Top Democrat admits party is having ‘serious’ talks about dropping Biden as nominee for ‘someone else’

They know this Doc....

They also know Joe will probably decline significantly in his 2nd term , to the point where they can't conceal it at all

This is where VP picks have yet to be seen....i'll wager Joe's VP pick will not be Kamala .......who will either bow out or assume some sort of issue disqualifying her

The Dem's shtick will be all in their presentation of a candidate who can step into POTUS from VPOTUS seamlessly

They can’t conceal his decline NOW. They actually came out and said that the president can only function for six hours a day. And I know this pattern well - total disorientation upon awakening, and then sundowning is the late afternoon.

The Dems are trapped. If they kick Kamala to the curb, they have to find someone whose qualities include, above anything else, female blackness. And as far as Michelle Obama, she’s an angry, resentful racist black woman whose entire focus in life has been on what’s best for blacks.

Then there’s Gruesome. Nobody is going to vote to turn America into California.

The Dems, in their arrogance and belief in the stupidity of the voter, and with an enslaved media, thought they could just put Biden in front of a teleprompter, shoot him with some uppers, and have him read.

They should have allowed RFK Jr to primary him.
You can spout all the bullshit you want. Biden is unelectable. Trump will win in November. Too big to rig...
I hope that Jill, in her arrogance and wish to continue power no matter what, combined with her refusal to be stuck in a Delaware beach house with a demented man she obviously doesn’t love, will talk him into continuing his ill-fated mission to be the first Stage 6 dementia patient serving as president.

I see only five states going for Biden, with any certainty: NY, IL, CA, VT, MD.
I hope that Jill, in her arrogance and wish to continue power no matter what, combined with her refusal to be stuck in a Delaware beach house with a demented man she obviously doesn’t love, will talk him into continuing his ill-fated mission to be the first Stage 6 dementia patient serving as president.
I see only five states going for Biden, with any certainty: NY, IL, CA, VT, MD.
Jill must have known that Joe was incapable of a 2nd term.
But Joe made the call to run again.
The DNC shares some blame by not having primary debates for voters to see Joe in action.
The MSM also gets blame for not insisting that Joe do real press conferences proving his command of facts & figures.

Now that Joe is proven to be totally incompetent, Trump needs to play nice and show the pitiful old man for what he is without losing votes by being angry, arrogant, or obnoxious. Being gracious and presidential wins votes.

Trump should offer to shake hands in the next debate.

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