235 Years

George Washington's first term began in 1789. Since then, 235 years, no President has asked for absolute immunity, much less received it.

I wonder why it's needed, so badly, now.

Let me guess: It involves victimhood.

Because a corrupt and evil group of people tried and are trying to imprison political rivals. You couldn't figure this out on your own?
Yep. The next White House could be full of convicted felons, convicted fraudsters, adjudicated sexual assaulters and Fifth Amendment pleaders.

If that happens, we, as a country, deserve it.

We deserve the corrupt govt that we elect. That didn't just start 8 years ago. Orange man and pedo man are here in our twilight.
Because a corrupt and evil group of people tried and are trying to imprison political rivals. You couldn't figure this out on your own?
And there's the victimhood to which I referred in the OP.

I know these people.
Someone who will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to win, no matter what the consequences are for everyone else.
Except that’s true of most assholes running for potus, for at least the last several decades.

We have a decrepit senile fool incapable of completing the duties of the presidency, yet he hasn’t been removed. To be specific, section 4 of the 25th Amendment addresses the precise case of a President unable to fulfill his constitutional role but who cannot or will not step aside.
George Washington's first term began in 1789. Since then, 235 years, no President has asked for absolute immunity, much less received it.

I wonder why it's needed, so badly, now.

Let me guess: It involves victimhood.

because no President before was attacked with the level of lawfare Trump has seen?

The question never had to be asked before, because no one asked it.

And he didn't get absolute immunity.
Everyone calm the F down. There will always be lots of idiots pushing wrecking balls. They will never outnumber the majority who subconsciously understand that a functioning government is absolutely necessary.

because no President before was attacked with the level of lawfare Trump has seen?

The question never had to be asked before, because no one asked it.

And he didn't get absolute immunity.
And another victimhood response, as predicted in the OP.
I've said I'm being persecuted?

This is why I no longer bother. You people just can't stop lying. Just like your Orange God.

No but Trump is, by all these stupid lawsuits. Or are you now saying the trials are all completely valid and not motivated by politics?

Do show your cards, Mac. I mean not that we don't already know.
It's not a victimhood response, it's the reality of the situation.

That you can't see it or refuse to see it isn't my problem.

There is a poster I really used to get after here bc her ideas were atrocious and wildly inconsistent. Then I found out she suffers from a degenerative neurological condition and never commented again. It was clear that she didn't have clear thinking anymore.

I begin to wonder if that's the case for Mac. I'm being serious. Just not clear thinking at all.
Yep. The next White House could be full of convicted felons, convicted fraudsters, adjudicated sexual assaulters and Fifth Amendment pleaders.

If that happens, we, as a country, deserve it.
Currently occupied by pedos, money launderers, drug, human and child traffickers
George Washington's first term began in 1789. Since then, 235 years, no President has asked for absolute immunity, much less received it.

I wonder why it's needed, so badly, now.

Let me guess: It involves victimhood.

LAWFARE. Have you noticed the Democrats OBSCENE behavior since November 2016?
If you haven't, you're either blinded by partisanship, or beyond stupid.

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