Democrats SHOCKED/ SPEECHLESS that Trump's support among blacks has TRIPPLED while Biden has cratered

A couple of good reasons for this. Biden's policies of open borders, permissiveness to Crime and high inflation are affecting the ghetto more than anyone else.

And blacks have empathy to the ordeal that Biden is putting Trump through with his fake persecutions. Remember that blacks known about liberal lynchings.
FJB may very well be ahead in the popular vote but is behind where the rubber meets the road....The swing states.....Not only that it looks like more safe dem states may be in play the dems will have to defend.....Like Virginia.

It's the electoral college that counts.....We don't elect a POTUS by popular vote.....You know, the whole Republic thing. ;)
Dems only require a small amount of cheating to steal the swing states.

Blacks under 50 have gone from +80 points for Biden to +37 for Biden.

The writing is on the wall ladies & gentlemen, if these numbers hold Biden has ZERO CHANCE in November.
I have a feeling that the Democrat power center is going to remove Biden & replace him with someone who can pander to the very voting block they are profusely bleeding.

This is the critical point too. When you know 1 out of 5 in your community who are doing the previously "thing we don't do", it tends to snowball. More will join in.

Biden will be replaced. The Democrats can do no less
I think Biden has an uphill battle ahead, I know a majority of Americans don't like Trump, but there is no guarantee that these people will turn up to vote for Joe Biden, who is not good at inspiring people to vote, especially for him.

Why should black people only have one choice? This is the worst election of my lifetime.

Blacks under 50 have gone from +80 points for Biden to +37 for Biden.

The writing is on the wall ladies & gentlemen, if these numbers hold Biden has ZERO CHANCE in November.
I have a feeling that the Democrat power center is going to remove Biden & replace him with someone who can pander to the very voting block they are profusely bleeding.

Does this mean you will accept the results of the election or are you retards planning another insurrection when your douchebag loses...again?
I think Biden has an uphill battle ahead, I know a majority of Americans don't like Trump, but there is no guarantee that these people will turn up to vote for Joe Biden, who is not good at inspiring people to vote, especially for him.

Why should black people only have one choice? This is the worst election of my lifetime.
Black or any other color, have the same choice, Vote against a divided nation,
Does this mean you will accept the results of the election or are you retards planning another insurrection when your douchebag loses...again?
The only result I'll accept between Trump/Biden/Kenedy is anything but Biden.
If Biden wins it's only further proof that our system is COMPLETELY BROKEN
The only result I'll accept between Trump/Biden/Kenedy is anything but Biden.
If Biden wins it's only further proof that our system is COMPLETELY BROKEN
So, in other words, we can expect you retards to throw a hissy fit and charge the Capitol to overthrow the election results? Again?

Yup, I wouldn’t expect anything else from you fascist traitors.
ABORTION, who cares about all the negative possibility's
one issue voters.
There are lots of them.
And that is their right and belief.

Whether you wish to believe it or not roughly a third to half of the Democratic party has been anti abortion....they follow a lot of other tenants of the Democrat party in governance but want absolutely nothing to do with their social agenda due to moral grounds. essence they hold their nose while voting. Because otherwise they are canceled by their own party....just like the Democrats try to cancel culture the Republicans or have them incarcerated.

Edited to add:
Similar holds true for Republicans....Many do not mind abortion in the slightest....view it as a means of birth control. But they remain silent in fear of the Christian Nationalists.

My opinion?
Since I'm neither a Republican or Democrat or any political persuasion....I think that it's a practice we as US citizens can no longer afford. (Generational numbers are dropping) I also fear God so....yeah....I believe erring on the side of life is ALWAYS a good idea.
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Black Dems know they were lied to. They feel ABUSED by how the illegals are being treated like gold and they are just forgotten. Biden is trying to go to black churches and win them back. TOO LATE BIDEN! They are already going to Trump! :)

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