Is this the worst time in history to be a Democrat?

You guys have been drinking too much of your own cult Kool-aid.
Unfortunately for convicted felon Trump even dementia Joe is not polling as far behind him as you would think.
Joe is most likely going to pass the torch to Harris though....who even now polls pretty much even with convicted felon Trump in a hypothetical matchup.
And that's even BEFORE she picks a running mate and starts her own campaign!
Also before the mini-trial begins in Chutkan's courtroom for convicted felon Trump's attempted coup. Also before his sentencing in September on his 34 felonies.
Harris/Newsom are going to blow Trump and the hillbilly out of the water!
Convicted felon Trump couldn't keep his eyes open for his own felony trial.
He even fell asleep last night at his own national convention.
He's as old and senile as Biden.
Voters are ready for a new, FRESH ticket.
Harris Newsom 2024!
Just the possibility of Joe leaving the race is proof the election in 2020 was stolen. And the old Prog comparison game of anyone from each side when their own looks terrible is proof of Saul Alinsky thinking.
Just the possibility of Joe leaving the race is proof the election in 2020 was stolen. And the old Prog comparison game of anyone from each side when their own looks terrible is proof of Saul Alinsky thinking.
what a load, desperate much.
Your blindness prevents unification. Until you deal with the endless hounding of the president long after he left office, there will be none.
The country should be unified in our desire to see that the law is followed and if it isn’t, the perpetrators should face consequences.

Trump crossed the line. You are blind to this.
As a non-Democrat, non-Republican I don't think it really matters. JFK got shot and killed, did it make any difference? Not really. Nixon quitting because he broke the law, did it matter? Not really.

The reps and dems will still be there, time and time and time again, a dictatorship with two dictators is all, one rises, the other falls, happens all the time, and still it's the same shit every time.
JFK's death got us Lyndon Johnson. Corrupted to the core and polices enacted that are strangling us today as the costs have grown massively and at some point, will be untenable levels. The more what we see today the more I believe Nixon was railroaded.
The country should be unified in our desire to see that the law is followed and if it isn’t, the perpetrators should face consequences.

Trump crossed the line. You are blind to this.
agreed, hence why Xiden's illegal prosecutor's case was dismissed in FL
The country should be unified in our desire to see that the law is followed and if it isn’t, the perpetrators should face consequences.

Trump crossed the line. You are blind to this.
Until, of course, Quid Pro is too feeble and confused to stand trial.
Until, of course, Quid Pro is too feeble and confused to stand trial.
A nonpartisan prosecutor decided that the case was not worth pursuing and not strong enough.

A future prosecutor can decide differently.

Reminds me a lot of what they said about Clinton too. But we know that no reasonable prosecutor would take that case and none did.
all i remember about five years ago wsa Trump was in office and a record number of Americans thought they were better off

Sure they were thanks to all that free money Trump was throwing around.
hahah no it didn't....what are you talking about?

Where in that opinion did it say anything like that?
A nonpartisan prosecutor decided that the case was not worth pursuing and not strong enough.

A future prosecutor can decide differently.

Reminds me a lot of what they said about Clinton too. But we know that no reasonable prosecutor would take that case and none did.
The rationale for not pursuing the case involved Quid Pro's inability to stand trial.

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