The U.S. and other nations have no definition of victory in Ukraine

You see…….The Western Powers are willing to spend money to kill Russians.
We are sending increasingly more lethal weapons systems to kill more Russians

When will the Russian people grow tired of burying their sons to support a senseless invasion by a mad Dictator?
Don't you see contradiction in your own words?
1) The Western Powers are willing to [...] kill Russians.
2) grown tired of burying their sons to support a senseless invasion by a mad Dictator.

As Western Powers are willing to kill Russians, it clearly means that the invasion is not "senseless" and Putin is not a "mad Dictator" (btw, we do not believe in "mad dictators", it's a character of mostly American junk-culture).
So, we'll do what we usually do. We'll crush the Western powers and force them to live in peace for few more generations.
For what practical reason?

To be honest, the USA never was at real war. Playing games with Indians and Mexicans? Pushing down southern separatists? Expeditions in the foreign lands? It's not serious.

Ukraine is not hostile territory. It's warm and mild, like, say, inhabitated regions of Canada. And population there is mostly Russian and pro-Russian.
What is even more important, if we play economic war of attrition, and both sides attack energy infrastructure of each other via proxies, then Russia lost a bit of money, and the USA lost a lot of import energy (including oil and gas).
The US Military knows how to fight a war using state of the art equipment and training.
Russia showed how inept their armed forces are as tanks ground to a halt for lack of fuel and food for its soldiers.

Russian occupying forces are not liberators of oppressed citizens….they are brutally killing, raping and starving the civilian population

That is why the west must send as many weapons as possible to kill as many Russians as we can
Don't know, maybe it will be a significant number, if a proper compensation will be applied. Though, not sure. The Jews mostly left in 1990s-2000s, and then in 2022. I think their numbers in Ukraine now are quite small. The Hungarians are doing pretty well in Zakarpatie region. Russians? There is a big difference between Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians ( in their self-identification, first of all).

I think that every person should be able to leave Ukraine if they want. No matter, a Ukrainian or Russian or Hungarian or something else. The decision about the border's closure is illegal.
If the borders are open - how many Ukrainians will stay in Ukraine and fight against "Russian occupants" for the phantom hope of the Russian revolution?
Don't you see contradiction in your own words?
1) The Western Powers are willing to [...] kill Russians.
2) grown tired of burying their sons to support a senseless invasion by a mad Dictator.

As Western Powers are willing to kill Russians, it clearly means that the invasion is not "senseless" and Putin is not a "mad Dictator" (btw, we do not believe in "mad dictators", it's a character of mostly American junk-culture).
So, we'll do what we usually do. We'll crush the Western powers and force them to live in peace for few more generations.

If not for Putin’s iladvised and poorly executed unprovoked invasion , so many Russian boys would not be killed

Ukraine is doing the fighting for the west. We send them an endless supply of modern weapons to kill as many Russians as they can.
It is money well spent
The US Military knows how to fight a war using state of the art equipment and training.
Sure. As they fought in Vietnam and Afghanistan?
Russia showed how inept their armed forces are as tanks ground to a halt for lack of fuel and food for its soldiers.

Russian occupying forces are not liberators of oppressed citizens….they are brutally killing, raping and starving the civilian population
Wow, wow, wow... Such a loud words for such a small boy. But you made one small mistake - we kill, rape and then eat the local population. We Da Orks!

That is why the west must send as many weapons as possible to kill as many Russians as we can
The problem is, that any action has it consequences. You send weapon to kill Russians - Russia send weapon to kill Americans and their allies. North Korea and Iran already have nukes. Don't you want Mexican revanchists achieving nukes too?
The problem is, that any action has it consequences. You send weapon to kill Russians - Russia send weapon to kill Americans and their allies. North Korea and Iran already have nukes. Don't you want Mexican revanchists achieving nukes too?

Russias unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has consequences
Hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers being killed with more to come.
The west is willing to send weapons to kill invading Russians. When will you grow tired of it?

By the way…..Mexico is an economic and military ally of the US
If not for Putin’s iladvised and poorly executed unprovoked invasion , so many Russian boys would not be killed
The talking about "unprovoked aggression" after Odessa massacre and eight years of terrorizing shelling of Donbass is even more stupid, than talking about American "unprovoked aggression" against Al-Qaida terrorists in 2001.
If those boys were not killed - much more Russian women and children would be killed. That's what we call masculine behavior in Russia - defense of our women, children and our land from evil Western Barbarians.

Ukraine is doing the fighting for the west. We send them an endless supply of modern weapons to kill as many Russians as they can.
It is money well spent
Yes, you hired some terrorists to murder Russian people. Don't you think, that we also can hire some guys to fight your or your allies?
If the borders are open - how many Ukrainians will stay in Ukraine and fight against "Russian occupants" for the phantom hope of the Russian revolution?
How can I now? Maybe the numbers won't be too high if the borders are still closed.
The talking about "unprovoked aggression" after Odessa massacre and eight years of terrorizing shelling of Donbass is even more stupid, than talking about American "unprovoked aggression" against Al-Qaida terrorists in 2001.
If those boys were not killed - much more Russian women and children would be killed. That's what we call masculine behavior in Russia - defense of our women, children and our land from evil Western Barbarians.

Yes, you hired some terrorists to murder Russian people. Don't you think, that we also can hire some guys to fight your or your allies?

Russian occupiers of Ukraine are being killed by the hundreds of thousands

Why don’t you return to your own territory so that we don’t have to kill so many of you?
Russias unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has consequences
Hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers being killed with more to come.
Hundreds of millions will die soon, but anyway Russia will win.

The west is willing to send weapons to kill invading Russians. When will you grow tired of it?
You mean that rusted and obsolete crap? You can't be serious. And no, we won't grow tired. And even if we grow tired, it won't mean that we'll surrender. It mean that we will escalate.

By the way…..Mexico is an economic and military ally of the US
So was Ukraine for Russia. I do not tell about the modern ruling regime. I tell about freedom fighters. The people who will fight until the USA returned to 1820 borders.
You mean that rusted and obsolete crap? You can't be serious. And no, we won't grow tired. And even if we grow tired, it won't mean that we'll surrender. It mean that we will escalate.

While Russia used to claim to be a modern military force, they now must beg N Korea for weapons

Russian occupiers of Ukraine are being killed by the hundreds of thousands
By millions and billions, you'd better say. May be, somebody will believe you.

Why don’t you return to your own territory so that we don’t have to kill so many of you?
We are returning to our own territory. Kiev is a Russian city, you know.
Using "They" with a Singular Antecedent Is Both Collectivist and Anti-Masculine

Especially about the NewSpeak grammar that pollutes all media. However, he threw us off the track by referring to obviously ridiculous expressions such as "doubleplus ungood." The ignorant, unstructured, and dysfunctional Postmodern grammar is only ridiculous to those who know the truth.
Only Trump can end the war in Ukraine. Otherwise, we will have four more years of the war under the Biden administration that has nefarious family connections to Ukraine. Biden will keep sending billions of dollars and low-grade weapons to Ukraine and there will be no end in sight.

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No, you get it wrong. You won't be treated as liberators. 'The war needs to be stopped' - yes, this sentiment is growing. But viewing your dogshit army as liberators - no way.
Appointment in Samarra

Why should any troops be called "liberators"? Calling the "just-like-Daddy" war in Iraq "Operation Iraqi Freedom" was silly virtue-signaling by the Yellow Yalie to the Multiculties who want other men's sons to die so they themselves can feel warm-and-fuzzy about uplifting the Third World.

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