Isn't now the time for US to stop supporting Ukraine to end the conflict?

Better than them being used as an excuse to invade Ukraine and the rest of Russia's neighbors.
Putin can build them nice houses with the money he was going to use to invade neighbors. WIN-WIN!!!
That's a non-starter for Putin. He's apparently all-in on his invasion of Ukraine, so how do you stop him?
One could say we already violated the agreement as we are just feeding them arms, and not actively helping them repel Russian aggression.
So can the Budapest Memorandum be the basis for a peace deal?

Putin needs to realize that NATO countries have a lot more funding than he has, if they all really commit to Ukraine's defense.
We should have never started. Ain't our damn business.
The Budapest Memorandum says otherwise. So how good is the US at keeping commitments?

Vladimir Putin may have more at stake in Ukraine than does the West. The United States, however, has a strong interest. That stems not just from twenty-three years of bilateral relations with Kyiv but from U.S. commitments in the Budapest memorandum.
That's a non-starter for Putin. He's apparently all-in on his invasion of Ukraine, so how do you stop him?

Of course it's a non-starter for Putin.
It was a non-starter for Hitler to deport ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe as well.
It still happened once he lost.
So can the Budapest Memorandum be the basis for a peace deal?

Putin needs to realize that NATO countries have a lot more funding than he has, if they all really commit to Ukraine's defense.

If you go by the document, Russia has to remove its forces and return control of Donbas and the Crimea to the Ukraine.

Which Russia doesn't want to do, and Ukraine can't seem to impose via military action.

Funding won't fix this. Ukraine needs two Field armies of fully equipped and trained (to western standards) mechanized and armored forces, able to fight at the same time, to take back Donbas and Crimea.

They don't have the manpower for it, and they don't have the time to be trained on that much equipment.
If you go by the document, Russia has to remove its forces and return control of Donbas and the Crimea to the Ukraine.
Which Russia doesn't want to do, and Ukraine can't seem to impose via military action.
Funding won't fix this. Ukraine needs two Field armies of fully equipped and trained (to western standards) mechanized and armored forces, able to fight at the same time, to take back Donbas and Crimea.
They don't have the manpower for it, and they don't have the time to be trained on that much equipment.
Yes, all of that is true. On paper Russia should have won the war in 3-days.

But here we are 3-years later still throwing money at Ukraine.

So do we make a peace deal, or keep throwing money at Ukraine, as China and Iran and NK help Putin?
Yes, all of that is true. On paper Russia should have won the war in 3-days.

But here we are 3-years later still throwing money at Ukraine.

So do we make a peace deal, or keep throwing money at Ukraine, as China and Iran and NK help Putin?

Stalemating is easier than winning, and right now BOTH sides are stalemating.

No peace is possible right now. All we could get is an armistice.
The Budapest Memorandum says otherwise. So how good is the US at keeping commitments?

Vladimir Putin may have more at stake in Ukraine than does the West. The United States, however, has a strong interest. That stems not just from twenty-three years of bilateral relations with Kyiv but from U.S. commitments in the Budapest memorandum.
We just had a congresscritter admit it was about resources

And now we're onto sanctions

If that's the only dog in this fight we have, do you really think it's worth boots on the ground?

Russians Remember the Golden Horde

This Russophobe hostility, which began with the idea that Gorbachev was trying to fake us out, may have been accelerated when Russia refused to become a cheap-labor sweatshop for our outsourcers, who have strong support in both "American" Parties.
I do not advocate war. However, Biden has taken us there as a proxy war against Russia.
Like Afghanistan and Vietnam, Neo+-Marxist Democrats politicians have taken us to war and then humiliatingly left their supposed ally high and dry surrendering to the enemy.
A win for Russia over the Uktraine will only spur Putin to invade other of the Baltic countries.
Yesterday Georgia, today the Ukraine who is next, Latvia, Moldova?
History shows us that the democrats have used wars to bail the US out of economic woes of their making over and over again. My question in all of this is how does the vegetable unilaterally agree to support Zelensky for ten years without congressional approval?
So is Islam Russia's ally now Kondor?

Besties with the Beasts of Beslan

More Russians than Americans have been murdered by Nazislamis. That's what the wars in Chechnya were all about, and Putin proved that victory only comes when Rules of Engagement go back into their loser's box.

Putin is supporting Hamas, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba only because the American globalists forced him into strange alliances.
indeed Sage

so now Putin is on our back door, same as Nato is on theirs

~S~ is it time to bring Cuba back to "democracy"? So there are no foreign threats, Monroe Doctrine and all... is it time to bring Cuba back to "democracy"? So there are no foreign threats, Monroe Doctrine and all...
The MD has been thrown under the bus via the MIC long ago kyzr

Cuba and Cubans will never subscribe to anything other than the ruling class that owns them

This is about a threat in our backyard

I would not take it lightly.........~S~
The MD has been thrown under the bus via the MIC long ago kyzr
Cuba and Cubans will never subscribe to anything other than the ruling class that owns them
This is about a threat in our backyard
I would not take it lightly.........~S~
1. The MIC loves using product
2. Maybe you haven't seen how many Cubans raft to the US? They'd welcome Uncle Sam.
3. The best way to eliminate that threat is to take control before things go from bad to worse at the worst time.
1. The MIC loves using product
2. Maybe you haven't seen how many Cubans raft to the US? They'd welcome Uncle Sam.
3. The best way to eliminate that threat is to take control before things go from bad to worse at the worst time.
1)yes 2)yes 3)devil details


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