Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

The voters

You could name anyone and declare it the dem nominee and the Dems would vote for it. See how fast they forgot old Joe and got behind the Cackler? And if for some reason she doesn't get the nod they'll switch gears in an instant again. They're hacks
If Biden is withdrawing from the race, how can he be fit to be POTUS in the meantime?
He didn’t even get in front of the camera and tell Americans! Instead, someone drafted a statement that he is withdrawing, and that was that.

Perhaps the stress pushed him into a delirium state. I’ve seen that happen with dementia patients when they can’t figure out where they are - even when they are in the own apartment (sad, I know) - and there WAS a short video of Boden coming down the stairs when he landed in DE, and he stopped after two steps - near the top - and just looked around. He looked like he didn’t know where he was.

I’ve observed this type of thing with dementia patients.
He didn’t even get in front of the camera and tell Americans! Instead, someone drafted a statement that he is withdrawing, and that was that.

Perhaps the stress pushed him into a delirium state. I’ve seen that happen with dementia patients when they can’t figure out where they are - even when they are in the own apartment (sad, I know) - and there WAS a short video of Boden coming down the stairs when he landed in DE, and he stopped after two steps - near the top - and just looked around. He looked like he didn’t know where he was.

I’ve observed this type of thing with dementia patients.
Yep, my dad had dementia and Parkinson's and would 'freeze up' even to the point of not being able to move his feet. He'd just stand there in one spot trying to move. Joe Biden seems to have all of that. He is, IMO, got to be propped up with drug infusions. The thing is, those Democrat political elites covered it up!! They would rather have a semi functional brain-dead POTUS who they can prop up and manipulate while they stay safe behind the scenes and scream CONSPIRACY at any one who has the temerity to pull back the curtain on their charade.
Yep, my dad had dementia and Parkinson's and would 'freeze up' even to the point of not being able to move his feet. He'd just stand there in one spot trying to move. Joe Biden seems to have all of that. He is, IMO, got to be propped up with drug infusions. The thing is, those Democrat political elites covered it up!! They would rather have a semi functional brain-dead POTUS who they can prop up and manipulate while they stay safe behind the scenes and scream CONSPIRACY at any one who has the temerity to pull back the curtain.
the freezing thing is typical of Parkinsons---but it can also seem to be in normal pressure hydrocephalus. My limited impression
is---no Parkinsons from Biden
the freezing thing is typical of Parkinsons---but it can also seem to be in normal pressure hydrocephalus. My limited impression
is---no Parkinsons from Biden
My dad also had the same problem putting a coat on as we saw with that video of Biden. Joe could have dementia which, from what I understand, has similar symptoms to Parkinson's.
Yep, my dad had dementia and Parkinson's and would 'freeze up' even to the point of not being able to move his feet. He'd just stand there in one spot trying to move. Joe Biden seems to have all of that. He is, IMO, got to be propped up with drug infusions. The thing is, those Democrat political elites covered it up!! They would rather have a semi functional brain-dead POTUS who they can prop up and manipulate while they stay safe behind the scenes and scream CONSPIRACY at any one who has the temerity to pull back the curtain on their charade.
I know….its horrific. And Kamala was right out front, bragging how brilliant Biden was and how he was at the top of his game. And the Dems say that Trump is the liar! This whole thing was a massive cover-up.
My dad also had the same problem putting a coat on as we saw with that video of Biden. Joe could have dementia which, from what I understand, has similar symptoms to Parkinson's.
all true---there is dementia associated with Parkinsons and various form of dementia have "parkinsonian features"---like disorders of gait and of course MOTOR PROBLEMS.
THERE ARE LOTS OF FORMS OF DEMENTIA. It takes an experienced person --a good physical exam and some lab tests
and radiography to sort it all out----Biden's medical records are a
secret which is his right. Without ALL THREE--medical history,
Physical Exam, and radiography and labs----we are JUST GUESSING.
"health reasons" are subject to dispute. I would guess
that you have no clinical experience. Example---no reason
why a 14 year old victim of incest cannot being a baby to term
from the standpoint of PHYSICAL HEALTH
Again you are pushing issues I didnt state.
Again you are pushing issues I didnt state.
right---there are lots of issues you LEAVE OUT.
I will leave you with this notion---I have taken
the "obstetrical" histories of more than 1000
women. LOTS had abortions. None stated
"it was so much fun" "I'm so glad I had that
wonderful experience" "I intend to screw my
brains out because I can ALWAYS ABORT" ---
some had tears in their eyes. Abortion is always
a very negative experience for a woman and there
are even physiological negatives.
```6 month old baby aborted.jpg

nope---despite the experience you have with your "FRIEND"--
you are clueless to reality. I have no doubt that you can
handle a slide rule for every function possible---but LIFE OUT
THERE? I have a very nice brother just like you.

Tell everyone why you think murdering innocent babies is so great.
Some adults were subjects of botched abortions and today are delighted to be alive.

Tenor Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised by her physician to abort him.
Doctor said "Your baby will have serious health problems."
Mother said "I will have him and love him" and the world has this talented blind man to love.
You'd have him and millions of others DEAD and you pride yourself for your evil with sanctimonious arrogance.

"Before you were conceived in the womb I knew you." - The Holy Bible
Tell everyone why you think murdering innocent babies is so great.
Some adults were subjects of botched abortions and today are delighted to be alive.

Tenor Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised by her physician to abort him.
Doctor said "Your baby will have serious health problems."
Mother said "I will have him and love him" and the world has this talented blind man to love.
You'd have him and millions of others DEAD and you pride yourself for your evil with sanctimonious arrogance.

"Before you were conceived in the womb I knew you." - The Holy Bible
not impressed---you are still clueless. BTW --in the US---practitioners of medicine (ie doctors) cannot advise "HAVE
AN ABORTION" it is an ethical breach. But they MUST
be honest about the actual situation and record the
honest situation in the chart. Re Bocelli---his blindness is due to
GLAUCOMA ---no way to make that diagnosis prenatal --
do you always resort to BS?

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