Zelensky challenges Trump to release plan to end Ukraine war with Russia

It's because our commitment wasn't strong nor fast enough. Being slow to deliver weapons or approve them was what allowed Russia to gain a foothold.

Ukraine may not be able to win, but that doesn't mean that Russia can either. They don't have the equipment or manpower to take every single city much less occupy the entire country. If Trump wins reelection and cuts off aid, all gloves will be off and Ukraine will probably send detachments directly into Russia and make many more deep bombing runs with ATACMS and maybe even HiMARs which they were restricted from using for that purpose before.

Taking the entirety of Ukraine was never the intent, and if Russia had intended to just conquer Ukraine they could and would have. At the very start of the war they could have just bombed the ever living shit out of Ukraine, put the entire Russian military behind taking it, but they didnt. I imagine Putin expected a partner willing to negociate a peace. Ukraine doesn't go into NATO, Russia withdraws, protections for the ethnic Russians in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, likely a formalization of their hold on Crimea etc. Maybe a pull back of some of the weapon systems we have placed. The west stops interfering in Ukraine political system. etc.

Except Putin himself never claimed that was the reason despite Tucker asking him directly if NATO was the reason for the war. Also, why are you so dead set on making the US look weak as fuck? Write a letter to Putin? Biden isn't Trump. He's not an agent of Russia. Lmao

So the Nyet means Nyet docs dont exsit?

The head of NATO turning down Putin's request for written assurances of Ukraine not being admitted into NATO and him not invading didnt happen?

We didnt run a coup to install a pro western government in Ukraine after a pro Russian one was democratically elected?

We havent broken the promise to Russia over and over again about NATO expansion?

NATO isnt a threat to Russia?

Answer me this.

If Russia and China started a military alliance with South American countries as a hedge to US interference and aggression there and slowly moved north through Central America adding countries to this alliance. Training them, giving them weapons, stationing troops there, stationing missiles pointed at the US there and then ran a coup in Mexico to install a pro Russia/China Government and started talking about putting Mexico into this alliance. What do you think the US would do?
No, in saying that it’s all very coincidental

It's a matter of very direct CAUSE AND EFFECT.

It's also NOT COINCIDENTAL for a company on DoS shitlist to try to put American VP's son on the board to try to improve it's image.

How do you not get such simple shit?
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It's a matter of very direct CAUSE AND EFFECT.
That's not why VP at the time Biden was there. Even if you ask Pres Biden that's not why he was there.
It's also NOT COINCIDENTAL for a company on DoS shitlist to try to put American VP's son on the board to try to improve it's image.
So you're saying they weren't paying Hunter for any other reason than his last name which gave him access to the VP? And you don't a problem with that?
How do you not get such simple shit?

It's a matter of very direct CAUSE AND EFFECT.

It's also NOT COINCIDENTAL for a company on DoS shitlist to try to put American VP's son on the board to try to improve it's image.

How do you not get such simple shit?
Who the hell is Zelensky? We gave enough in resources while people in our nation were screwed over from our own government.
That's not why VP at the time Biden was there. Even if you ask Pres Biden that's not why he was there.

So you're saying they weren't paying Hunter for any other reason than his last name which gave him access to the VP? And you don't a problem with that?

Why do you care if a foreign business business paid Hunter?

Were you upset when a private equity firm in Saudi Arabia paid far more money to Ivanka?
Why do you care if a foreign business business paid Hunter?

Were you upset when a private equity firm in Saudi Arabia paid far more money to Ivanka?
Neither were a good thing. If a company is paying family members of the President/ VP in order to get access and favorable dealings with the US that's not a net positive not sure why you think it is.
Neither were a good thing. If a company is paying family members of the President/ VP in order to get access and favorable dealings with the US that's not a net positive not sure why you think it is.

Doesn't mean they get access. There's no evidence the Saudi's got access to Trump and there's no evidence Zlochevsky got access to Biden.
Doesn't mean they get access. There's no evidence the Saudi's got access to Trump and there's no evidence Zlochevsky got access to Biden.
These entities don't continue to pay these individuals the amounts of cash they are paying them without something. Hunter was being paid by Burisma for like 4 years wasn't he? I don't think they have nailed down exactly how much he was making but 50k a month has been batted around. So, they were paying him potentially 600k a year for funsies?
These entities don't continue to pay these individuals the amounts of cash they are paying them without something. Hunter was being paid by Burisma for like 4 years wasn't he? I don't think they have nailed down exactly how much he was making but 50k a month has been batted around. So, they were paying him potentially 600k a year for funsies?

They kept Hunter as an employee even after his father was a private citizen.

So what access to Trump do you think the Saudis got?
So you're saying they weren't paying Hunter for any other reason than his last name which gave him access to the VP? And you don't a problem with that?

Noooo, thats not what I'm saying.

Certainly Burisma's owner would love it if he can get some pull on VP by hiring Hunter, but even without it, having VP's son on your board is a very good look for a company with image problems. At $50k a month it's a bargain.

Republicans tried to find SOMETHING in terms of actual evidence of any such improper pull on Joe Biden, but in the end FOUND NOTHING.

Here is all they got in 2020:

Here is all they got in 2023:
Noooo, thats not what I'm saying.

Certainly Burisma's owner would love it if he can get some pull on VP by hiring Hunter, but even without it, having VP's son on your board is a very good look for a company with image problems. At $50k a month it's a bargain.

Republicans tried to find SOMETHING in terms of actual evidence of any such improper pull on Joe Biden, but in the end FOUND NOTHING.

Here is all they got in 2020:

Here is all they got in 2023:

Ok. If you want to believe that a company paid someone 50k for image (then why did Biden ever do anything other than just cash the checks) you go ahead. I find it wildly hard to believe that the family member of a sitting VP is getting paid 600k a year for that alone.
Ok. If you want to believe that a company paid someone 50k for image (then why did Biden ever do anything other than just cash the checks) you go ahead.


You clearly have very little familiarity with what large companies spend on.
Yeah because a former VP and 40 Senator has no pull in Washington...

No idea. I doubt it was zero

In Washington, of course they do. We're talking about in Ukraine. And I note, there's absolutely no evidence Zlochevsky had access to Biden.


Republicans have been searching for years and have come up completely empty in terms of Biden. They got some family members but like Thomas Crooks, missed their target.
Funny that he hasn't asked Biden for his plan to end the war?

Offhand, I'd say that Trump's plan for ending the war is simple: stop funding it and let Zelenskyy fight his own battles himself. If his neighbors want to chip in, that is their business.

Then I'd guess Trump would either expect repayment of all we've loaned him or we take over the land for ourselves.

He's had years to know what Biden's plan is.

Trump is promising to end the war overnight. Let's see that plan.

Throughout all of his campaigns for President, Trump has said he has plans for this and plans for that, and it turned out he didn't have plans for anything. He's just flying by the seat of his pants.

Let's see the plans this time, Trump!!!

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