The U.S. and other nations have no definition of victory in Ukraine

Appointment in Samarra

Why should any troops be called "liberators"? Calling the "just-like-Daddy" war in Iraq "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was silly virtue-signaling by the Yellow Yalie to the Multiculties who want other men's sons to die so they themselves can feel warm-and-fuzzy about uplifting the Third World.
I don't know, ask the Russians. It is they who foolishly call themselves that name.
Don't you see contradiction in your own words?
1) The Western Powers are willing to [...] kill Russians.
2) grown tired of burying their sons to support a senseless invasion by a mad Dictator.

As Western Powers are willing to kill Russians, it clearly means that the invasion is not "senseless" and Putin is not a "mad Dictator" (btw, we do not believe in "mad dictators", it's a character of mostly American junk-culture).
So, we'll do what we usually do. We'll crush the Western powers and force them to live in peace for few more generations.
The Elitists Who Talk About Putin Being Overthrown Should Themselves Be Overthrown

I hope this renewal of the Cold War gets tossed into history's dumpster, just like the final trashing of the bitter conflict between the United States and Great Britain. As late as 1845, there was a threat of a third war between us over Canada (the slogan "54-40 or fight" referred to us taking British Columbia and Alberta). Even later, there was also a strong minority sentiment for Britain to support the Confederacy.

Another case was England and France ending centuries of mortal conflict. A third was curing the paranoia about Czarist Russia's threat to India and the Mediterranean and fighting on the same side in World War I.
Or we can play this game…

Russian soldiers who are tired of senseless killing can go home and return to their lives
It is not senseless killing. We know what we are fighting for. Even our discussion here gives us (I hope both of us) another confirmation about necesserity of this war.
You are fighting to conquer a nonviolent neighbor

Russia chose this war not Ukraine
Neither NATO, nor Ukraine are "nonviolent" in any practical meaning of the word. Second - Ukrainians are not our "neighbours". They are a part of us. Third, we are fighting not to conquer Ukraine, but to stop NATO expansion and to protect equal rights of Russian people.

And yes, if an enemy does not surrender - he should be eliminated. War is the simplest way to eliminate the enemies, but it is not a war, yet.
The German vice-chancellor's great-grandfather was friends with Goebbels, von der Leyen's father pardoned a criminal sentenced to 18 life terms for murdering concentration camp inmates, and then everyone wonders why European politicians have such an obsessive desire to help Ukrainian Nazis.
I don't know, ask the Russians. It is they who foolishly call themselves that name.
Terms Never Heard in the Trenches

About ten years before Putin decided he'd had enough of the Ukraine's becoming a gateway for the Globalists, he refused to liberate the Russians in Ukraine who had petitioned to join the Russian Federation.
The Russo–Ukrainian war continues. Although Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has indicated an interest in negotiation, the Biden administration has escalated the fighting, most recently by permitting the use of American weapons to strike targets within Russia. Europe’s vocal war party is pushing for even more.
The stakes were evident when Putin expanded military forces along Ukraine’s border in late 2021. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted: “The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that.… So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders.”
In March 2022, even Zelensky acknowledged as much: “Security guarantees and neutrality, the nuclear-free status of our state. We are ready to agree to it. This is the most important point. This was the first fundamental point for the Russian Federation, as far as I remember. And as far as I remember, they started a war because of this.” Yet the U.S. helped torpedo Russo–Ukrainian negotiations.The continuing war is an obvious disaster for the participants, most importantly Ukraine, since it provides most of the battlefield. The ongoing war is a human catastrophe. Simply giving more aid in hopes that something good will result is not a strategy. This approach ensures continued death and destruction and risks military escalation and expansion.
Because, for the US and western allies (but sadly not for Ukraine), it's already a win of a sort.
Neither NATO, nor Ukraine are "nonviolent" in any practical meaning of the word.
A stupid lie.

NATO is a defensive alliance. Putin saw his windows for imperialism closing as his neighbors flocked to NATO to protect themselves from him. So he invaded european countries.

Then his useful idiot American president that he hoped to use to weaken NATO got tossed out of office. So he invaded a European country again.

Nothing more. Go peddle your tired propaganda elsewhere.
A stupid lie.
It's truths. There is no such thing as "non-violent military alliance".

NATO is a defensive alliance.
Being defensive doesn't mean to be non-violent. What is even more important, this alliance in its whole history fought a lot of aggressive war, and never fought a defensive one.

Putin saw his windows for imperialism closing as his neighbors flocked to NATO to protect themselves from him. So he invaded european countries.
Sure. Not only European, but Asian, African and American countries, too. You make alliances against us - we make alliances against you, and attack you before you became too dangerous. Quid pro quo.

Then his useful idiot American president that he hoped to use to weaken NATO got tossed out of office. So he invaded a European country again.

Nothing more. Go peddle your tired propaganda elsewhere.
It's not propaganda. It's the simple self-defense. And the best defense is a good offense, you know.

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