Here’s How Long Trumps Insanely Boring Speech Lasted


What President Trump can say in about 15 seconds takes Tater 20 minutes to say, if he can stay awake that long.

That's the saddest part of it all.
Convicted felon Trump even AFTER falling ass-backwards into one of the greatest political photo-ops of all time STILL can't manage to pull more than a few polling points ahead of tater Joe.
This illustrates that convicted felon Trump is actually NOT a strong candidate at all, he just appears that way because the bar right now is set so LOW.
Once Sleepy Joe resigns though and Kamala and her running mate (maybe Gavin Newsom?) get out there and really dig into campaigning there's a chance this will re-energize the race and we'll start seeing some wide swings in the polls with the Dem ticket leaving the stale, old, Trump/Vance ticket in the dust....because most voters aren't really excited about either ticket right now. It's just all they've got to choose from.
People starting to leave. Loud chattering on fringes of the arena,” wrote Edward Luce, an associate editor at the Financial Times, who weighed in a little over an hour into Trump’s speech. “Trump is boring the audience.”

Around the same time, The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta wrote that even in the middle of the crowd, people were growing impatient. “I’m standing 10 feet from the stage, in a sea of diehards, and some are getting restless. Checking phones, stealing glances at the teleprompter, whispering about when it will be over,” he posted.

Wajahat Ali, a columnist for The Daily Beast, wrote that there were “a lot of concerned faces in the RNC crowd right now.”

The bandage! The bandage! Arrrrrrrrghhh...I hate that bandage!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhh!
A bullet hitting his ear would not have stopped. Where did it end up?
Trump had a razor blade in his hand. Everyone knows this. The dead kid was actually a manakin and the fire chief was a defected Russian spy who Putin assassinated. The oversized bandage is a communications translates from Russian and Chinese to English
so he can get his orders for the day without suspicion. This is all very simple.

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