Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

Trump is a convicted Felon with his worst crimes yet to come
How? the document case has been dismissed has been dismissed WITH PREJUDICE! Which means, shit-for-brains leftist scum, he cannot be tried on that case. The sham NYC convictions is guaranteed to be overturned. So many reversible errors it ain't funny. This was 100% political lawfare, pure and simple. Now some Leftist scumbag took a potshot at Trump? You people are so despicable.
It's hysterical.!! He thought he was gonna face Biden and walk to the White House, pardon himself and then hand the country over to Vance. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Unlike you Republicans, the rest of us can admit when the game's up. And it's been that way since the night of the debate.
Cause Trump really needs to go too!
How? the Dumbshitocrats, of which you are a loyal member, have no bullpen, no bench, and less than three months to mount a campaign.
How? the document case has been dismissed has been dismissed WITH PREJUDICE! Which means, shit-for-brains leftist scum, he cannot be tried on that case. The sham NYC convictions is guaranteed to be overturned. So many reversible errors it ain't funny. This was 100% political lawfare, pure and simple. Now some Leftist scumbag took a potshot at Trump? You people are so despicable.
I agree but am not all that optimistic on the APPEAL thing
How? the Dumbshitocrats, of which you are a loyal member, have no bullpen, no bench, and less than three months to mount a campaign.
Agreed. dimocrap scum have lost millions of voters in the last year. With the bulk of the losses coming in the last Month or so.

This move does NOHING to bring them back. Nothing. In fact, it probably does more harm to dimocrap scum hopes of infesting DC with their FILTH than anything else they've one this year. And that would be quite an accomplishment.

dimocraps SUCK
How? the Dumbshitocrats, of which you are a loyal member, have no bullpen, no bench, and less than three months to mount a campaign.
To paraphrase Trump the night of the debate..."I have no idea what you said. I don't think you even know what you said". :auiqs.jpg:

The Democrat bench is quite deep. The Republican one has depth to it as well...if not for the fact you just can't seem to quit DJT.
I agree but am not all that optimistic on the APPEAL thing
If we take all three branches of the Law-Making part of government (House, Senate and Executive), we can hurt dimocrap scum in New Yawk and they know it. SCOTUS can hurt them, too. Bigly.

That complete and utter shithole depends almost entirely on goobermint largesse to survive.

We can hurt them in so many ways. Oh so, just so MANY ways. It boggles the mind to think of all the ways we can fuck those people. Brings a smile to my face
If we take all three branches of the Law-Making part of government (House, Senate and Executive), we can hurt dimocrap scum in New Yawk and they know it. SCOTUS can hurt them, too. Bigly.

That complete and utter shithole depends almost entirely on goobermint largesse to survive.

We can hurt them in so many ways. Oh so, just so MANY ways. It boggles the mind to think of all the ways we can fuck those people. Brings a smile to my face
not clear-----who is going to get fucked? which shithole?
what people? I am a registered democrat----dims are not
ETERNAL crap-----of late--the donkey is temporarily pixilated
To paraphrase Trump the night of the debate..."I have no idea what you said. I don't think you even know what you said". :auiqs.jpg:

The Democrat bench is quite deep. The Republican one has depth to it as well...if not for the fact you just can't seem to quit DJT.
Just not true at all. dimocraps didn't expect to have to nominate a POTUS candidate this year. Therefore, nobody was posturing for a shot at the Ring of Power.

You got nothing. All they got is Kamaltoe and she is an absolutely HORRIBLE candidate.

The reason Sponge Brains Shits Pants picked her was because she would never be a threat to his power. Ever.

She still isn't. Wait, she's gonna shit the bed soon. Real soon. She can't help it. You'll see.

She's just another brazen dimocrap scum whore who fucked her way to the top and doesn't have the brains to understand how out of her league she is. She was even hated in the Senate. It was said that if someone shot her and Ted Cruz in the middle of a Senate session that they wouldn't be able to find a single witness.
If we take all three branches of the Law-Making part of government (House, Senate and Executive), we can hurt dimocrap scum in New Yawk and they know it. SCOTUS can hurt them, too. Bigly.

That complete and utter shithole depends almost entirely on goobermint largesse to survive.

We can hurt them in so many ways. Oh so, just so MANY ways. It boggles the mind to think of all the ways we can fuck those people. Brings a smile to my face
I have personal issues with the people's Republic of naw Yerk as well. I recently had to go to upstate ny and I stayed in Erie, I gassed up my rental car and got plenty of snacks in PA. I will not spend a fucking dime in that state. Here at home, when I shop, it it says new York anywhere on the label I don't buy it. I use a bank that has no affiliations to new York
I hate new York and if I had my way I would give it back to the Dutch and let them deal with it. If they won't take it back, I would go to war to force them to reclaim that garbage dump.
Just not true at all. dimocraps didn't expect to have to nominate a POTUS candidate this year. Therefore, nobody was posturing for a shot at the Ring of Power.

You got nothing. All they got is Kamaltoe and she is an absolutely HORRIBLE candidate.

The reason Sponge Brains Shits Pants picked her was because she would never be a threat to his power. Ever.

She still isn't. Wait, she's gonna shit the bed soon. Real soon. She can't help it. You'll see.

She's just another brazen dimocrap scum whore who fucked her way to the top and doesn't have the brains to understand how out of her league she is. She was even hated in the Senate. It was said that if someone shot her and Ted Cruz in the middle of a Senate session that they wouldn't be able to find a single witness.
all true----except---that cameltoe might win
Just not true at all. dimocraps didn't expect to have to nominate a POTUS candidate this year. Therefore, nobody was posturing for a shot at the Ring of Power.

You got nothing. All they got is Kamaltoe and she is an absolutely HORRIBLE candidate.

The reason Sponge Brains Shits Pants picked her was because she would never be a threat to his power. Ever.

She still isn't. Wait, she's gonna shit the bed soon. Real soon. She can't help it. You'll see.

She's just another brazen dimocrap scum whore who fucked her way to the top and doesn't have the brains to understand how out of her league she is. She was even hated in the Senate. It was said that if someone shot her and Ted Cruz in the middle of a Senate session that they wouldn't be able to find a single witness.
And ladies and gentlemen..we have another one who can't articulate a point. :)
nope---despite the experience you have with your "FRIEND"--
you are clueless to reality. I have no doubt that you can
handle a slide rule for every function possible---but LIFE OUT
THERE? I have a very nice brother just like you.
Almost every nation on earth has abortion laws
Most in the third trimester.

If they cant make up their mind by then oh well. Except health issues
I have personal issues with the people's Republic of naw Yerk as well. I recently had to go to upstate ny and I stayed in Erie, I gassed up my rental car and got plenty of snacks in PA. I will not spend a fucking dime in that state. Here at home, when I shop, it it says new York anywhere on the label I don't buy it. I use a bank that has no affiliations to new York
I hate new York and if I had my way I would give it back to the Dutch and let them deal with it. If they won't take it back, I would go to war to force them to reclaim that garbage dump.
In the course of my life----I did spend time in PENNSYLVANNIA--
in fact PHILADELPHIA----I even have a sister-in-law (gawd help
me) from that incubator of freaks. but----I also spent time in
NY------Penn. loses by ----uhm----a long shot
In the course of my life----I did spend time in PENNSYLVANNIA--
in fact PHILADELPHIA----I even have a sister-in-law (gawd help
me) from that incubator of freaks. but----I also spent time in
NY------Penn. loses by ----uhm----a long shot
I live in Arizona. I was only in my because my mother passed. I would spend money in Havana before I would ny
Republicans should have seen this type of scenario coming and kicked Trump to the curb for Nikki Haley.
We wouldn't be having this discussion otherwise.

But now? Republicans ride or die with Trump. As I predicted, he is a boat anchor around the Republican party's neck now. :)

August West
Auld Phart

Here's what they have.

"Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve – And never was!

He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t – And now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
Almost every nation on earth has abortion laws
Most in the third trimester.

If they cant make up their mind by then oh well. Except health issues
no----our abortion laws ---as far as I recall----did not even get
beyond the second trimester. ----more like four months---I do
not recall. BUT---yes----most women KNOW early enough----
few are really THAT CLUELESS
Obama is letting everyone know what is going on.

He did so when he walked Joe off stage a couple of weeks ago. - He let everyone know the replacement had begun.

Now with this statement....

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.

He is announcing for all to see, that Kamala is not the chosen one. If she was, he would have at least wished her luck.
or..he is adhering to the neutrality called for by his position~
not clear-----who is going to get fucked? which shithole?
what people? I am a registered democrat----dims are not
ETERNAL crap-----of late--the donkey is temporarily pixilated
The 'Donkey' has always been a pile of shit. You're just now seeing it. That you['re a member is very telling

It didn't get this way by itself. Nobody forced dimocrap scum to steal an election and put a Dementia Patient in charge.

They could have picked from a hundred different people for the role of POTUS. They had the election in the bag and they knew it. Nazi Pelousy even said so several months before it.

Whoever they picked was going to win. It was pre-ordained by their graft. They could have run a corpse and won. So, they did.

Because he agreed to let them do whatever they wanted to do and he would be the fall guy.

They expected him to tossed out of Office but the SCUM in the DNC figured he'd be out by January or February of 2023, giving them plenty of time to anoint another Phony Saviour and get the Marxist Media to lie about him or her and get their idiot followers sufficiently brainwashed into adoring him or her.

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