“I Cannot Afford To Live”: Americans Get Emotional As The U.S. Economy Goes Off The Rails

But Clinton's great economy can be easily and quickly explained away but you won't put it all on Bush? If a Democrat were in charge, you'd be calling them the worse president ever. I did until Trump had an even worse recession.
Again, you make up assumptions that aren’t based in anything I posted. You do it every fucking time and it is annoying. Next time I’ll just post a ? and then you can just ramble off you bs. It makes my life easier.
Only left wing nuts believe that 2008 wasn't a combo of many failures and they go back decades and articles have shown that are not propaganda sites all prove you are a partisan nut job that lies to make your party look good and it doesn't work.

You have simply swallowed the GOP's talking points. Sorry pal but that was Bush's Great Recession. No matter how you want to slice it. We let you put his first one on Bill Clinton so he's accepting this one. His policies caused it. What exact policies? All 8 years of policies. Starting with the tax break to the rich and lying us into Iraq. Or deregulating banks.

IDK Papa. I have a life so I don't have time to look into ALL the reasons why 2008 happened. A big part of me says it happened on purpose. Right on Bush's way out the door. I couldn't believe it. As much as that mother fucker fucked us for 8 years, I was so glad he was leaving and couldn't believe he got to fuck us one more time.

I know you won't remember this, but Bush's bank bailout was no questions asked. Obama changed that. Bush wanted to just hand over the ransom and never even look for the kidnappers after they released the children. LOL. Just do what they say!
Yea and he ignored covid like the dinner check. Lied to us. Hosted rallies. Spread misinformation. Compared wearing a mask to carrying a purse.
/——/ You were under a rock. Trump fast tracked the vaccine Dems demanded we all get and he gave states everything they demanded. And you already know this.
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/——/ Ypu were under a rock. Trump fast tracked the vaccine Dems demanded we all get and he gave states everything they demanded. And you already know this.
I noticed someone yesterday tried to give Trump credit for fast tracking the vaccine. As opposed to what? What exactly did he do? He said okay when asked if they could release the vaccine early?

First of all, bfd. Second of all, he did his job. What do you want a cookie? 3rd, you guys say there will be long term side effects. So if he approved a drug that's going to kill people, don't put that decision on us. Don't say we pressured you. Just like you pressured Bill Clinton into signing NAFTA? At least we didn't lie to Trump like Bush lied to us.
You guys are in such trouble in November.

What chaos will you unleash when it becomes clear that there's no way you can win fairly?

We'll just steal the election again. You fools couldn't figure out how we did it last time, so you won't be able to stop us this time either.
We'll just steal the election again. You fools couldn't figure out how we did it last time, so you won't be able to stop us this time either.
What happens if you get caught? Hmm? ;)

If there were any decent investigative journalists in America anymore, it'd already be a done deal.

Unfortunately, over 95% of "the media" are nothing but propaganda spewers.
You are such a lying sack of crap!
The country’s current “inflationary spiral” can also be traced back to COVID-19, Maher said, describing the trillions of dollars the government issued throughout the pandemic. This, he noted, should not be pinned on President Joe Biden, but his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to bring back Trump?” he asked. “The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check? Talk about not learning anything.”

What happens if you get caught? Hmm? ;)

If there were any decent investigative journalists in America anymore, it'd already be a done deal.

Unfortunately, over 95% of "the media" are nothing but propaganda spewers.
You mean like Sydney Powell got caught? Or Rudy? Or Trump got caught? We will just do what they did. Either deny or roll over on Biden. Or be found guilty, file bankruptcy and never pay. Then sell a bible or coffee or pillow.
We can't get caught. We generated 40 million votes for Biden in 2020 and you still don't how we did it.


Clearly based on Trump's call to Georgia they don't know how we are doing it.

Jan 2021 Trump urged the secretary of state of Georgia to "find" enough votes to overturn the Georgia Presidential election results.

It's too late by then dummy! You have to "find" those votes a couple weeks before voting takes place.
You mean like Sydney Powell got caught? Or Rudy? Or Trump got caught? We will just do what they did. Either deny or roll over on Biden. Or be found guilty, file bankruptcy and never pay. Then sell a bible or coffee or pillow.

I see you typing, but hear this:

I noticed someone yesterday tried to give Trump credit for fast tracking the vaccine. As opposed to what? What exactly did he do? He said okay when asked if they could release the vaccine early?

First of all, bfd. Second of all, he did his job. What do you want a cookie? 3rd, you guys say there will be long term side effects. So if he approved a drug that's going to kill people, don't put that decision on us. Don't say we pressured you. Just like you pressured Bill Clinton into signing NAFTA? At least we didn't lie to Trump like Bush lied to us.
/——/ democRATs said it couldn’t be fast tracked. Trump got it done.
Politicians are killing The American Dream. Everyone is taxed too high on everything at all levels of government.

The governments need a reduction in spending and a reduction in staff.
/——/ democRATs said it couldn’t be fast tracked. Trump got it done.
Oh come on now. What did he do? Nothing. Why couldn't it be fast tracked? And the only ones who would know that would be the scientists. Is that what they said then they suddenly came up with a vaccine they could fast track?

Clearly you're giving Trump credit for something he had nothing to do with. Did any Democrats try to prevent the fast tracking? If so, then maybe you could say Trump won and the Democrats were wrong.

Otherwise, all you are telling me is the drug companies came up with a vaccine quickly because we were in the middle of a pandemic, and Trump didn't stand in their way. Congrats. Or thank you?

Why couldn't it be fast tracked?
Oh come on now. What did he do? Nothing. Why couldn't it be fast tracked? And the only ones who would know that would be the scientists. Is that what they said then they suddenly came up with a vaccine they could fast track?

Clearly you're giving Trump credit for something he had nothing to do with. Did any Democrats try to prevent the fast tracking? If so, then maybe you could say Trump won and the Democrats were wrong.

Otherwise, all you are telling me is the drug companies came up with a vaccine quickly because we were in the middle of a pandemic, and Trump didn't stand in their way. Congrats. Or thank you?

Why couldn't it be fast tracked?
Politicians are killing The American Dream. Everyone is taxed too high on everything at all levels of government.

The governments need a reduction in spending and a reduction in staff.


Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall.

Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Average 50-something now has net worth over $1 million​

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

Harris says she wouldn’t trust Trump on any vaccine released before election​

The Democratic vice presidential nominee also expressed concern that Trump has continued to contradict his own health officials.

“I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump” on the reliability of a vaccine, Harris said. The California senator, however, added that she would trust a “credible” source who could vouch that a vaccine was safe for Americans to receive.

Harris also expressed concern that Trump has continued to contradict his own health officials amid a pandemic and suggested Friday that a vaccine would “probably” be available in October for the virus, which has killed more than 188,000 people in the U.S. as of Saturday.

“If past is prologue ... they’ll be muzzled. They’ll be suppressed,” Harris said of health experts and scientists. “They will be sidelined because he’s looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days, and he’s grasping for whatever he can get to pretend he has been a leader on this issue when he has not.”
Oh come on now. What did he do? Nothing. Why couldn't it be fast tracked? And the only ones who would know that would be the scientists. Is that what they said then they suddenly came up with a vaccine they could fast track?

Clearly you're giving Trump credit for something he had nothing to do with. Did any Democrats try to prevent the fast tracking? If so, then maybe you could say Trump won and the Democrats were wrong.

Otherwise, all you are telling me is the drug companies came up with a vaccine quickly because we were in the middle of a pandemic, and Trump didn't stand in their way. Congrats. Or thank you?

Why couldn't it be fast tracked?

No, Trump gets credit for that. He revoked some restrictions that would have held up the release of the vaccines. Oddly though, many, if not most righties, think the vaccines are very deadly. Yet they don't blame him for deaths they claim were vaccine related. They're a bunch of 5th Avenuers.
No, Trump gets credit for that. He revoked some restrictions that would have held up the release of the vaccines. Oddly though, many, if not most nighties, think the vaccines are very deadly. Yet they don't blame him for deaths they claim were vaccine related. They're a bunch of 5th Avenuers.
Okay well then you are giving Trump credit for doing something any Democrat would have done during the pandemic. They would have revoked those restrictions too.

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