Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

Oh I totally agree that it is a hard decision... BUT then with that in mind... why would a woman then have unprotected sex as evidently 60% of abortions are their 2nd or more... why if it is such a hard decision, why not avoid it and have protection?
Birth control! Wear a condom. But don't be unprotected. Irresponsible.
My concern is with the 17 year-old girl who just simply made a mistake. Or the girl finds out the guy is an irresponsible jerk who won't take care of her and the baby. Which is HIS job and HIS responsibility. Or the guy flat-out tells the girl she's on her own.

Sure, the goobermint can hunt him down, they can garnish his wages, they can even toss him in Jail. But what good does that do? None. In fact, it does a lot of harm.

We've all seen the results of unwanted children that grow up to be -- A mess. And ruin the woman's life while they're at it. And probably the Father's as well.

i don't agree with abortion. I hate it.

But you know what? Know who hates abortion more than anybody? The pregnant woman.

But sometimes, it's the only answer. The only viable alternative.

Friend of mine, years ago, had to get an abortion when she found out the Father was --


Abortion is also a major, major, major, major, major loser for Republicans. And Pot.

But now that both of those have been taken off the table for the most part, maybe we can get around to taking back power from the scum of the fucking Earth -- dimocrap FILTH.

It is a sin that we've allowed them to control this Country due to trivial problems in our society that we were on the wrong side of.
Kamala WH Trump BH.png
I agree.

I also sympathize with women who think they need an abortion. It's got to be the most heart-breaking decision in the world to make.
Oh I totally agree that it is a hard decision... BUT then with that in mind... why would a woman then have unprotected sex as evidently 60% of abortions are their 2nd or more... why if it is such a hard decision, why not avoid it and have protection?
Birth control! Wear a condom. But don't be unprotected. Irresponsible.
My concern is with the 17 year-old girl who just simply made a mistake. Or the girl finds out the guy is an irresponsible jerk who won't take care of her and the baby. Which is HIS job and HIS responsibility. Or the guy flat-out tells the girl she's on her own.

Sure, the goobermint can hunt him down, they can garnish his wages, they can even toss him in Jail. But what good does that do? None. In fact, it does a lot of harm.

We've all seen the results of unwanted children that grow up to be -- A mess. And ruin the woman's life while they're at it. And probably the Father's as well.

i don't agree with abortion. I hate it.

But you know what? Know who hates abortion more than anybody? The pregnant woman.

But sometimes, it's the only answer. The only viable alternative.

Friend of mine, years ago, had to get an abortion when she found out the Father was --


Abortion is also a major, major, major, major, major loser for Republicans. And Pot.

But now that both of those have been taken off the table for the most part, maybe we can get around to taking back power from the scum of the fucking Earth -- dimocrap FILTH.

It is a sin that we've allowed them to control this Country due to trivial problems in our society that we were on the wrong side of.
AND I AGREE!!! The 17 year old first abortion YES!
But if in another year she has another ABORTION... what happened to her? Was she raped? Was she unhealthy?
NO she was NOT reminded of her previous irresponsibility... so why are we rewarding her with continuing her sexual behavior? NO she should have learned and if she didn't SHE needs to have the responsibility!
AGAIN over 60% abortions are by women that have had 2 or more!
That was four years ago, that was when democrats had eight people to pick from. Now she is the VP and if they pick her, they HAVE to back her up!

Still, she is a very weak and flawed candidate, even worse than Joe in some ways to any thinking, observant person.

Thing is, democrat's base is neither thinking nor observant, they are all idealistic dreamers!
Thing is, democrat's base is neither thinking nor observant, they are all idealistic dreamers Stupid.....

Fixed it for you
My concern is with the 17 year-old girl who just simply made a mistake. Or the girl finds out the guy is an irresponsible jerk who won't take care of her and the baby. Which is HIS job and HIS responsibility. Or the guy flat-out tells the girl she's on her own.

Sure, the goobermint can hunt him down, they can garnish his wages, they can even toss him in Jail. But what good does that do? None. In fact, it does a lot of harm.

We've all seen the results of unwanted children that grow up to be -- A mess. And ruin the woman's life while they're at it. And probably the Father's as well.

i don't agree with abortion. I hate it.

But you know what? Know who hates abortion more than anybody? The pregnant woman.

But sometimes, it's the only answer. The only viable alternative.

Friend of mine, years ago, had to get an abortion when she found out the Father was --


Abortion is also a major, major, major, major, major loser for Republicans. And Pot.

But now that both of those have been taken off the table for the most part, maybe we can get around to taking back power from the scum of the fucking Earth -- dimocrap FILTH.

It is a sin that we've allowed them to control this Country due to trivial problems in our society that we were on the wrong side of.
you touched on the a few of the COMPLICATIONS being
ignored by the "PRO-LIFE" ---maniacs. For the record,
I hate abortion but it is a necessary misery
Oh I totally agree that it is a hard decision... BUT then with that in mind... why would a woman then have unprotected sex as evidently 60% of abortions are their 2nd or more... why if it is such a hard decision, why not avoid it and have protection?
Birth control! Wear a condom. But don't be unprotected. Irresponsible.

AND I AGREE!!! The 17 year old first abortion YES!
But if in another year she has another ABORTION... what happened to her? Was she raped? Was she unhealthy?
NO she was NOT reminded of her previous irresponsibility... so why are we rewarding her with continuing her sexual behavior? NO she should have learned and if she didn't SHE needs to have the responsibility!
AGAIN over 60% abortions are by women that have had 2 or more!
No argument here. But it would be extremely difficult to separate them. And they'd scream "Bloody Murder!" if you tried. Besides, let Darwin do his thing
I wonder if he had COVID at all. Could have just been an excuse to isolate him while the Dems strong armed him. They probably threatened to 25 him if he didn’t drop out.

Jill must be seething.
Joe and Jill are both seething. Joe was a spoiled "government servant". Proud to work for us peons. Always humbled for the honor of serving us. Now we will get the endless Progressive honoring of this carpetbagging snake. He is so advanced in lies he can change a lie completely in mid-sentence into another one. Perhaps its karma for his half century of contentious lies and venom. The citizens did not deserve him though.
you touched on the a few of the COMPLICATIONS being
ignored by the "PRO-LIFE" ---maniacs. For the record,
I hate abortion but it is a necessary misery
"Complications" addressed: In days gone by, boyfriends stepped up to the plate and married their girlfriends. It happened in millions of families and was no big deal.
If the guy is a total loser, and the "little girl" isn't responsible either, she can give it up for adoption. Many families are begging to adopt but all the babies have been murdered on orders from Democrats. My niece went to Russia twice to adopt children. None here.
My friend's stepdaughter was a drug addict. They gave her child to a wonderful, responsible couple who had to come to California from Virginia. They are thrilled.

People like me advocating for MERCY, not MURDER, are NOT "maniacs."
You substitute your bitterness, your hatefulness, for reality and common sense and think yourself clever. Sorry but that is pure evil.
Obama is letting everyone know what is going on.

He did so when he walked Joe off stage a couple of weeks ago. - He let everyone know the replacement had begun.

Now with this statement....

We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.

He is announcing for all to see, that Kamala is not the chosen one. If she was, he would have at least wished her luck.
"Complications" addressed: In days gone by, boyfriends stepped up to the plate and married their girlfriends. It happened in millions of families and was no big deal.
If the guy is a total loser, and the "little girl" isn't responsible either, she can give it up for adoption. Many families are begging to adopt but all the babies have been murdered on orders from Democrats. My niece went to Russia twice to adopt children. None here.
My friend's stepdaughter was a drug addict. They gave her child to a wonderful, responsible couple who had to come to California from Virginia. They are thrilled.

People like me advocating for MERCY, not MURDER, are NOT "maniacs."
You substitute your bitterness, your hatefulness, for reality and common sense and think yourself clever. Sorry but that is pure evil.
nope---despite the experience you have with your "FRIEND"--
you are clueless to reality. I have no doubt that you can
handle a slide rule for every function possible---but LIFE OUT
THERE? I have a very nice brother just like you.
Joe and Jill are both seething. Joe was a spoiled "government servant". Proud to work for us peons. Always humbled for the honor of serving us. Now we will get the endless Progressive honoring of this carpetbagging snake. He is so advanced in lies he can change a lie completely in mid-sentence into another one. Perhaps its karma for his half century of contentious lies and venom. The citizens did not deserve him though.
It’s not just Joe. The “government servants” around DC, whom you and I support with very generous salaries, work from home by spending the morning at the pool and running errands in the afternoon, and logging in periodically. Even worse, I know people who go in vacations - ski trips, week at the beach, and even to other continents - while claiming they are “working” (again, they log in and answer a few emails), and NEVER CLAIM ANNUAL LEAVE.

Once Trump gets back in, he can easily half the government and nobody would ever notice.

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