Logical next step?

The constant fear mongering by the press has certainly found fertile ground. Everyone just knows that their version of "democracy" is under obvious attack, and each person has a champion and a villain, depending on their current viewpoint. That makes them some sort of freedom fighter, except the only battlefield is their comfortable chair and laptop. No one wants any real change, just to speculate endlessly on frivolous side bars. To get to where America should be, a self sufficient and proud nation, a leader in the world with a unified population we would have to make extreme changes. We would have to do some real self evaluation, rethink our "rights" and "obligations", and probably make a commitment to change, including a period of austerity while we ween ourselves off imperialistic wars and political chicanery, and insist on honesty and transparency with our citizens. In short, reinstate an honest respect for authority and support, something we don't have now. This effort of course would be opposed by national and global leaders, they would father be feared than respected. Just ask Dick Cheney, I think everyone is aware of how this would shake out, and there is a real fear of this. This other fear, the he did this he did that is manufactured and prevents any real discussion.
Now your pres has more authority than George III.

And England's current king's authority extends as far as choosing the roses in his palace's gardens.

Smart move by the Scotus! Now the kangaroo courts can decide each case as it comes up, in Trump's favour!

That's what happens when the president is within a couple of months of being braindead.

Now it's just a question of whether the CIA will allow Trump to get dangerously close to the WH?
"Now your pres has more authority than George III."

I hope so. Old George has been dead for quite a while.

I'll wager the FBI is having a grand time around the office water cooler fork..... :WooHooSmileyWave-vi: ~S~
Only in your head that would be a threat. Insofar that the FBI is concerned with this forum. I'm not in any way concerned with what I write here.
This was not mean. These were people in 2016 who were promoting to not support the transition of power. And you accuse Trump of the same. The Progs knew they cheat. They did not cheat enough. They made sure in 2020 they did.
It's not an accusation. Publicly available evidence shows it a fact. Evidence that SCOTUS now claims is inadmissible in court.n
The ability to tell the Attorney General to drop all federal charges against him sure seems like a "get out of jail free" card.
The DOJ already wont indict a sitting president. This SC ruling changes nothing in that respect. :cuckoo:
Only in your head that would be a threat. Insofar that the FBI is concerned with this forum. I'm not in any way concerned with what I write here.
I'm sure they'll give you top bunk & special dissident gruel in Gitmo fork..... ;) ~S~
First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.

Guantanamo isn't that far from what your people have already done. He's close to being jailed in NY for nobody understands what.

Why can't you see this?
Do I sound estatic?

The letter of the law means nothing when a corrupt DOJ serves the political interests of only one party

I hope the obama/biden junta is removed from power so that we the people can balance the scales of justice before its too late
It wasn't the "Obama/Biden junta" that made this motion. It was TRUMP.

Only one person is arguing that a president should be above the law.
It's not an accusation. Publicly available evidence shows it a fact. Evidence that SCOTUS now claims is inadmissible in court.n
In the last few years Pelosi's husband got jammed up. And nothing will happen to him. Just one example of your Prog integrity.
The ability to tell the Attorney General to drop all federal charges against him sure seems like a "get out of jail free" card.
Haha who told you that’s what they said?

The issue here is dembots drink bleach
First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.
The fear Democrats have of an American loving president is off the fuckinh charts . They will shoot him before he wins the election. By any means necessary to stop Trump fro being president. AND THEY, are so full of hate that they would Actually cheer for his demise. No bigger threat to America and Americans then democrats. Believe that
Still not actually correcting my analysis. Let's try it this way.

Are you contending that a president has always had the right to order Seal team six to take out his opponent? Since you claim this is just reaffirming the status quo.

Or are you arguing he isn't allowed to do that, and I have my analysis wrong of how this would play out under the "instructions" Scotus has put out.

If the second. I want you to tell me how it is wrong. Not just a claim it is. Since you claim you understood the ruling better than me that should be easy.

You are jumping the shark.

Can you point to the specific language that gives a President the right to have seal team 6 kill his political opponent?

Mac do you believe Trump will have any qualms about testing the limits of this immunity?

I'm not an alarmist by nature nor do I think it's a good idea to try to use whataboutisms to justify your own behavior. But the full implications of this ruling in the hands of an aspiring autocrat are so dire and immediate that I have a hard time NOT just wanting to throw out the rulebook. When it comes down to it I rather have an autocrat who has a moral compass then one without it.

Can you find any fault in my logic?

"moral Compass"

Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way?
Perhaps he should send the 6 conservatives on the Court to Gitmo as well. You know, since they are a threat to what was the constitutional order.

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