How the democrats can replace Biden

If Joe Biden steps down, he may be replaced by Kamala Harris. Many people who would have voted for Biden, may then vote for Trump simply because they do not want a woman to be president and, possibly, not a black person to be president. These two things may - unfairly but possibly - work against the Democrats staying in power. President Biden curbed deaths due to Covid when he became president while Trump advised people to drink bleach. President Biden supports the Affordable Care Act so that low income people have access to health care while Trump seeks to abolish this and make these people buy health care insurance they cannot afford. President Biden is against the owning of automatic weapons (which no one requires - they are intended to kill in mass). But is not against the possession of rifles for hunting or handguns for self-protection. For the die-hard gun lovers, do you really need automatic weapons? If legal, they will fall into the hands of terrorists and mixed up individuals who seek to kill in mass. Donald Trump admires Putin, who is a dictator. How is Putin much different from Hitler? He is trying to take over another country and likely will attempt to take over other countries if successful in taking Ukraine - such as Poland and Lithuania. He is killing innocent people to take over their country. President Biden has improved the American economy and created millions of jobs. He cares about the common people and not only the rich. Vote for President Biden in 2024! He is the better candidate in many ways.

President Biden is against the owning of automatic weapons

Name the worst legally owned automatic weapons.

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