The Oregon case. Now that the Supreme Court has cleared the way for cities to enforce bans on homeless camps, will blue cities act?

Where are you gonna put these people?

SC(r)OTUS just criminalized poverty.

"Christian values" at work.
They did not. They did, however; force local governments to stop kicking the can down the road.

They are actually going to have to govern, for a change.
Where are these people going to go?
Looks like the local and State governments are going to have to actually do their jobs, for a change. They like to think they're the smartest and brightest of us all, so I'm sure they'll work it out.

Or maybe, they'll get some sensible people (not progressives) and formulate a plan and enact it.

The horror.
They've now lost the excuse that they are legally prevented from doing anything about homeless people taking over public spaces, so will they act? Or will they continue to allow the toxic filth and garbage to pile up in spaces like parks, sidewalks, park strips etc? I'm betting it's the latter.

They camped them out near downtown Portland in a GOVT approved zone AND enabled them to come out and riot over 100 nights in a row (without arrest or blocking them) in 2020. All to make it seem like Trump was the cause? No punishments to ORE GOVT officials who set this up.
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St Louis and Austin are a mess also

But not as bad as San Fran or Seattle

If you can concentrate on and find a solution in the worst places in America it should work everywhere

But as I noted, all the court did was make lawsuits snake their way through the courts again.
I really don't care what a blue city does.....They can choose to wallow in filth or not....That's on them now.

Exactly. They so far have done nothing about it in any DEM led city. If property values and occupancy rate drops to 50% (affecting Tax revenue) they might then act?
Where are you gonna put these people?

SC(r)OTUS just criminalized poverty.

"Christian values" at work.
You can tell us how to house them. When government gets involved with its employees and contractors and lawyers it can cost a lot of money to house one. Even building simple housing with few amenities will cost as the government suckers the taxpayers are put through the wringer. One may go off and kill a few people or urn down half the development and then the taxpayer gets put through the wringer. The will is there at a fair and reasonable cost. And that does not exist at the moment.
Have you seen a homeless camp? They are always a toxic mess!

The garbage generated and piled up is a Public health hazard. There are laws on the books already. Still, they (GOVT) won’t act. This is nothing new.

Decent cities should give them cash and bus ride to big sanctuary cities like the illegal border crossers were getting.
They did indeed.
They did not, and I showed you why that wasn't the case.

The local and state governments have had this responsibility all along and have just turned a blind eye for political expediency.
They will now have to actually govern and show compassion for their fellow citizens.
You can tell us how to house them.
They are homeless because we can't house them.



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