The #1 reason to vote for Donald Trump.

The only reason to vote for Trump is if you have the prospect of a cushy job if he's elected. Same for Biden. Otherwise, vote "other". The duopoly has to end if America is to thrive.
What's really sad is that it is even a choice.

If Biden was 61, there would be no argument, yet because he's 81, we can ignore the great and historic job he has done.
Nope, no one cares if he's 81. They DO care that he can't finish a coherent statement, has to wait for Jill to lead him off stage and help him down stairs, shakes hands with invisible ghosts, mumbles and screams incoherently, and in general inspires as much confidence that he can run the country for another 4 years as Skippy, the Wonder Dog. Let's just say it this way, if Quid Pro Joe was 61, he wouldn't be allowed in the Oval Office without a visitor's pass. His age is the only pity factor that allows him to camp out there, waiting for ice cream.
What's really sad is that it is even a choice.

If Biden was 61, there would be no argument, yet because he's 81, we can ignore the great and historic job he has done.
He has done a good job but eventually someone has to take away his car keys before he hurts someone. RBG did some fine work too but didn't know when to quit.
He has done a good job but eventually someone has to take away his car keys before he hurts someone. RBG did some fine work too but didn't know when to quit.
Well we have someone fully capable of doing that and it is not Trump. Harris can do the job if Biden is not capable. What seems to be frgotten is that Trump is 78 and he is in worse physical and mental shape than Biden. So do you want J.D. Vance as President?
Well we have someone fully capable of doing that and it is not Trump. Harris can do the job if Biden is not capable. What seems to be frgotten is that Trump is 78 and he is in worse physical and mental shape than Biden. So do you want J.D. Vance as President?
Yeah. I do. I think jd Vance would make a great president.
Nope, no one cares if he's 81. They DO care that he can't finish a coherent statement, has to wait for Jill to lead him off stage and help him down stairs, shakes hands with invisible ghosts, mumbles and screams incoherently, and in general inspires as much confidence that he can run the country for another 4 years as Skippy, the Wonder Dog. Let's just say it this way, if Quid Pro Joe was 61, he wouldn't be allowed in the Oval Office without a visitor's pass. His age is the only pity factor that allows him to camp out there, waiting for ice cream.
You can stop recited the edited bullshit you think is real. Trump is a convicted felon. He couldn't run for dog catcher, but here he is in the Presidential race. On top of that he's 78 and during his presidency:

Mr President? Donald Trump nearly forgets to sign bill​

Did Trump Forget Melania Is Standing Next To Him?​

And now:

Trump was having memory problems during his presidency, and has shown similar problems during his campaign, yet people like you run your mouths about this:

Misleading Biden videos go viral

How many more lies are you right wingers going to try pulling?
Yeah. I do. I think jd Vance would make a great president.
Yeah, but you followed around an idiot who thought I have half the liberal postings here. So you ain't too bright.
Yeah, and you followed around an idiot who thought I have half the liberal postings here.
I was reading a thread about lost jobs. Initially I hoped to learn something about that because I'm not in a town and have retired. I was amused by that guy's accusations, however I don't believe it. Honestly jimmy, I don't think you are that smart to be an author, or have multiple accounts. I like comedy though, and it was funny. Towards the end when he was tagging others, I didn't get it and you saw me tell him so. Then you whined to somebody and the thread got shit canned.
Anyway, bless your cynical little heart
Well we have someone fully capable of doing that and it is not Trump. Harris can do the job if Biden is not capable. What seems to be frgotten is that Trump is 78 and he is in worse physical and mental shape than Biden. So do you want J.D. Vance as President?
I have only one issue, can Harris can beat Trump, if so, she has my support. Almost any Dem that can beat Trump will do.

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