54 days vs 113.

It also says that he was later aqcuitted of the false impeachment. You lose. :dunno:


What do I lose? Trump is still a twice impeached president. Tell me again how Republicans won't impeach Trump because the Senate would never impeach him, as if they could. That was classic!
During oral arguments the conservative supremes tried to interject a wide variety of possibilities for immunity beyond the scope of the matter they were asked to decide on. Alito asked Smith's counsel if would immunity apply if the prez just made a mistake? As if the multi-faceted plot to steal the election was an oopsie.

The election was stolen in November - you idiot.
He is about to be president again, which doesnt happen to former presidents who are impeached. :dunno:

Fake Impeachments
Fake J6 Infomercials
Fake trials

The trained seals in the Echo Chamber of The Democrat Media Bubble have lost all ability to think for themselves.
Let's see if you can follow this conversation. House members face re-election every two years. SC justices never do. Meaning House members can be voted out if they are corrupt. SC justices can't. Is that easy enough for you to understand, nitwit?

By corrupt you simply mean not left leaning - because hell, left leaning just makes sense, yes?
The conservative supremes know there is no justification for the delay other than doing Trump's bidding, as do we all, and they just don't care. Roberts has expressed concern for his court's legacy yet he continues to ensure it will be remembered as the most hyper-partisan in history.

It won't be

Not in real life.
Ah? Now I see. You're just retarded. Moron, have the warden of your psych ward teach you English...

sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry

Do fathers marry their Daughters in your community?
He is about to be president again, which doesnt happen to former presidents who are impeached. :dunno:

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe he'll be incarcerated and unable to serve. Maybe not. And regardless, he's still a twice impeached president. That never goes away, Even if he gets re-elected.
One of the telling things Roberts did not do was lift the stay on the case so it could move forward with respect to preliminary measures. Chutkin is powerless to do anything to advance the case until there is a ruling. It didn't have to be that way. But the conservatives want it to be that way. Effectively giving Trump the judicial relieve he was looking for without a ruling on the merits of his claim.
If we impeached Joe, we wouldnt have a slam dunk win in November. Besides, democrats in the Senate could watch a video of Joe molesting a baby and they STILL wouldnt impeach him.
Congress is the body of government that does the impeaching.
If we impeached Joe, we wouldnt have a slam dunk win in November. Besides, democrats in the Senate could watch a video of Joe molesting a baby and they STILL wouldnt impeach him.

Your candidate has been convicted of fraud, tax evasion, and sexual abuse. There is a legal finding of sexual abuse and assault against Donald Trump, and that's in addition to the more than 25 women who have said he sexually assaulted them.

Slandering the current president with your lies, isn't working. There is absolutely no evidence of Joe Biden committing ANY crimes at all, but you keep making false claims with no evidence - repeating Donald Trump's lies.

Parotting the lies of a convicted felon and slandering the current President seems to be all the rabid Trumpists have left.
The time has come to put an end to the Federalist Society and their corrupt influence on the judiciary.

Of the current nine members of the Supreme Court of the United States, at least five are current or former members of the organization—Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett.
Chief Justice John Roberts previously served as a member of the steering committee of the Washington, D.C., chapter, but denies ever being a member.

It vetted President Donald Trump's list of potential U.S. Supreme Court nominees; in March 2020, 43 out of 51 of Trump's appellate court nominees were current or former members of the society.
Of the current nine members of the Supreme Court of the United States, at least five are current or former members of the organization—Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett.
Chief Justice John Roberts previously served as a member of the steering committee of the Washington, D.C., chapter, but denies ever being a member.

It vetted President Donald Trump's list of potential U.S. Supreme Court nominees; in March 2020, 43 out of 51 of Trump's appellate court nominees were current or former members of the society.

The Federalist Society has been funding and promoting their preferred candidates from the moment they enter law school, ensuring they clerked with the right people, and putting their names on the lists for judicial appointments. Roberts was the first of the Justices that they promoted to the Court, and he's definitely the least radical.

But Roberts has completely lost control of the Court, and allowed Allito and Thomas to run amok. Leaked decisions, tossing precedent out with no consideration of the consequences, corruption and influence peddling on steriods. At this point, the best hope for the Court is that these two retire soon, and are replaced with liberal justices to restore the balance.

There then needs to be a Congressional Investigation of corruption of the Supreme Court.
The Federalist Society has been funding and promoting their preferred candidates from the moment they enter law school, ensuring they clerked with the right people, and putting their names on the lists for judicial appointments. Roberts was the first of the Justices that they promoted to the Court, and he's definitely the least radical.

But Roberts has completely lost control of the Court, and allowed Allito and Thomas to run amok. Leaked decisions, tossing precedent out with no consideration of the consequences, corruption and influence peddling on steriods. At this point, the best hope for the Court is that these two retire soon, and are replaced with liberal justices to restore the balance.

There then needs to be a Congressional Investigation of corruption of the Supreme Court.
Not this Congress.
They love investigating everything and anyone............but themselves.
Not this Congress.
They love investigating everything and anyone............but themselves.

They only do investigations for their own political benefit. Congressional Investigations are supposed to study programs and decisions with a view to make them work better for the people.

Republicans have completely abandoned the notion of Congressional oversight of government programs and are using it to politically attack the Administration. Trump refused to allow any oversight of his administration's programs whatsoever, treating Congress like a hostile rather than a co-equal branch of government.
Fake Impeachments
Fake J6 Infomercials
Fake trials

The trained seals in the Echo Chamber of The Democrat Media Bubble have lost all ability to think for themselves.
You forget that trying to dismiss the impeachments despite demonstrable abuses of power and violations of law, the Jan 6 committee's stunning revelations about the details of Don's plot to install himself as the country's un-elected leader, the 4 criminal indictments approved by 4 grand juries, and the findings in civil cases of liability for tax fraud and sexual assault..............does not work outside the echo chamber of the POT media bubble.
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The time has come to put an end to the Federalist Society and their corrupt influence on the judiciary.
The majority of Americans have voted for a Dem as President in 7 of the last 8 elections. If their will translated to victory, as it should, the Federalist Society would be relegated to the status it so richly deserves. A crank organization of ideological extremists wishing to impose their minority views on the majority.
They only do investigations for their own political benefit. Congressional Investigations are supposed to study programs and decisions with a view to make them work better for the people.
Spot on. We were all reminded of their failure to do so recently when The Crazy went after Dr. Fauci in vitriolic fashion rather than take the opportunity to better prepare the country for the next pandemic.

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