Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

As you igjored my comment allowed for health reasons
"health reasons" are subject to dispute. I would guess
that you have no clinical experience. Example---no reason
why a 14 year old victim of incest cannot being a baby to term
from the standpoint of PHYSICAL HEALTH
And I would conclude from your above statements you have had your share of irresponsible sex leading to walking away from the responsibility of the abortions you caused. You should be sterilized frankly.
No actually. I was married a long time, 27 years. Never cheated. I had sex before I married but not many times. I was so young in college I wasn't attractive to most of the girls. After my wife passed I went over six years before I even had a date, and at that point pregnancy isn't an issue.
When Democrats all over the place, some more prominent than others, all over the place were calling for him to step aside, it just made his insistence on staying in the race untenable. I actually did not think he'd run again on account of his age, and was very surprised when he decided to try it again. I wish Pres. Biden all the best with his retirement. Although I think she has a better chance than he would against Trump, I'm not sold on VP Harris winning simply because the track record of incumbent VPs winning the presidency in their own right is not very good. George Bush was a rare exception, not the rule.

I do have one concern about this. I worry that it could lead to a precedent of presidential candidates withdrawing from future races having clinched nomination simply because they are not likely to win the general election. Imagine if Reps had been left scambling in 1996 with it being obvious Sen. Dole wasn't gonna beat Bill Clinton, or Michael Dukakis leaving the Dems in such a bind when it was clear Bush would win, etc.
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I agree.

I also sympathize with women who think they need an abortion. It's got to be the most heart-breaking decision in the world to make.
For some it absolutely is. I know two women, one who had an abortion as a senior in high school and the other when she was in college. Both were pressured by family and friends to have the procedure. Both aborted healthy fetuses and and both are in their 60's and childless to this day. Each bitterly regrets her decision to abort her baby. Will I judge them? I will not.

And of course others don't seem to care or give it a minutes consideration. The pro-abortion crowd mostly don't consider the fetus important enough to consider at all. The hardcore anti-abortion crowd don't consider the mother or her other children important enough to consider at all. And none of us are privy to the circumstances that anybody else is faced with.

I prefer to leave it to God to judge. And while I think some regulation of abortion is required of a moral and just people, I prefer to leave it to the doctor to decide when an abortion is necessary even as we teach and promote a culture of life in which babies are again seen as blessings rather than burdens.

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