Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

The one where Leo123 made a post about homosexuality I commented on and then pretended he didn't because he couldn't handle my response.
No, YOU made the post about homosexuality and ignored the rest of my posts. Your slice and dice of my words is meaningless as are your miserable posts.
No, YOU made the post about homosexuality and ignored the rest of my posts. Your slice and dice of my words is meaningless as are your miserable posts.
No you did Leo. Here is it again.

Mating is then, part of being a human being's basic instinct. So, what accounts for the homosexual? Seems like a pretty unnatural mating behavior which is abnormal in the human population.

That's the post of yours I commented on and it sure as shit looks like you were talking about homosexuality.
Some viewpoints exist in antithesis of others. You're as unwilling to unite with views in direct opposition to your own as anyone else.
It's not about agreeing with views you oppose. It's about accepting that you can't necessarily force your views on others with a majority vote. Consensus is more about what we don't do. In particular, we don't do things with government unless there is broad agreement on the matter. Live and let live. That's what allows for unity.
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That's what I'm seeing. Most Ds and Rs don't want to unite the country. They just want to defeat the other side.
One side is right and one side if wrong by percentages, so it best to just focus on the group being negatively and sometimes affected, and yet we still reach out to them anyway in regardless of.
It's not about agreeing with views you oppose. It's about accepting that you can't necessarily force your views on others with a majority vote.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. You absolutely can force your views on others by a majority vote, by a minority vote or no vote at all. As a Libertarian you should know all laws are force whether arrived at by a majority or a minority.
Consensus is more about what we don't do. In particular, we don't do things with government unless there is broad agreement on the matter.
Who's we? I'm more than happy with my views being forced on you with or without consensus. Sure it would be nice but consensus isn't more important to me than results.
That's what allows unity. Live and let live. That's what allows for unity.
Another metaphor who's meaning to me breaks down when it's used to try and describe actual reality. Slavers didn't live and let live and they lived just fine. Better than most for their time. Likewise for Segregationists. I don't care about your principles, I'm for comfort and luxury and for the absence of scarcity for me and mine.
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Most Ds and Rs don't want to unite the country. They just want to defeat the other side.

The problem is the Rs are running a “steaming pile of fascist shit” according to you Confused_Dblack.

That “steaming pile of fascist shit” wants more than beating Joe Biden. Trump’s is intent on defeating western liberal democracy .

Should all Americans vote against evil on a straight Democrat ticket from Presidency down to dogcatcher until the Rs do not exist anymore for running a ““steaming pile of fascist shit” for President after he already tried to overturn one election he lost using his powers as President in a criminal conspiracy to stay in power.

Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies 221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005
The problem is the Rs are running a “steaming pile of fascist shit” according to you Confused_Dblack.

That “steaming pile of fascist shit” wants more than beating Joe Biden. Trump’s is intent on defeating western liberal democracy .

Should all Americans vote against evil on a straight Democrat ticket from Presidency down to dogcatcher until the Rs do not exist anymore for running a ““steaming pile of fascist shit” for President after he already tried to overturn one election he lost using his powers as President in a criminal conspiracy to stay in power.

And if Democrats would give up on their culture war ambitions, America would be happy to do that.
And if Democrats would give up on their culture war ambitions, America would be happy to do that.
You, Confused_Dblack, are a liar. . You can’t speak for those who will replace Western liberal democracy with Trump’s white Christian nationalist fascist shit. Democrats are not forcing white Christian nationalists to do anything against their religion. So I don’t know what Democrat culture war ambitions you are suggesting exists.

Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005
The problem is the Rs are running a “steaming pile of fascist shit” according to you Confused_Dblack.

That “steaming pile of fascist shit” wants more than beating Joe Biden. Trump’s is intent on defeating western liberal democracy .

Should all Americans vote against evil on a straight Democrat ticket from Presidency down to dogcatcher until the Rs do not exist anymore for running a ““steaming pile of fascist shit” for President after he already tried to overturn one election he lost using his powers as President in a criminal conspiracy to stay in power.

Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies 221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005
I'm all in for defeating Marxist 'liberals' and all Americans WILL vote against Evil which is Joe Biden and Jill Biden.
I'm all in for defeating Marxist 'liberals' and all Americans WILL vote against Evil which is Joe Biden and Jill Biden.
And if you lose do you attack the Capitol this time with your arsenal of firearms purchased because it’s one firearm one vote now.

Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005
And if you lose do you attack the Capitol this time with your arsenal of firearms purchased because it’s one firearm one vote now.

Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005
Calling others repugnant because of their political views is repugnant in itself you cluless fool.
Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005

I stated the truth

You have stated “Trump supporters (Rs) don't really understand how repugnant they are to sane, moral people. They are supporting a “steaming pile of fascist shit” according to you.

You have stated that if Ds would give up on their culture war ambitions without defining them, the Rs currently supporting a “steaming pile of fascist shit” to will vote D.

That is a lie. The “steaming pile of fascist shit” Party will never vote for whom they believe to be unsaved godless Marxists no matter what culture issues they give up on.
You have stated that if Ds would give up on their culture war ambitions without defining them, the Rs currently supporting a “steaming pile of fascist shit” to will vote D.
If Dems gave up on the culture war horseshit, if they quite trying to socialize everything in sight, many Republicans would. So would independents. More than enough to tilt the election away from Trump. But Democrats won't do that. They care more about their party, their side of the culture war, than they do about their nation.
some sort of ill-conceived "culture war".

doubling down on big government we-know-better-ism

if Democrats really want to unite the country (sadly, I think most don't) they'll actually listen to what the Trump supporters are saying and make meaningful policy adjustments to address their concerns. There's no need to cater to their every desire. But there is some common ground and Democrats would do the country an incredible favor if they tried to find it.

lost in the two-party culture war bullshit t

Fuck your culture war.

They're fucking the country so they can get a leg up in their precious culture war.

forcing their culture preferences on everyone else

the culture warriors like DeSantis,

your fucking party can get a leg up in the culture war.

Most Ds and Rs are culture warriors who yearn for a government that runs your life.

a divisive culture warrior.

repping for their side of the culture war.

The goal is to score points in the culture war.

We need leaders pledged to uniting us, rather than scoring points for their "side" if the culture war.

culture warriors who feed on division and acrimony.

It all revolves around the culture war.

Fuck that, there's a culture war to win!

the two shit parties have co-opted elections as a battlefield in their motherfucking "culture war".

it's trivial culture war bullshit in my view,

I'm for kicking insecure culture warriors to curb

jerking around with the culture war nonsense.

culture war navel gazing

Culture warriors of all stripes want to use the government to force their preferences on others.

If Dems gave up on the culture war horseshit, if they quite trying to socialize everything in sight, many Republicans would.

My interpretation of your personal culture war against the culture war is that your solution is for Democrats to become Republicans under threat of living in a fascist nation if they drive.

Its kind of the same result if we give up on liberal Western democracy for some fascist “dear leader” utopia under a Trump.

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