What is Your Favorite Excuse for More Military Spending on the Ukraine Conflict?

What is your favorite excuse for spending more money on the Ukraine conflict?

  • Save the World for Democracy

  • Destroy Russia

  • Depose Putin

  • Replace our old military equipment

  • Boost the US economy

  • Other (specify)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Installing SAMs and ballistic missiles in ukraine, pointed towards moscow is a wonderful idea. We would have no problem if russia installed missiles in canada or mexico. None whatsoever. Oh wait......never mind history.
He is now getting his ass spanked..
That's funny as all hell, last I saw it was Ukraine running out of fresh meat to fight Russia. Game of attrition and Russia will endure.
Zelensky is planning on this war lasting at least ten more years. He has no intention of ending this war. It's the way he is getting us to support the entire Ukrainian economy.

Ten years

Is Russia in on it?
the reason to help defend ukraine is that that is where we begin to uphold our commitments and defend our allies, who now include ukraine.
So we should make the enemy of our enemy is our friend?
Back to the Domino Theory? How has that worked out?
The NATO alliance is not a theory and has not been tested in Europe. If Russia can't even get the upper in in Ukraine why would they invade a NATO ally?

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