How the democrats can replace Biden

Tell that to the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, TIME MAGAZINE….

You had better get on that quickly.

You cannot blame MAGA for the entire Dem Party losing their minds Thursday night.

IT IS ABOUT THE DONOR CLASS. If they lose their big dollar donors, they are effed.
It's ridiculous hyperbole for ratings.

I've told you kids a thousand time the media ain't in it for anyone but themselves.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

There is no reason for Biden to step down! Jesus Christ, people, one bad debate night does not wipe out 4 years of Presidential service. What Biden has done in office far outweighs what Trump ever did in his life!

And he'll do a lot more if we take back the House and keep the Senate.

How the democrats can replace Biden​

The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

Why would Biden step down? The guy is facing how many investigations? He is going to give up his immunity from being indicted just "for the good of the party"? Come on dude, does that sound even remotely realistic?
one bad debate night does not wipe out 4 years of Presidential service.
The 4 years of him being a shitty president is why he needed to perform a miracle in the debates in order to turn around everyone's impression of him. The debate was a hail Mary, but he fumbled the ball and shattered his knee. His career is over now.
The 4 years of him being a shitty president is why he needed to perform a miracle in the debates in order to turn around everyone's impression of him. The debate was a hail Mary, but he fumbled the ball and shattered his knee. His career is over now.
He wasn't a shitty President. He got through 6 major pieces of legislation that has helped this country.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

Not happening. Be realistic.
The threats of death and violence against Biden and Dems is the reason why America's government will never allow Trump to become the president again.

Biden sure the hell won't stop Trump in an election!

Trump's best prospects in the election are if they keep Biden!
Why would Biden step down? The guy is facing how many investigations? He is going to give up his immunity from being indicted just "for the good of the party"? Come on dude, does that sound even remotely realistic?

It might be for the good of the country rather than for the good of the party, not to mention Biden's legacy could be further damaged than it already is. I wonder sometimes if Joe realizes how much his image is suffering these days, not only here but around the world. And not just his image or his party's, but the country's image too. I dare to think that might be important to him.

He's going to face those same investigations anyway, once he's out of office. Maybe. If the GOP thinks those investigations are politically damaging to them then they won't happen, attacking a sick, senile old man doesn't sound appealing to the public. Pending the Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity (Monday?), he ain't giving that up just yet either, we'll see in a few days how that pans out.

What if Barack Obama goes to Joe and tells him he should step down for his own health and that of the democratic party? What if Jill says the same thing? I think he'd do it, but what do I know? Nothin'. And I do think it's realistic to think it's possible, and not beyond the possibility that ill health could very well be the truth.
He wasn't a shitty President. He got through 6 major pieces of legislation that has helped this country.
His legislation WRECKED this country. You guys are always wrong! We tell you these things will ruin the economy, it happens, then you ignore it and tell us that everything is fine. We say Biden is senile, you guys say he is fine, then he shits the bed on live tv.
His legislation WRECKED this country. You guys are always wrong! We tell you these things will ruin the economy, it happens, then you ignore it and tell us that everything is fine. We say Biden is senile, you guys say he is fine, then he shits the bed on live tv.
You are so full of shit!

The CHIPS Act; the a DACA Act; the Infrastructure Act have all helped this country! Fuck you! You are full of shit!
Oh man. The DNC needs to arrange for an overflow room full of fainting couches at the convention.
Intense pressure from outside of America is being applied by the Brics countries. The establishment isn't going to tolerate Trump's voiced determination to end America's essential war against Russia.

And now the results of the debate has pretty well cancelled out any prospects of Biden being able to stop Trump at the ballot boxes.

Can Biden stage a comeback? They're not giving up on him yet, but it's now looking very unlikely.

Could a replacement for Biden cast a more favourable light on the anti-Trump prospects.
That's too risky to gamble on too!

Can Trump be somehow disqualified due to his criminal record?

There would be hell to pay, but it just might be the price demanded for America's future.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

Im I right to presume the plan is for biden to remain president till his term expires?
Indications are that everything is coming to a head in America. The Scotus's corrupt ruling that will release convicted criminals could become the straw that breaks the camel's (political) back!

A former democracy, such as it was, is not going to sit back peaceably and submit to being taken down without a fight.
Im I right to presume the plan is for biden to remain president till his term expires?

I would say so, assuming he doesn't have a stroke or a heart attack between now and Jan 20, 2025. Because if he leaves office early then Kamala becomes the prez and as such she cannot cast the tiebreaker vote in the Senate, if it becomes necessary. I believe whoever she appoints to be the next VP has to be approved by 60 votes in the Senate and the GOP isn't going to allow that.
The issue above all else is the war against Russia that is threatened by Trump.

But both Biden and Trump fear raising the issue directly because they aren't confident on presenting the question to the American people.
If Joe Biden steps down, he may be replaced by Kamala Harris. Many people who would have voted for Biden, may then vote for Trump simply because they do not want a woman to be president and, possibly, not a black person to be president. These two things may - unfairly but possibly - work against the Democrats staying in power. President Biden curbed deaths due to Covid when he became president while Trump advised people to drink bleach. President Biden supports the Affordable Care Act so that low income people have access to health care while Trump seeks to abolish this and make these people buy health care insurance they cannot afford. President Biden is against the owning of automatic weapons (which no one requires - they are intended to kill in mass). But is not against the possession of rifles for hunting or handguns for self-protection. For the die-hard gun lovers, do you really need automatic weapons? If legal, they will fall into the hands of terrorists and mixed up individuals who seek to kill in mass. Donald Trump admires Putin, who is a dictator. How is Putin much different from Hitler? He is trying to take over another country and likely will attempt to take over other countries if successful in taking Ukraine - such as Poland and Lithuania. He is killing innocent people to take over their country. President Biden has improved the American economy and created millions of jobs. He cares about the common people and not only the rich. Vote for President Biden in 2024! He is the better candidate in many ways.
Why do you lie? Even the leftwing Politifact debunked that shit. Stop drinking the Marxist kool-aid, it has really dumbed you down.

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