Is this the worst time in history to be a Democrat?

The federal agents were republican? How do you know thar?
What are you talking about?

There's a conspiracy among the right that the deep state wanted a riot on January 6th so they put federal agents in the crowd disguised as Trump supporters to agitate the crowd and make them become violent.

You wanted an example of Republicans being disconnected from reality, there it is.
What are you talking about?

There's a conspiracy among the right that the deep state wanted a riot on January 6th so they put federal agents in the crowd disguised as Trump supporters to agitate the crowd and make them become violent.

You wanted an example of Republicans being disconnected from reality, there it is.
Take your whining to Ray Epps. Or, better yet, to Pelosi who admitted her failures.
Glad you asked. With the continued instigation of erosion of faith in the integrity of elections, the same for our bedrock institutions, like increasing the debt, rolling back measures to fight climate change, harming relations with allies, using the DoJ for retribution, hiring incompetent people, causing more division, lying pathologically, trade wars, not giving a shit about the country, should I go on?
Please, let it all out.
Take your whining to Ray Epps. Or, better yet, to Pelosi who admitted her failures.
Looks like I struck a nerve.

Republicans have long become unhinged from reality. It probably started when a bunch of them convinced themselves that Obama was born in Kenya.
Looks like I struck a nerve.

Republicans have long become unhinged from reality. It probably started when a bunch of them convinced themselves that Obama was born in Kenya.
Looks like you're sidestepping and deflecting. You don't see unhinged behavior as exampled by Dems / Socialists allowing terrorists into the country or Dem/ Socialist Schumer and Pelosi deciding that your vote doesn't matter.

Enjoy your alternate reality.
Yep, the AG can appoint inferior officers. During Watergate, that's what the "Special Prosecutor" was....hence why they could easily be fired.

We changed a lot since then, first we had an Independence Counsel office....that law sunset after Clinton

Now we have a Special Prosecutor that given far more power then back in Watergate, they are, in the case of Jackie, given the same authority as US Attorneys. When given that much more, they have to be treated just like US Attorneys
Yep, the AG can appoint inferior officers. During Watergate, that's what the "Special Prosecutor" was....hence why they could easily be fired.

We changed a lot since then, first we had an Independence Counsel office....that law sunset after Clinton

Now we have a Special Prosecutor that given far more power then back in Watergate, they are, in the case of Jackie, given the same authority as US Attorneys. When given that much more, they have to be treated just like US Attorneys
Explain the difference in the authority between Archibald Cox and Jack Smith.
Just the possibility of Joe leaving the race is proof the election in 2020 was stolen. And the old Prog comparison game of anyone from each side when their own looks terrible is proof of Saul Alinsky thinking.
Proof for delusional simpletons maybe, but not for normal people.
Replacing a candidate who is demonstrating signs of not being fit for office is not "proof" of anything....except maybe that democracy is working like it is supposed to.
Maybe the Republican Party should try it as well.
Looks like you're sidestepping and deflecting. You don't see unhinged behavior as exampled by Dems / Socialists allowing terrorists into the country or Dem/ Socialist Schumer and Pelosi deciding that your vote doesn't matter.

Enjoy your alternate reality.
You asked for an example. I gave you an example.
You asked for an example. I gave you an example.
You only provided a talking point you apparently stole from the Joy Reid Clown Show.

Why do you excuse unhinged behavior such as that practiced by the Dems /Socialists? Importing terrorists and allowance for criminal behavior is acceptable?
You only provided a talking point you apparently stole from the Joy Reid Clown Show.

Why do you excuse unhinged behavior such as that practiced by the Dems /Socialists? Importing terrorists and allowance for criminal behavior is acceptable?
Allowing criminal behavior? We reserve that privilege for the president, since they have immunity now.
Allowing criminal behavior? We reserve that privilege for the president, since they have immunity now.
Nonsense. There is no allowance for criminal behavior contrary to the Constitution as a privilege for any president.

Apparently there is a hoped-for benefit by the Dems / Socialists who have ignored immigration laws and allowed Americans to be killed by their imported illegals.

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