I Got Your Cackles!

Shut up Canadian. Our border was bad during Trump. Apparently you don't know how America works. The responsibility for the border is in congress.
Trump tried to do something about it, Biden can't get enough immigrants to cross before the election IM2

nope, wrong again IM2

my disdain for Harris has nothing to do with race or gender

Of course it doesn't. Nothing you whites have against blacks ever has anything to do with race. Who do you think you're fooling white man? We hear this all the time. I've heard this for most of the 63 years I have been alive. If I got a dollar for every time I heard this, Elon Musk would come to me for a loan. Please!
Of course it doesn't. Nothing you whites have against blacks ever has anything to do with race. Who do you think you're fooling white man? We hear this all the time. I've heard this for most of the 63 years I have been alive. If I got a dollar for every time I heard this, Elon Musk would come to me for a loan. Please!
I highly suspect Elon would have little to do with race hustlers IM2


Behind the Curtain: Top Dems now believe Biden will exit​

". . . . Reality check: Biden can't be forced out. He has the delegates. No one can physically pry them away. He needs to do it by choice and on his terms.
  • If Biden wanted to stay in, he'd be impenetrable, thanks to liberal leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus. But his closest friends believe he's fought the good fight and will succumb to reality.
The White House told us about the Schumer and Jeffries conversations: "The president told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win, and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100 days agenda to help working families."

  • "In recent days the President has become more committed to staying in the race," a senior Biden aide said.
  • The Biden-Harris campaign tells us: "If the facts matter — and they should — here is one: President Biden is the Democratic nominee and he is going to win this November."
  • At a counterprogramming event outside the GOP convention in Milwaukee, deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks told reporters that Biden "is not wavering on anything. The president has made his decision."
But Biden is doing two new and telling things: listening more and asking about Vice President Harris' prospects against Trump. That's why you see all the leaks about Biden being open-minded. He would hardly talk to naysayers a week ago.

  • The most likely scenario is Biden bows out and endorses Harris — but also flicks to letting the delegates sort it out if the party feels otherwise. That would aim to defuse any criticism that the Democratic Party was being undemocratic.
  • Harris would be hard to stop — perhaps impossible — if the Obamas and Clintons joined Biden, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) and the Congressional Black Caucus in backing her. It's not clear the coronation would be so fast and clear, however.
The bottom line: Don't underestimate how badly some Democrats simply want a ticket that can win in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Win those, and Democrats likely win the presidency. Lose them, they're toast."
Of course it doesn't. Nothing you whites have against blacks ever has anything to do with race. Who do you think you're fooling white man? We hear this all the time. I've heard this for most of the 63 years I have been alive. If I got a dollar for every time I heard this, Elon Musk would come to me for a loan. Please!

Your racist crap has ran it's course. Seriously, it doesn't bite, you just look like a sad little boy
This is bullshit. And thats the hard lesson you will learn as time goes on. There is no senile CNC and you tell me what Pence did. There are not better democratic candidates and no one is going to listen to a Republican trying to say so.
I agree. There are no better Democrat candidates than Biden/Harris. In fact I'm counting on it...
What the hell is wrong with Senator Cory Booker. he's D.C. native born, a Stanford graduate and attended Queen's College, Oxford and Yale. He's for women's rights, reforming criminal justice and is an eloquent speaker. Harris on the other hand is an idiot.
Kamala Harris is VP and she is VERY capable of being the president. We made this mistake with Hillary Clinton. Clinton was one of the most qualified candidates in our history and yet, we got the same stump stupid and now we have this.

Harris is no idiot. She served as AG and ran the second largest DOJ in this country. Only the US DOJ was larger. And she was elected twice to do that job. An idiot would not have done that.

Stop watching right wing bs or listening to right wing talkers.

Behind the Curtain: Top Dems now believe Biden will exit​

". . . . Reality check: Biden can't be forced out. He has the delegates. No one can physically pry them away. He needs to do it by choice and on his terms.
  • If Biden wanted to stay in, he'd be impenetrable, thanks to liberal leaders and the Congressional Black Caucus. But his closest friends believe he's fought the good fight and will succumb to reality.
The White House told us about the Schumer and Jeffries conversations: "The president told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win, and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100 days agenda to help working families."

  • "In recent days the President has become more committed to staying in the race," a senior Biden aide said.
  • The Biden-Harris campaign tells us: "If the facts matter — and they should — here is one: President Biden is the Democratic nominee and he is going to win this November."
  • At a counterprogramming event outside the GOP convention in Milwaukee, deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks told reporters that Biden "is not wavering on anything. The president has made his decision."
But Biden is doing two new and telling things: listening more and asking about Vice President Harris' prospects against Trump. That's why you see all the leaks about Biden being open-minded. He would hardly talk to naysayers a week ago.

  • The most likely scenario is Biden bows out and endorses Harris — but also flicks to letting the delegates sort it out if the party feels otherwise. That would aim to defuse any criticism that the Democratic Party was being undemocratic.
  • Harris would be hard to stop — perhaps impossible — if the Obamas and Clintons joined Biden, Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) and the Congressional Black Caucus in backing her. It's not clear the coronation would be so fast and clear, however.
The bottom line: Don't underestimate how badly some Democrats simply want a ticket that can win in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Win those, and Democrats likely win the presidency. Lose them, they're toast."

The polls are basically tied, and yet....
Shut up Canadian. Our border was bad during Trump. Apparently you don't know how America works. The responsibility for the border is in congress. Insread of passing a fucking law, they chose to investigate Hunter Biden. Then when a bi partisan bill came up, Trump made republicans shut it down so he could use it as an issue in the campaign and your stupid Canadian ass tries making it an issue. So don't try putting this on Harris.
Enjoy your new president Harris. I guarantee you that China will.

In fact, if there is a place I could wager a bet as to whether China would attack Taiwan in "x number of years", I would wager it would be within the four years of her being president if she won.

This isn't a game, take your damn pom pom offs.
Shut up Canadian. Our border was bad during Trump. Apparently you don't know how America works. The responsibility for the border is in congress. Insread of passing a fucking law, they chose to investigate Hunter Biden. Then when a bi partisan bill came up, Trump made republicans shut it down so he could use it as an issue in the campaign and your stupid Canadian ass tries making it an issue. So don't try putting this on Harris.
Trump's been out of office. He had/has no authority to shut it down. Quit peddling Demofascist lies. It was shit bill with truckload of unrelated pork tied to it. That's why it was shut down. Fact!
That you are a racist little worm promoting racism in a public forum
Too bad that's not the case. But to whites who think they are entitled to say whatever they want about anybody, and that non whites have no right to criticize whites equally, that is racism.

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