Trump Campaign, RNC Unveil Massive Election Integrity Program

I honestly can't take you seriously when you suggest DeSantis, who was fully supported by the rino wing of the party, was a better candidate than TRUMP.

DeSantis was supported by all sorts of people. That doesn't make him one of them. FFS< David Duke endorsed Trump. Does that make Trump a racist?

Looking more at those who didn't like Trump, so they supported DeSantis, was simply looking for reasons to not support him. Instead of looking for reasons to support him. Like his record in FL, for the last 6 years. It's 1,000 times better than Trumps record.
DeSantis was supported by all sorts of people. That doesn't make him one of them. FFS< David Duke endorsed Trump. Does that make Trump a racist?

Looking more at those who didn't like Trump, so they supported DeSantis, was simply looking for reasons to not support him. Instead of looking for reasons to support him. Like his record in FL, for the last 6 years. It's 1,000 times better than Trumps record.
Good points, all.

dimocrap scum (oh, yes they are) think that if they get Trump railroaded off the ballot that they have smooth sailing from then on?

They couldn't be more wrong if they tried. Next man up is Ron DeSantis and, let me tell you, he is tougher, stronger and meaner than Trump ever thought of being.

Trump is a pushover compared to RDS. A total pansy. RDS will cripple the dimocrap scum party. As they should be.

Plus, this time around, no matter who gets the nomination and wins for patriotic Americans in November, he will have his shit all in one rucksack. Won't be like Nov of 2016 when OMB was like, "Look what I found, Mom!!" Like Fathers Day in Hollywood. Total confusion.

Nope, this time there's gonna be blood in the water and dimocrap FILTH know it. It's why they're pulling out all the stops. They win this time, in 2024, or they're DONE.

Anybody that stays home this ttime -- You suck. You suck ass. You suck so bad, there will be a special place in Hell by the fire for you. If you vote dimocrap scum, you will be IN the fire, so there's that.

Don't let dimocrap FILTH do to the rest of the USA what they've done to New Yawk Shitty where 4 out of 10 people plan on leaving within 5 years.

And let me tell you something else -- The total and absolute SCUM that run that shithole? They couldn't care less. They want the good and decent people to leave, then it will be nothing but dimocrap scum and they can be assured of keeping power.
That doesn't change anything about what I said. Lesser of two evils voting is why we're in this mess.
TOTALLY And completely and absolutely wrong.

The reason we're in this mess is because conservatives demand perfection of everybody but themselves. They let the 'perfect' become the enemy of the 'good'.

I called it back in 1992 (yes, I'm that old) when 'conservatives' got their tits in a tangle about Herbert Walker breaking his "read my lips' promise.

Yeah, GHW Bush was a squish, yes he was a Sunshine Conservative, yes he was a 'pussy' (as he was described by other pols) but you know what happened when the INSANE MORON Ross Pirogi helped unseat him by turning part-time patriots against him?

Clinton got into Office and that's when ALL this shit started. Bill begat Hillary, Hillary begat obama, obama begat Sponge Brains Shits Pants. And here we are. Because a bunch of crybabies threw a temper tantrum

"Lesser of Two Evils" is life itself. Sorry life is so difficult for you. But if life offers you two, and only two, choices you often have to pick the lesser evil.
TOTALLY And completely and absolutely wrong.

The reason we're in this mess is because conservatives demand perfection of everybody but themselves. They let the 'perfect' become the enemy of the 'good'.

I called it back in 1992 (yes, I'm that old) when 'conservatives' got their tits in a tangle about Herbert Walker breaking his "read my lips' promise.

Yeah, GHW Bush was a squish, yes he was a Sunshine Conservative, yes he was a 'pussy' (as he was described by other pols) but you know what happened when the INSANE MORON Ross Pirogi helped unseat him by turning part-time patriots against him?

Clinton got into Office and that's when ALL this shit started. Bill begat Hillary, Hillary begat obama, obama begat Sponge Brains Shits Pants. And here we are. Because a bunch of crybabies threw a temper tantrum

"Lesser of Two Evils" is life itself. Sorry life is so difficult for you. But if life offers you two, and only two, choices you often have to pick the lesser evil.

You're confusing conservatives with Republicans. 90% of todays Republicans aren't conservative. They stole the name but changed the definition. Republicans only pretend to be conservatives.
This is one reason why we keep getting these left leaning Republicans, who identify as conservatives. It's why we can't get enough actual conservatives elected. People like Thomas Massie, Chip Roy, Justin Amash, Andy Biggs are conservatives. People like Trump, Johnson, McCarthy..... They're what used to be known as "RINO's."
But they even changed what RINO means.
They've confused everything. A RINO is simply a Republican who's not conservative.

Lesser of two evils Republicans, are almost always going to be left leaning. Their voting record proves how left leaning they are.
Doomers: I have a feeling we're not in 2020 anymore.

Lefties? Ya hear those drumbeats, off in the distance?

That foreboding premonition ya just can't get out of your heads that change is coming?

Yeah, it is.

2024: May the best ideas win - the rigging is officially over.

Good luck Dems!

I think Trump should announce that “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”

You're confusing conservatives with Republicans. 90% of todays Republicans aren't conservative. They stole the name but changed the definition. Republicans only pretend to be conservatives.
This is one reason why we keep getting these left leaning Republicans, who identify as conservatives. It's why we can't get enough actual conservatives elected. People like Thomas Massie, Chip Roy, Justin Amash, Andy Biggs are conservatives. People like Trump, Johnson, McCarthy..... They're what used to be known as "RINO's."
But they even changed what RINO means.
They've confused everything. A RINO is simply a Republican who's not conservative.

Lesser of two evils Republicans, are almost always going to be left leaning. Their voting record proves how left leaning they are.

The 4 people that you named and you, can't decide how a country is ran.

You guys are The Fringe 5.
I think Trump should announce that “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”


The last time that it was said that way, meant November Coup.
You're confusing conservatives with Republicans. 90% of todays Republicans aren't conservative. They stole the name but changed the definition. Republicans only pretend to be conservatives.
This is one reason why we keep getting these left leaning Republicans, who identify as conservatives. It's why we can't get enough actual conservatives elected. People like Thomas Massie, Chip Roy, Justin Amash, Andy Biggs are conservatives. People like Trump, Johnson, McCarthy..... They're what used to be known as "RINO's."
But they even changed what RINO means.
They've confused everything. A RINO is simply a Republican who's not conservative.

Lesser of two evils Republicans, are almost always going to be left leaning. Their voting record proves how left leaning they are.

So, just do the math with me.

You want the 10% to be able to Govern the 90%, plus 100% of the Democrats.

Do you see where that strategy just might be destined to fail?
So, just do the math with me.

You want the 10% to be able to Govern the 90%, plus 100% of the Democrats.

Do you see where that strategy just might be destined to fail?

What I want has nothing do with math.

You're not getting what I'm saying. You're not even trying to understand. You're just wanting to argue with me, because I lean right and I oppose Trump and the other left leaning republicans.
Yours truly identifies as non-binary.

And I don't mean me.

Lie. I am a fiscal and constitutional conservative. That is what made this country great to start with. Small, limited government that lives within it's mean. It wasn't until RINO's like Reagan & Trump came along, expanding the size and scope of government, spending way more than the government took in, using the Federal Reserve like it's own unlimited trust fund, and never repealing the BS the democrats shoved on us while they were in the majority, did the GOP start helping the democrats make this country worse off.

It was then, they and the democrats allowed the lobbyist to take over and start dictating legislation. That is when this country stopped being an actual Republic.

This is your GOP. This is what you support when you support RINO's like Trump.

What I want has nothing do with math.

You're not getting what I'm saying. You're not even trying to understand. You're just wanting to argue with me, because I lean right and I oppose Trump and the other left leaning republicans.

I might be futher right than you.
But I'm also a realist.
The country ain't with us.
I might be futher right than you.
But I'm also a realist.
The country ain't with us.

There's no possible way you can be further right than me. You might think you are. But I seriously don't think you Trump supporters even know what right (of center) even means. As in what it means to be an actual conservative. If you did, you wouldn't be supporting a big spending, big government RINO like Trump.
There's no possible way you can be further right than me. You might think you are. But I seriously don't think you Trump supporters even know what right (of center) even means. As in what it means to be an actual conservative. If you did, you wouldn't be supporting a big spending, big government RINO like Trump.

This RNC campaign to monitor "Election Integrity" is a thinly veiled operation to disrupt the election - especially in Democratic majority districts.

No one except authorized personnel are allowed into the election offices, and anyone than interferes with another person's voting should immediately be arrested.

The RNC has no authority over elections.

When these RNC thugs get arrested they're all going to scream that it's the work of the authoritarian deep state.

Let'em scream all they want - from a prison cell!!!

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