RNC Convention

Fact-checking the LIARS.

“President Trump handed Biden a booming economy and a strong nation. All Joe had to do was leave it alone and take a nap.”
— Kimberly Guilfoyle, fiancée of Donald Trump Jr.

The economy was not booming in January 2021. When Biden became president, the United States was in an economic crisis because of the coronavirus pandemic. The unemployment rate was 6.4 percent, and the administration pushed through an economic recovery plan in its first months in office.

While the Trump administration helped foster the creation of the coronavirus vaccine, it had not left behind much of a national strategy beyond vaccinating health-care workers and people living in long-term care facilities, all of whom were at fixed sites where they could receive vaccines. Trump more than 20 times promised that 100 million doses of vaccine would be delivered by the end of 2020 — a goal his administration badly failed to meet.

The Biden administration came up with ways to provide states with resources to deliver vaccines — which Trump had resisted — and to prevent states from hoarding doses.

Biden’s job record in his first three years also tops Trump’s performance. In the first three years of Trump’s term, about 6.5 million jobs were created — less than half the number created under Biden in the same time period. The number of jobs is now 6.2 million higher than the peak under Trump in February 2020, before the pandemic struck the economy.

So odd watching the RNC when you have no idea who the Democratic nominee is going to be. In any event, this might be the most unified I've seen Republicans in quite a while. This is great news.

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