Biden Campaign Outraged Trump didn’t mention Project 2025

If Project 2025 isn't the Agenda for Trump's second term, why did he pick J.D. Vance, the Heritage Foundation's hand picked man, for his VP?

If Project 2025 isn't the Agenda for Trump's second term, why did so many of his advisors and staffers write sections of this Agenda?

If Project 2025 isn't the Agenda for Trump's second term, why is the President of the Heritage Society telling leftists that this is a revolution that will be bloodless only if Democrats simply let them have their way???
It isn’t his agenda, Moron.

Deal with it.
GS employees are nonpartisan professionals who swear to uphold the Constitution.
The Hatch Act prevents them from participating in politics or advocating political positions in the workplace

Trump wants to replace them with partisan workers loyal to him

it calls for the sacking of thousands of civil servants, expanding the power of the president, dismantling the Department of Education, sweeping tax cuts, a ban on pornography, halting sales of the abortion pill, and a whole lot more.

You appear to have studied it intently, probably because it is something that you want.
Did you get an accurate count on how many lies trump told last night during his speech? I read it was 20. How about you?
And have you dept5 track of how many lies Biden tells in his every speech? Or do you ignore those because his is you candidate?
Have you heard his position on the boogyman you're desperate to claim he's going to implement?

Can you repost that in English so that it makes sense???

Trump has promised to be a "dictator" on Day 1, and jail the leadership of the Democratic Party. Are you saying he's lying????

He's promised to use the army to put down any protest, and to transform the DOJ into an attack force to go after his "enemies".

Trump has promised to take over the FCC and strip broadcast outlets which criticize him, of their broadcast licenses.

Are you saying he won't do any of these things????? Are you saying Trump is lying????
Why would Trump appoint the Heritage Foundation's pick for VP if it isn't his agenda???

Why would Trump staffers be writing Chapters of the 2025 Project if they don't intend to implement them?

How intellectually lazy and gullible are you????
Former staffers, Dumbass. They don’t work for him now, stupid.

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