Biden Campaign Outraged Trump didn’t mention Project 2025

LOL you are an idiot. GS and all Fed employees can be partisan all they want in their own time, just not in the capacity of their job. For example it is illegal to represent your agency at any political gathering, like when FBI in uniform show up at gay pride parades and march with them.

I worked Civil Service for 33 years
Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama

For the most part we did not care which political party was in power. We just did our jobs according to existing rules and regulations

We were forbidden from participating in partisan politics or advocating politics in the workplace. It was one of the few offenses you could get fired for.

But that enraged Trump
Workers who were loyal to their country instead of politically loyal to him
That is why he wants to replace Civil Servants with people identified by the Heritage Foundation
Yep. They've got nothing. No wins. No favorable policies. Nothing

We used to dream about days like these

But they have the 'media', and that's really almost all they need, up to a certain point... and we're not at that point quite yet.
I worked Civil Service for 33 years
Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama

For the most part we did not care which political party was in power. We just did our jobs according to existing rules and regulations

We were forbidden from participating in partisan politics or advocating politics in the workplace. It was one of the few offenses you could get fired for.

But that enraged Trump
Workers who were loyal to their country instead of politically loyal to him
That is why he wants to replace Civil Servants with people identified by the Heritage Foundation
You? Not partisan or biased? :laughing0301: Even if only for your job, you're not remotely capable of that.
Trump has expressly distanced himself from Project 2025.
And for good reason. The charade of moderation he tried to present at the convention is belied by the blueprint for his term, if it happens, written by the Crazies at Heritage.

It's wise to think he may need some undecided voters so he doesn't want to scare them with what he's promised he's about to do.

This part had me rolling on the floor with laughter.

“As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together. Or we fall apart,” said Trump on the eve of the eighth anniversary of his first nomination for the presidency.

“Despite such a heinous attack, we unite this evening more determined than ever. Our resolve is unbroken, and our purpose is unchanged — to deliver a government that serves the American people,” Trump said.

What a professional liar.
If Project 2025 isn't the Agenda for Trump's second term, why did he pick J.D. Vance, the Heritage Foundation's hand picked man, for his VP?

If Project 2025 isn't the Agenda for Trump's second term, why did so many of his advisors and staffers write sections of this Agenda?

If Project 2025 isn't the Agenda for Trump's second term, why is the President of the Heritage Society telling leftists that this is a revolution that will be bloodless only if Democrats simply let them have their way???
To many "ifs" in your clais You are4 braying about nothing but your own desires
GS employees are nonpartisan professionals who swear to uphold the Constitution.
The Hatch Act prevents them from participating in politics or advocating political positions in the workplace

Trump wants to replace them with partisan workers loyal to him
And those like you wish to force those in authority to do only as you desire without going through the work to gain the power legally.

In other words, wannabes.
I see nothing heavy handed or false in this statement.

Donald Trump killed 1 million people with his failed covid response.

Women are DYING by the thousands because of his overturning abortion care for women.

Then there are the mass shootings they refuse to do anything about.

Perhaps if you were to actually READ what they've posted, you might understand that replacing the Constitution with a white Christian nationalist dictatorship may not be what most Americans want from their government.

If what they're proposing is so wildly popular, why are they continuing to lie to the American people about the plans for implementing these proposals?
More people died from COVID under Biden.

Show us these “thousands of women” dying?

LOL a “White Christian Nationalist dictatorship” :auiqs.jpg:

President Trump has his own agenda, and has made it public. It is wildly popular that is why he is destroying Joe and tha Hoe.

Trump claimed that there is record inflation under President Joe Biden.

Former President Donald Trump claimed that there is record inflation under President Joe Biden.

Facts First: Trump’s claim is false. The current inflation rate, 3% in June 2024, is nowhere near the all-time record of 23.7%, set in 1920.

Trump could fairly say that the inflation rate hit a 40-year high in June 2022, when it was 9.1%, but it has since plummeted.


Trump’s misleading claim about North Korean missile launches during his presidency

Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that he “got along with” North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and “we stopped the missile launches from North Korea.”

“But, no, I got along with him,” Trump said, “and we stopped the missile launches from North Korea. Now North Korea is acting up again.”

Facts First: Trump’s claim that he “stopped the missile launches” from North Korea is misleading. While missile launches did pause from North Korea for a period of time during his administration, they started up again before he left office.

A May 2019 launch of what was assessed to be a short-range ballistic missile was North Korea’s first since 2017, which was seen as a sign of growing frustration from Kim on the state of talks with the US. North Korea later launched two more missiles in July 2019, a month after Trump’s high-profile meeting with Kim in the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. North Korea conducted four missile tests in 2020.

Don's being much too modest. He and Kim were in love.
But that enraged Trump
Workers who were loyal to their country instead of politically loyal to him
That is why he wants to replace Civil Servants with people identified by the Heritage Foundation
Total lies, that did not enrage Trump.

The partisan activities that I pointed out is what they will end. The FBI marching with rainbow flags in uniform and using government vehicles to attend such events is a violation of the law. Those who ordered it, and participated in such events should be charged with those crimes as well as being fired of course.
Total lies, that did not enrage Trump.

The partisan activities that I pointed out is what they will end. The FBI marching with rainbow flags in uniform and using government vehicles to attend such events is a violation of the law. Those who ordered it, and participated in such events should be charged with those crimes as well as being fired of course.
Why does everything turn gay with you?

Gay pride is not political, it is a civil rights movement
And those like you wish to force those in authority to do only as you desire without going through the work to gain the power legally.

In other words, wannabes.
Has nothing to do with Civil Service protections from partisan politics
Why does everything turn gay with you?

Gay pride is not political, it is a civil rights movement

Since when are civil rights movements not political?

What does a gay pride parade have to do with official FBI business? Unless part of the FBI’s official duties is helping the trafficking of children or something?

So according to you the FBI should be able to attend a protest in support of the the civil rights of J6 political prisoners?
No they're not. They're outraged that these people want a white Christian nationalist government, in opposition to the Founders and the Constitution.
Wrong. They are outraged because the truth proves what they claim is wrong (again) and they have no recourse except to howl at the moon and make up additional lies in place of coming up with viable plans to fix problems, just how to blame them on someone else.
It’s the same everyday: to make America great again.

Donald Trump’s misleading claim that federal judge ruled case against him was ‘unconstitutional’

Donald Trump said Thursday that the Florida federal judge who was overseeing the classified documents case dismissed the criminal charges against the former president, finding “that the prosecutor and the fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional.”

Facts first: Trump’s claim is misleading. District Judge Aileen Cannon wrote in her ruling that the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith, who was prosecuting the case, violated the Constitution. But Cannon specifically did not comment on the validity of the charges Trump was facing, or whether Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents was proper.

In a 93-page ruling Monday, Cannon said Smith’s appointment violated the Constitution. Cannon said that Smith’s position as special counsel “effectively usurps” Congress’ “important legislative authority,” because Congress should have the authority – not the head of the Justice Department – to appoint such an official.
Since when are civil rights movements not political?

What does a gay pride parade have to do with official FBI business? Unless part of the FBI’s official duties is helping the trafficking of children or something?

So according to you the FBI should be able to attend a protest in support of the the civil rights of J6 political prisoners?
Civil Rights has never been political

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