Was it an inside job?

There's only two choices.

It's either an inside job or evidence of the most incompetent administration in the history of the US.
It was definitely an inside job.

At the very least in the sense that the SS was downgraded for DEI purposes.

And Trump was getting 5th rate agents after requesting an upgrade multiple times.

Biden just upgraded his protection yesterday, which proves he could have done it all along.

Meanwhile, back in the spring, Dems in the House attempted to take away Trump's protection in the event of a conviction.

All while blasting him as the second coming of Hitler over the airwaves for years.

So yes.

One way or another, it was absolutely an inside job in the sense that the political environment was purposely manipulated to guarantee this was bound to happen.
The video of the bumbling female agents running in circles was not good.
I have no sniper experience either but I can drive tacks at 150 yards with my .243. If Trump hadn't moved his head slightly he'd be dead now. Also, the shooter was spotted and likely rushed the shot. If a scoped rifle is properly sighted in almost anyone can hit a melon-sized target at that distance.
I just use my thumb for driving tacks. Less wall damage. ;)

This has Dallas written all over it. Who knows what to think? This 20 year old did not act alone FOR SURE HE HAD HELP.
I just use my thumb for driving tacks. Less wall damage. ;)

This has Dallas written all over it. Who knows what to think? This 20 year old did not act alone FOR SURE HE HAD HELP.
Biden almost demanded that someone take Trump out. Maybe some in the SS took him seriously. A guy that knew the shooter in high school mentioned that he was bullied. That's just the sort that could be groomed for what he did. Almost all mass shooters were social outcasts and often bullied in school.
The rhetoric from the left has been intentional to radicalize a lunatic.
True. I'm not a lunatic but I get so mad that I want to do something drastic as well, but certainly not kill someone.
So the secret service hired a kid with no sniper experience to assassinante a former president?

How does that make sense?

That might be the point. To hit us where we're least expecting it. Also I dare you to watch this video and tell me that it's not suspicious.

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This former Green Beret sure thinks so.


the real question is whether JD Vance was involved in starting the "Chris Wray spin" that, like Oswald, it was just a "lone wolf."
The whole Trump Rally in Butler was only announced a few days before the event. How could a single lone wolf an hour away south of Pittsburgh be able to plan it and know where the President was going to speak from and how close and accessible the adjacent building was by hisself?

Of course it was an inside job, and Crooks wasn't working alone. It doesn't like the Amazing Fucking Kreskin to figure this one out.
What are the whereabouts of the FBI Agent who set up the Whitmer kidnapping? Where Ray Epps?
Was it an inside job?


Although the little wanker
WAS a registered Republican, so, on second thought... hmmmmmmm :cool:
  • Of course it was an inside job, and Crooks wasn't working alone.
  • It had to be a setup.
  • It was definitely an inside job.....One way or another, it was absolutely an inside job
  • This 20 year old did not act alone FOR SURE HE HAD HELP.
So, is the implication that Trump campaign people helped the shooter? They are pretty doggone 'inside'....and know his schedule and whereabouts intimately.
Same with Trump's family? Could Melania have an interest in being single given the public humiliations of the adulteries?
The contractors, suppliers, and vendors he stiffed on jobs? They too are pretty 'inside'.

Biden almost demanded that someone take Trump out.
"Almost demanded"??

Explain yourself to the forum, poster Woodz.
So, is the implication that Trump campaign people helped the shooter? They are pretty doggone 'inside'....and know his schedule and whereabouts intimately.
Same with Trump's family? Could Melania have an interest in being single given the public humiliations of the adulteries?
The contractors, suppliers, and vendors he stiffed on jobs? They too are pretty 'inside'.

"Almost demanded"??

Explain yourself to the forum, poster Woodz.

The Secret Service is supervised by the Disgraced and Impeached Secretary of Homeland Security.
You have to consider the risk involved with pulling off what was clearly planned.

Clearly the assassinaton was a failure in that Trump turned his head sideways at the last second. And, of course, the combatant was killed after he was provided the opportunity to fire several shots, killing one and wounding a couple of others aside from Trump himself.

In that regard, domestic planners would quietly and logically separate themselves from such a plan, even if the plan was known.

Given some of Trump's foreign policy, particularly given what's going on around the world, if there's any really shady shenanigans, I'd imagine it'd be foreign interests doing the wet work planning.

The actual domestic combatant was expendable, as they always are.

That's the cliff notes anyway.
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Alleged Trump shooter spotted by law enforcement on roof nearly 30 minutes before shots fired, sources say​

Let's just face it, NOTHING about that operation was done right. The ONLY thing that protected Trump and saved him from leaving the rally in a body bag is the fact that he just so happened to have turned his head at exactly the right time. In other words he survived our of sheer luck and divine intervention but that's it.
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