I Got Your Cackles!

Yet you've called whitey every name in the book here IM2

He does that when he politically disagrees with someone.

If they don't agree with him, he believes it HAS to be, because they are evil filthy racists.

We have several Jewish & fundamentalist Christian members on this forum that deploy the same dishonest discussion tactics. . . .

It is the racists who are white who have been called things in response to all the things they have called me.

You have called me a racist, and the only thing I have called you, is a fucking communist. And that was AFTER you insulted me you piece of shit.
This is a serious woman. But she also has a personality.

You crazy people stick together even as the ship is going down .

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Get some hope back into your life IQ2 with NAC .
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Of course it doesn't. Nothing you whites have against blacks ever has anything to do with race. Who do you think you're fooling white man? We hear this all the time. I've heard this for most of the 63 years I have been alive. If I got a dollar for every time I heard this, Elon Musk would come to me for a loan. Please!
IM2white has outed himself (herself?). The jig is up.
This is a serious woman. But she also has a personality. So you guys can talk crazy about her laughing, but you best fear the propsect of either of your candidates facing her in a debate. I got your cackles...

You should know that she has a conservative track record when she was attorney general of California
He does that when he politically disagrees with someone.
Ad hominems are the penchant of weak debaters , which i usually don't respond to because
A)i won't be dragged down to their level .......&
B) they don't need any help painting themselves fools .......&
C) real agent provocateurs would laugh at them Mr B


This is a serious woman. But she also has a personality. So you guys can talk crazy about her laughing, but you best fear the propsect of either of your candidates facing her in a debate. I got your cackles...

Did she give you a blow job?

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