Trump thinks he could end the war in the Ukraine... why he's wrong

Trump signed the Doha Accords that turned the country over to the Taliban.

Trump was the one who turned the country over the Taliban at Doha.
Not sure who "Everyone" was, exactly. Everyone knew when we pulled out, the Taliban would take over after the warlords we stopped paying switched sides again.
It doesn't matter what Trump signed when he was president if Biden allowed it to happen when he was president.
Any president has the right to sign an EO erasing what his predecessor did.
And Biden took credit for ending the war in Afghanistan while blaming the horrible withdrawal on Trump.
Biden didn't do anything that Trump agreed to.
Trump wanted every piece of military equipment out of Afghanistan before they left, and Biden just left it all for the Taliban to sell to our enemies.

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1 Million dead from Covid.
14% unemployment (Some 30 million jobs lost.)
Riots in the streets.

We all told you he was a mutt, but you slept with him anyway.
The hate comes from the people running the media.
Many of them are married to Democrats in congress.
Didn't you predict Trump would beat Biden in 2020?
He did beat him.
They raided the servers in Frankfurt Germany to cover up the real count.

The AP says it was false....but it's true. claims it was false.....but everyone knew it happened, when it happened.

Here's the problem.

Any deal that doesn't involve a return to the 2014 borders would be unacceptable to Ukraine. Any deal that does will be unacceptable to Russia.

This is why this war will drag on for years, until both sides get exhausted, and Russia is going to get exhausted before Ukraine will.
I'm not so sure about that.

Let's dispel some facts from fiction.

The WHOLE WORLD is shoving as many weapon systems into Ukraine as fast as they can be utilized and not as fast as they can.

Modern warfare isn't as simple as it used to be. From Electronic warfare to various types of drones things are not as simple to use as they once were....on top of this different elements of troops must coordinate their attacks or defenses in order to be successful....which means months of training is needed for these weapon systems to be utilized effectively.

That being said....Russia has access to more manpower than Ukraine. Always has. Russia has had a larger standing army than Ukraine could ever produce creating an asymmetrical warfare situation. Asymmetrical warfare does not guarantee that Russia is automatically going to win...and Ukraine has been effective in making gains using effective tactics as a smaller force.

Russia has been using prison and conscripted manpower from the poorest areas of Russia. Not even touching their middle class citizens. Where Ukraine has used EVERYONE and asked foreign fighters to join up because of their lack of manpower.
Trump's plan of action is unworkable.

Currently 2 different European nations are preparing to enter Ukraine to crush Russia the moment Ukrainian forces fail. They have prepared and highly trained more troops than Ukraine ever has had. Also these troops are better equipped with more modern equipment than Ukraine ever has been sold or donated. Ukrainian troops have been trained according to NATO standards...barely. Years of training and practice cannot be had in months. It just doesn't work that way no matter how determined an army is.

The internal political conflicts in Russia are also going to configure in the mix of things.

Trump's plan is unworkable for a LOT of reasons.
He did beat him.
They raided the servers in Frankfurt Germany to cover up the real count.

The AP says it was false....but it's true. claims it was false.....but everyone knew it happened, when it happened.


"His asserted that it would boil down to his established relationships with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin."

"He said he would tell Mr Zelensky: “No more, you gotta make a deal,” and Mr Putin: “If you don’t make a deal, we’re gonna give them a lot. We’re gonna give more than they ever got.”"

Firstly, he doesn't understand Putin. Putin's not going to give up the war because the US might give more weapons to the Ukraine.

Secondly his "established relationship" with Putin, come in, Xi wanted the war to end, and went to Putin and Putin told him, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off. Why would Putin listen to the US, which Putin hates, when he won't listen to biggest buddy Xi?
BS. Putin took advantage of weak US leadership. It is no surprise then that his aggression against Ukraine and by extension the West took place under Obama and Brandon. He doesn't take them seriously for obvious reasons.
BS. Putin took advantage of weak US leadership. It is no surprise then that his aggression against Ukraine and by extension the West took place under Obama and Brandon. He doesn't take them seriously for obvious reasons.
Yeah...he totally missed on that guess.
Obama was too self absorbed to do anything about anyone but himself.
Who would thought that the Republicans would be communist sympathizers like they are today?
Jeez Mike, Before the election, when he said he had not ties to Russia, he was working with the Russians to try to build Trump Moscow, and the penthouse for Putey was in the mix. He has stated while in office how much he admired Putin. When the Russians invaded, he initially approve and said he couldn't blame Putin. It is unlikely he is friends with Zelensky, as that was the country he was trying to extort, on military assistance with the bastard Russians at the door and already having moved in and annexed the Crimea peninsula. Not trump hate, just the facts of history.

The Dems are the one 'friendly' with Zelensky, he has all of their skeletons, and he launders all of their ill-gotten gains for them, it's such a great give and take relationship. They send him billions, he keeps his mouth shut and gives them a percentage back. Gotta hand it to them, it's a great gig, and they have morons like you in the USA cheering them on and happily working their asses off to pay taxes to enrich them all. And the cherry on top is if you point out what's going on behind the curtain, they can accuse you of being a Putin lover and supporter. They got it all figured out, and use their puppets (like you) to the fullest extent.
It doesn't matter what Trump signed when he was president if Biden allowed it to happen when he was president.
Any president has the right to sign an EO erasing what his predecessor did.

The important thing is "compelling reason". Biden thought Afghanistan was a bad idea for years. He argued against the war since the Mid-Aughts. Why would he reverse course.

And Biden took credit for ending the war in Afghanistan while blaming the horrible withdrawal on Trump.
Biden didn't do anything that Trump agreed to.

But it was Trump that turned the country over to the Taliban, that was the thing. By the time Biden got there, most of the tribal leaders had switched their loyalty back to the Taliban.

Trump wanted every piece of military equipment out of Afghanistan before they left, and Biden just left it all for the Taliban to sell to our enemies.

Not sure how 2,500 guys were going to collect all the military equipment we had been handing the Afghans since 2001. Especially since most of it was in the posession of the Afghan military that defected en masse to the Taliban.
Here is a Twitter thread explaining in detail why Trump's plan cannot work.

He is not wrong.

He could end it in a day. Withdrawal all US support and tell NATO if they support the Ukraine the US will leave NATO.

Boom, the war is over and Putin has what he wanted.

However that's not what he's saying.

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