Top Democrat admits party is having ‘serious’ talks about dropping Biden as nominee for ‘someone else’

You got it backwards, kyzr. Why you want plague, recession, and riots is beyond me, unless you support Putin and Russia.,
You just keep drinking that democrat KoolAde.

Trump's term was better than Biden's:
low inflation
low gas prices
low food prices
good jobs
low taxes
no wars
the Covid plague was Fau-Chi's fault not Trump's.
Fau-Chi hired the Wuhan Lab to do gain-of-function research after Obama told him not to.
The riots were not Trump's fault either.
Democrats are commies like Putin and Russia, Russia, Russia

Trump is a real president who can do real press conferences, not a confused senile "cheap fake" president.
Trump's team caused inflation because of its mishabndling of Covid. "It will be all over by April."
14.8 % UE
Low prices because he collapsed the economy.
Inflation now under 4%.
Better jobs now.
Trump's middle class tax cuts running out while the rich get their's forever.
Afghanistan was a war for four years
the Covid plague was Trump's fault; he could not manage it.
the gain of function research was all Trump,
The riots were Trump's fault either.
MAGAts are commie fascists like Putin and Russia, Russia, Russia
Trump is a disaster.
What?!?....And disenfranchise all those primary voters?

B-b-b-b-b-b-but what about MUH MOCRACYYYYYYY!
Exactly! It's time for Democrats to prove that they aren't really the ones who want to take democracy away. The democratic primary voters OVERWHELMINGLY voted for Biden, even more than republican primary voters voted for Trump. Lefties have told us that repeatedly. If they truly believe in not taking democracy away, they will allow Biden to remain as the nominee because the voters overwhelming wanted Biden to be their nominee. Anything else which bypasses the will of the voters takes democracy away and democrats have all said they don't want democracy taken away.
Trump's team caused inflation because of its mishabndling of Covid. "It will be all over by April."
14.8 % UE
Low prices because he collapsed the economy.
Inflation now under 4%.
Better jobs now.
Trump's middle class tax cuts running out while the rich get their's forever.
Afghanistan was a war for four years
the Covid plague was Trump's fault; he could not manage it.
the gain of function research was all Trump,
The riots were Trump's fault either.
MAGAts are commie fascists like Putin and Russia, Russia, Russia
Trump is a disaster.
You can spout all the bullshit you want. Biden is unelectable. Trump will win in November. Too big to rig...
Top Democrat admits party is having ‘serious’ talks about dropping Biden as nominee for ‘someone else’

Influential House Democrat Jamie Raskin breaks with members of his own party who say Biden’s nomination is set in stone and acknowledges party is in discussions about Biden’s future

Remote : Sun, 30 Jun 2024 22:08:04 GMT
Local : 2024-07-01(Monday) 00 : 08 : 04
Found via World Headlines on

while i thank President Biden for his devoted service, i also thought that after the freezes in his debate performance, our adversaries in the world would think a 2nd Biden term a prime opportunity to strike. For instance against Taiwan, or by dragging Ukraine and/or Israel into a decades long armed conflict.

now, foreign election interference laws prevent me from just asking the US public to vote one way or another, and i agree that in principle such laws should be upheld.
there's just the pesky issue of how the wars that the US gets us involved in (by supplying arms to allies at a minimal rate of throughput, under the Biden admin), or keeps us involved in ('us' being your allies in Europe and elsewhere in the world), that leads me to claim just a little bit of talking space about the upcoming US national elections.

i think it's time for a Reagan-type strong civil-liberties respecting leader for your country during these pivotal upcoming years.
someone who will not only fix the US economy by allowing for (slightly) more oil and LNG drilling, but fix US foreign policy as well with sheer wise leadership.


The world bank says the US growth is much better than predicted and is fueling the world economy. How will drilling "fix" it? As for foreign policy, what are you referring to specifically?

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