [U.S.] Capitol” that day.
For the last three years, the media and the political “uniparty” made up of Democrats and Republican leadership has worked diligently to project and maintain a narrative that January 6 was an “armed insurrection” against the government of the United States led by President Donald Trump, Carlson explained in a January 8 commentary on his own new network.

The reasons for this are “because January 6th is a perfect way” for this ruling class “to get what it wants: to suppress the population, to keep Donald Trump from running for president again, and to put its enemies in jail,” Carlson explained.
And they have been successful at keeping many Americans in the dark on this by limiting what can be seen from that day’s events, he argued.
Yet, ironically, “there’s probably no event in American history that was filmed by more people from more angles than January 6,” the former cable news star said. “And yet, until very recently, no one had put together a timeline” of that day’s events.
Despite the fact that the current Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, continues to suppress “to some extent” the U.S. Capitol’s surveillance video footage, “there’s still enough in the public domain that a group of filmmakers decided to put it all together,” Carlson explained.

Contrary to the narrative put out by what Carlson calls “The January 6th special commission, the Fake Committee of Liars, who ‘investigated January 6th,’” the protesters did not “surge” to breach the Capitol after a 2:24 p.m. tweet by President Trump, but rather the Metro police at that moment “accidently teargassed themselves” and ran away from the scene. “And that left a path to the Capitol wide open,” he said.
In providing some other highlights of the film, Carlson noted how “there were more than 200 plainclothes federal informants in the crowd. Some of them were already inside the Capitol before it was ‘breached,’” he mocked, “before law enforcement opened the doors for the protesters, in some cases.” And given the inside presence of some of these agents, the host encouraged his viewers to “draw your own conclusions” on the purpose of this deployment.
Furthermore, the video appears to confirm that police violated the law when they failed to provide the crowd with the required three “clearly audible and understandable orders to disperse” before utilizing munitions upon them, which aggravated the crowd and injured many.
“So, you may have concluded correctly that virtually everything you have heard screamed at you for three years about January 6th is a lie, and this tape proves it,” Carlson concluded. “It’s an hour long. It is well worth your time. We hope every American watches it and draws the obvious conclusion, which is that our leadership class is poisonous, power mad and dangerous. They’re the dangerous ones, not the people who showed up at the Capitol to protest the theft of their democratic election.”

The Democrat C{USA version of Jan 6th is a lie and most know it and are appalled by the persecution of American citizens. The more citizens senile Joe falsely imprisons only guarantees the crowds will start showing up at politicians’ houses, and not with just pitch forks, feathers and tar.
History confirms this, rising taxes, trashed economy, unemployment, inflation, government overreach and way out of control, and now false imprisonment of citizens, not a formula for longevity. Any historian can see how it ends.

We should give out PPP loans.

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