The Oregon case. Now that the Supreme Court has cleared the way for cities to enforce bans on homeless camps, will blue cities act?

They did not, and I showed you why that wasn't the case.

The local and state governments have had this responsibility all along and have just turned a blind eye for political expediency.
They will now have to actually govern and show compassion for their fellow citizens.
red states have no compassion for their fellow citizens. Many of these folks are likely to die because of this ruling.
But as I noted, all the court did was make lawsuits snake their way through the courts again.
Its an important step in the right direction

But of course the problem will continue as long as democrats insist on doubling down on stupid

which they can do in blue cities and states
red states have no compassion for their fellow citizens. Many of these folks are likely to die because of this ruling.
I'm not interested in your pathologies. Red States DO have compassion. They simply don't think that YOUR IDEOLOGY is the correct way to go about addressing it.

Which is just a common tactic used by people like you. If we don't agree with the way you would do something, then there is no compassion, and/or we just hate people.

It is a damned lie, and you know it.

Fostering dependency on the most unfortunate among us is NOT compassion. Its like giving a line of fentynal laced heroin to an addict.

Now, every State, City, and County will have to step up to the plate and started earning that paycheck.
They are homeless because we can't house them.


No you blithering idiot, they are homeless because they can't house THEMSELVES.

Are all leftards this stupid?

It's not my responsibility to house your worthless ass. Get a fucking job.
No you blithering idiot, they are homeless because they can't house THEMSELVES.

Are all leftards this stupid?

It's not my responsibility to house your worthless ass. Get a fucking job.
"christian values" at work, folks.
The War on poverty helped cause this. Spending the dollar into oblivion til its toilet paper.

Taxing everything then going why is everything more expensive.

And the brain dead chant with the one fcking them with no lube.


They were homeless during tRump's administration too.

All is a State issue w/o federal help offered or accepted. The answer is forced roundup under existing Public health hazard law.

Try to clean up those salvageable and jail the troublemakers. Can’t have people piling up garbage and going to the bathroom on the street over decades now. LA SF NY PORT (example) are all OK with it as-is. PORT-SEA-MINN refused FED help to stop 2020 riots. you own it all you dumb OX. Your policy has made the problem 1000X to unmanageable or correctable.
All is a State issue w/o federal help offered or accepted. The answer is forced roundup under existing Public health hazard law.

Try to clean up those salvageable and jail the troublemakers. Can’t have people piling up garbage and going to the bathroom on the street over decades now. LA SF NY PORT (example) are all OK with it as-is. PORT-SEA-MINN refused FED help to stop 2020 riots. you own it all you dumb OX.

You are going to jail people for being homeless? That's never going to fly.
You are going to jail people for being homeless? That's never going to fly.

Cant read well? Public Health hazard. You don’t leave dead dogs in the street outside your trailer park do you?

Desert tent cities or trailers (far away) for the decent salvageable citizens only. To Jail with the resisters. What other choice is there? Trillions spent, the problem grows.
Cant read well? Public Health hazard. You don’t leave dead dogs in the street outside your trailer park do you?

Desert tent cities or trailers (far away) for the decent salvageable citizens only. To Jail with the resisters.

You are going to buy all the homeless people trailers? Stop your inane rambling.
You are going to buy all the homeless people trailers? Stop your inane rambling.

Got a better ideas wipearse? FEMA trailers after Katrina were setup to house hundred of thousands till LW scum killed that.

Tent cities and/or trailers. Yes. State NATL guard policing it. Or empty GOVT buildings. Or? Let it continue to grow,
Got a better ideas wipearse? FEMA trailers after Katrina were setup to house hundred of thousands till LW scum killed that.

Tent cities and/or trailers. Yes. State NATL guard policing it. Or empty GOVT buildings. Or? Let it continue to grow,

Whether I have a better idea or not is irrelevant to your meaningless rambling.
Where are you gonna put these people?

SC(r)OTUS just criminalized poverty.

"Christian values" at work.

Right now they're in the middle of the street blocking traffic ...

The article didn't bring this up ... but Grants Pass is a small town, they don't have shelters ... the economy is timber-based and Federal forests are closed to harvest ... so no tax revenue to fund police or jails ...

Homeless shelters fail as soon as drugs and alcohol enter in ... a Christian would build residential drug treatment facilities ... no matter the cost ... "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" ... maybe you mean a different Christ ... Oregon just RE-criminalized drugs ... junkies were mainlining on the streets, in the parks, at public schools ... is that a "Christian value"? ...

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