To remove Biden, it's either 25th Amendment or a brokered convention.

Would or will Biden release his delegates?
The other thought is is the 25th Amendment is used, that would force Biden from the election. allow Harris to preside for the remainder of Biden's presidency. (Ugly Thought).
I say let it play out let the Democrats figure it out. They created this problem. Let's just stand back, wach their frantic frenzy, back stabbing and chicanary in their moves to aggrandize their own buts of power.
In a way Biden has created a circumstance similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union within the Democratic Party seen in December 1991.

The republicans would be beyond stupid if the 25th amendment were invoked on biden, made it to congress and they voted for it.
The dems need to use the carrot and stick approach to the problem.

Carrot - "Joe, there's $100M in cash waiting if you'll step down."

Stick - "Hillary's people are gonna have a talk with Jill and Ashley unless you step down."
The republicans would be beyond stupid if the 25th amendment were invoked on biden, made it to congress and they voted for it.

The dems need to use the carrot and stick approach to the problem.

Carrot - "Joe, there's $100M in cash waiting if you'll step down."

Stick - "Hillary's people are gonna have a talk with Jill and Ashley unless you step down."

The way I understand the money part, is that the millions that were raised belong to the Biden/Harris campaign. If Biden drops out, it goes directly to the VP. This is millions, upon millions of dollars folks, and you think Harris is going to take kindly to being told not to run?!?!?!?!

There is a story that one of the senior Liberal Justices could resign, opening a spot for Harris on the Supremes for life. This would be a deal that would get the money sent to the party. But knowing how Harris operates, unless a thing like this happens, does anyone actually believe she would step down from running; AND give the party all that money for absolutely nothing?

Remember--------->if Biden steps down or is removed, Harris then has all the power, and she isn't going to give a big something, for getting back absolutely NOTHING!
Whats amusing is that the liberal media were so astonished that ol joe was so confused and demented and incoherent. In reality, they had tried to ram ol joe as completely sane and in control of his thoughts over the past 2 years. What a circus.
Either Biden must do this himself or he must be incapacitated beyond what he is now--like death or completely disabled.

He was very close to the latter on debate night, but he can still read a teleprompter (for now) so it looks like he's not incapacitated.

No one, but no one, but no one deserves this more than the Democrats.
They should have to go down with the ship. They said the Emperor had clothes on and demonized all that said otherwise (correctly)

Biden was bare naked out there at the debate.. no propaganda could hide it, and now the left is Pretending they just noticed.

The Democrats and media lied to the public
That does not bar two candidates from the same state running for President. It bars EC Electors from voting for candidates for President and VP from the same state as they are from. Two very different things.

The candidates can still run, the candidates can still be elected. What it means is that the EC Electors can not vote for BOTH. One of the two will have to forgo those votes counting for them.

If Biden steps down or can't continue, then per the 25th Amendment Kamala becomes President and runs for President in November. If they go brokered convention, then Biden has to release his delegates and then the delegates can vote for whoever they want. Those are the only two options the Democrats have, do you agree?

Don't know...but I will take your word for it.

You never know how things will go down in 3rd world America. Life can change on a dime. So, it is always good to have a hit of hopium to keep going.

...just don't get too drugged up!


The implosion of America would make for good, clean entertainment to watch...if we were not living smack, dab in the middle of this shit show.

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If Biden steps down or can't continue, then per the 25th Amendment Kamala becomes President and runs for President in November. If they go brokered convention, then Biden has to release his delegates and then the delegates can vote for whoever they want. Those are the only two options the Democrats have, do you agree?

it's a RWNJ fantasy. Not gonna happen.
Apparently your Democrat leaders and your Democrat media are the ones fantasizing about Biden stepping down. This thread is about the mechanism of how that might happen but that of course went over your head. Do you have any awareness of what is happening here?
Lol, no. I've told you kids a million times that the supposedly left leaning media isn't.

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