Outrage in Wisconsin as trump allows a "darkie" to say a sikh prayer on stage

We must evolve and improve, reform ourselves as a species. Become more civil, and realize that on this little speck of dust floating in the dark vacuum of space, all we have is each other. We are human beings, and we should value and cooperate, to improve our lives. The last thing we should be doing is killing, exploiting, and abusing each other. At the end of the day, the truth is that we're on this sinking ship together so we should do everything we can to make things better for everyone, not just a small group of elitists.
Well...lol....yeah.... That sure would be nice. Here's hoping we get there. I certainly wouldn't want to impede that process.
I am surprised that the limey pig did not say WOG








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/----/ So socialism is bad for the workforce, and capitalism is good. OK, I can accept that.
Capitalism relies on wages to produce profits, hence when advanced automation and artificial intelligence replace most jobs, that's the end of market capitalism and the beginning of the socialist age. We're two or three decades from that happening. I'm being conservative, it might be much sooner.
/----/ So socialism is bad for the workforce, and capitalism is good. OK, I can accept that.
What nonsense and it depends what sort of Capitalism we are talking about, these days we have Corporate Fascism, many companies not recognizing Unions etc, workers in Britain just took some action at Amazon because of it, zero hours contracts workers being paid less than the legal rate , P&O ferries which i used for years to Holland sacked all their workers a few years ago then offered them their jobs back on worse conditions, some had worked for the company for decades, is that the sort of Capitalism you like?
We must evolve and improve, reform ourselves as a species. Become more civil, and realize that on this little speck of dust floating in the dark vacuum of space, all we have is each other. We are human beings, and we should value and cooperate, to improve our lives. The last thing we should be doing is killing, exploiting, and abusing each other. At the end of the day, the truth is that we're on this sinking ship together so we should do everything we can to make things better for everyone, not just a small group of elitists.
Easy tiger you will scare the horses you are talking Communism :abgg2q.jpg:
I am surprised that the limey pig did not say WOG
Tommy was being sarcastic, the word Darkie is how some people in the UK talked about black people in the past my Grandparents included it's ignorance, my Grandparents didn't mean anything by it because it was the language used at the time, these days it's used by knuckle dragging racist and daily mail reading gammon faced clowns.
Easy tiger you will scare the horses you are talking Communism :abgg2q.jpg:
I'm talking about reality. Like every other human mode of production that preceded capitalism (primitive-tribal communism, chattel slavery and feudalism), capitalism will also go the way of the dodo and will be replaced with a system compatible with the material conditions of that time, whatever that might be. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence, replace most waged-jobs, hence it's self-evident to anyone who's able to think that a marketless, non-profit system of production will succeed wage-dependent capitalist markets.
Tommy was being sarcastic, the word Darkie is how some people in the UK talked about black people in the past my Grandparents included it's ignorance, my Grandparents didn't mean anything by it because it was the language used at the time, these days it's used by knuckle dragging racist and daily mail reading gammon faced clowns.
As far as I know---from experience living in the USA---the word
DARKIE was used as a polite alternate to the "N" word in the
South. In my house "darkies" were called "colored" people.
I have never encountered the word "darkie" as a limey thing---
Limeys say "BROWN PERSON" or "WOG" HOWEVER---
Indians (usually hindus from the Indian subcontinent) are
considered Caucasian by the Anthropologists who invented
racial designations----BUT the Brits do use whatever derogatory
appellation comes to mind just for anyone with a tinge of dark
in the complexion. My "brown" hubby spent a few years in

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