Biden Stepping Down Looms Near Certainty

The Democrats have demonstrated in spades that they care about only the laws they can use to their advantage. They pretty much ignore all the others.
But it takes more time to do that then they have. They are a couple weeks away from picking the candidate, and there isnt a court case about this yet, so its too late to use lawfare.
Let's be clear about a couple of things. First, Biden may drop out of the presidential election race which doesn't mean he is resigning from the presidency. Unless he really is that ill, I can see him finishing his presidency but it's looking like somebody else will be the democrat nominee. Bear in mind, if he resigns from the presidency then Kamala assumes the office and she does not get to appoint somebody to be the VP. She has to nominate that person, who must be confirmed in the Senate, and I think that requires 60 votes, which the GOP might not support. Cuz the new VP would have the tie-breaking vote in the Senate and I don't see the GOP allowing that.

Second, it's his choice to stay in the race or not. If he says I'm still running then he's still running. IOW, nobody can force him out. I suspect he is kept very insulated from public opinion, and he might not know how much of a joke he is outside the White House. I think they've been telling him all along how strong he is and how he's needed by the country, and now they're going to tell him he's gotta step down from the election?

Third, if Biden drops out of the race before the convention, then the democratic convention becomes a wide-open, brokered convention where deals will be made to support somebody over another somebody. IOW, chaotic as hell. We might wanna have some cold beverage and popcorn ready for this one. And BTW the Bidens do not like Kamala Harris at all, so there might be some negotiation to keep her out of the democrat nomination process.

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