Boycott Israel

fake news

Remember the time that your brood tried to enforce that bullshit and a federal court in Texas blocked an unconstitutional state law requiring government contractors to certify that they are not engaged in boycotts of Israel or companies that do business in Israel or territories controlled by Israel, ruling that the law violates the First Amendment?

They ruled it unconstitutional.

And they were right to do so.

Of course, that's only one example of similar anti-American endeavors by the foreign agents whom you're carrying water for that have been ruled unconstitutional in other states where they have also routinely and similarly tried to undermine American sovereignty and the Constitution.

If you'd like some more examples, feel free to ask. I'm usually rather prepared for these sorts of circle jerks that your brood tends to like to try to run on here. Just depends on if they catch my interest or not. Usually only does when they start to get prideful and arrogant about their blatant endeavors to undermine American sovereignty and constitutionally protected American liberties.

As I said to the other useful idiot, though. Pack a lunch. And I sincerely mean that...
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Remember the time that your brood tried to enforce that bullshit and a federal court in Texas blocked an unconstitutional state law requiring government contractors to certify that they are not engaged in boycotts of Israel or companies that do business in Israel or territories controlled by Israel, ruling that the law violates the First Amendment?

They ruled it unconstitutional.

And they were right to do so.

Of course, that's only one example of similar anti-American endeavors by the foreign agents whom you're carrying water for that have been ruled unconstitutional in other states where they have also routinely and similarly tried to undermine American sovereignty and the Constitution.

If you'd like some more examples, feel free to ask. I'm usually rather prepared for these sorts of circle jerks that your brood tends to like to try to run on here. Just depends on if they catch my interest or not. Usually only does when they start to get prideful and arrogant about their blatant endeavors to undermine American sovereignty and constitutionally protected American liberties.

As I said to the other useful idiot, though. Pack a lunch. And I sincerely mean that...
Are you trying to make a fool of yourself? Texas law presently prohibits government agencies from contracting with companies that boycott Israel.

When you think of how moderate South Africa's apartheid was

How many blacks in government under South African apartheid?
How many blacks voted under South African apartheid?

compared to the murderous Gaza genocide currently underway,

How many dead per Israeli bomb dropped?
How many dead per day?

Wake up and smell the coffee!

When did the former South African government systematically exterminate over 35,000 people in 6 months time?
Pack a lunch, Hector.

Last I checked, this is America.

The right to freedom of choice, much the same as sovereignty, know...a thing that we traditional Americans like to protect over here?

Loyal Americans appreciate your priorities.

America's traitorous infestation of Zionist shills would gut the Bill of Rights and empty America's Treasury for the country to which they are most loyal - Israel.

Please remember that America's greatest threats to it's dwindling freedoms come from within, not without.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

When did the former South African government systematically exterminate over 35,000 people in 6 months time?

How many blacks in government under South African apartheid?
How many blacks voted under South African apartheid?

You can say it.
The answer was zero. ZERO!!!

35,000 people in 6 months time?

Fewer than 200 a day, if you believe Hamas, is hardly a genocide.
How many blacks in government under South African apartheid?
How many blacks voted under South African apartheid?

You can say it.
The answer was zero. ZERO!!!

35,000 people in 6 months time?

Fewer than 200 a day, if you believe Hamas, is hardly a genocide.
Yup. First, those numbers are inflated. Second, 99% of them are still alive.

Nobody believes the “genocide” lie being spread by the G posters.
So when it comes to Palestinian lives, you have no comment?
I have no comments you want to read.

There are too many people on this planet for me to care about most of them. I accept life as a struggle for scarce resources. I want the Israelis to annex Gaza, deport the Palestinians there, in the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. Then I want the Israelis to settle the land with Jews.
I have no comments you want to read.

There are too many people on this planet for me to care about most of them. I accept life as a struggle for scarce resources. I want the Israelis to annex Gaza, deport the Palestinians there, in the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. Then I want the Israelis to settle the land with Jews.
That's a pretty racist thing to say?

So let me get this straight, you want a total and complete Jewish State, just like the Nazis wanted an Aryan Nation?
That's a pretty racist thing to say?

So let me get this straight, you want a total and complete Jewish State, just like the Nazis wanted an Aryan Nation?
That is correct. I think Adolf Hitler put it well in Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich" when he wrote:

"The acquisition of new land and soil for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages."

I would welcome a restoration of David's Empire, with the addition of Gaza. Nevertheless, I think that should only be achieved in response to future acts of Arab aggression.


I believe there should be a Jewish land for a Jewish people.
That is correct. I think Adolf Hitler put it well in Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich" when he wrote:

"The acquisition of new land and soil for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages."

I would welcome a restoration of David's Empire, with the addition of Gaza. Nevertheless, I think that should only be achieved in response to future acts of Arab aggression.

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I believe there should be a Jewish land for a Jewish people.
You make a fine German!
You make a fine German!
Half of my ancestors came from Germany. :D

I am not a neo Nazi. By killing six million of the most intelligent race in existence Hitler harmed the human gene pool.

Hitler did acknowledge the superior intelligence of the Jews. In Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race" he wrote:

"Also, the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever," and in a certain sense he has been so at all times."
Half of my ancestors came from Germany. :D

I am not a neo Nazi. By killing six million of the most intelligent race in existence Hitler harmed the human gene pool.

Hitler did acknowledge the superior intelligence of the Jews. In Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter XI, "Nation and Race" he wrote:

"Also, the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever," and in a certain sense he has been so at all times."
You are no different than Hitler!
You are no different than Hitler!
I have read Mein Kampf twice, and return to it frequently for inspiration and wisdom. Chancellor Hitler had good insight into social psychology. Nevertheless, he was not completely accurate about the Jews: they do tend to be intelligent; they rarely tend to be evil.

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