trump advisers draw up plan to pressure Ukraine to end the war, if he is re-elected

See the video in the link that I posted later. Here it is again:

Third lame deflection. I asked the OP what was Biden's plan to end the war. You've twice linked to Trump's opinion of why the war started. If you don't know what Biden's plan to end the war is, just say so and stop wasting my time.
Third lame deflection. I asked the OP what was Biden's plan to end the war. You've twice linked to Trump's opinion of why the war started. If you don't know what Biden's plan to end the war is, just say so and stop wasting my time.
Trump might have been just kiddin anyway.
BS....Poootin is a modern day Hitler and trump is a modern day Chamberlain....except he is not concealing his efforts to return the old Soviet countries back to Poootin. trump will move to weaken NATO if re-elected. He applauds Poootin and his butt buddy, Kim Jong Un, signing a mutual defense pact. trump is intent on selling the US to Poootin so that he can build a hotel in Moscow.

Why did Putin wait until Biden was in the White House to invade Ukraine?

So your boy Putin violated a treaty with Ukraine and invaded them twice.

But you think Ukraine should stand down and trust Putin to stop his attack in its tracks, forever.

You're that guy who buys the commemorative coins from Franklin Mint, aren't you?

So your boy Putin violated a treaty with Ukraine and invaded them twice.

But you think Ukraine should stand down and trust Putin to stop his attack in its tracks, forever.

You're that guy who buys the commemorative coins from Franklin Mint, aren't you?

Who was in charge when they first took the Crimea in 2014?

And you idiots think throwing money at something solves whatever issue there may be.
We will all tell Putin to please stop.
The nature of the war might have changed. Putin/Russia is suggesting that it will start using their Brics' proxies to kill Americans and Israeli Jews.
This is the meaning of Russia sending a naval threat to Cuba.

I'm pretty sure that Russia doesn't intend for Cuba to become involved in any war, at this time. It's likely that the first demonstration of Russia's intent will be Hexbollah strikes against the Z regime to begin with. This may then escalate to strikes on America's assets in the ME? If the Eisenhower hasn't already been hit, it surely was the Houthis intent!

This is not good news for the rest of the world, regarding the chances of MAD.

And so once again the question: Is Russia a small powerless country with a gas station?
Is Russia a superpower with the ability to take all of Europe and possibly beyond?

So your boy Putin violated a treaty with Ukraine and invaded them twice.

But you think Ukraine should stand down and trust Putin to stop his attack in its tracks, forever.

You're that guy who buys the commemorative coins from Franklin Mint, aren't you?
My boy Putin is a piece of shit. A bunker moth, if you want. But prolonging the war this way will lead to Ukraine's defeat. Too bad you can't understand that.

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