Dems are still attempting to remove Trump from the ballot

Representative Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat, on Monday said he's working with colleagues on legislation that could bar someone who committed insurrection from holding office.
Raskin made the announcement after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that former President Donald Trump should appear on the primary ballot in states that have challenged his presidential candidacy.
""I'm working with a number of my colleagues—including [Democratic Representatives] Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell—to revive set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section three of the 14th amendment," Raskin said during an appearance on CNN.

What insurrection?
Who has been charged with insurrection?
Who has been convicted of insurrection?
Why can't the Democrats win on the issues?
A convicted felon can't get a job in a mall but can run for President? Further proof you want to destroy America.
A convicted felon can't get a job in a mall but can run for President? Further proof you want to destroy America.
Only in third world banana republics and Leninist / Stalinist Hell holes are political show trials used to target political opponents. It's the leftist retrogrades who are trying to destroy America. What insurrection are you babbling about?
They know they can’t win in fair and open competition so they must prevent their Victor from ever competing
Utter cowards.
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Prove it lying TRAITOR...I do cyber, I see threats everywhere. Seeing threats is the FBI's job
Don't mean your fantasies from IAMADUMBASSMAGAT.STUPID are real.
Just means you'll believe anything your handlers tell you TRAITOR.,
The FBI can't monitor the 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and thousands of terrorists and criminals that TRAITOR Joe Biden let into the US with his moronic "open borders" policy, dumbass. We've been lucky so far, stopping a few terror attacks before they started, but that won't hold.

In January, another factor drew attention. Former FBI executives wrote to congressional leaders warning about a border invasion of “military aged men” from adversarial countries, including China and Russia, and the House followed up with hearings May 16. Last year, 71% of Chinese migrants entering Ecuador, a major entry point to the U.S., were male, and 55% were between ages 15 and 39, according to the Niskanen Center, a think tank.
These folks were "vetted" at the southern border by xidens DHS.

8 suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties arrested in New York, L.A. and Philadelphia, sources say​


"All eight men crossed through the southern border into the United States and their criminal backgrounds checks came back clean at the time they crossed the border, according to two officials familiar with the matter."

Biden doesn't do background checks.
Perhaps if trump hadn't commanded that the GOP NOT do something about immigration and vote against what CBP/ICE called the strongest border security package in 40 years ICE could hir more screeners.

In other words, take your whine to the next MAGAT WE SO STUPID Meeting because you've only you to blame, TRAITOR.
Seems you're still unable to show a single bit of evidence not coming from DUMBASSMAGATS.COM.

Why is that? Oh yeah, because you're a lying sack of shit traitor, TRAITOR.
The fucking FBI said that Biden's "open borders" is a National Security disaster, dumbass.
Read my link in post #72. It proves that the 12 million or so illegals let in by TRAITOR Joe Biden had many terrorists or enemy agents.

You can't say that stupid Joe Biden's "Open Borders" isn't a National Security DISASTER.

‘I realized that my country was doing something wrong’: Nearly 22,000 Russians have tried to enter the US since Putin’s war draft​

Prove it lying TRAITOR...

I do cyber, I see threats everywhere.
Seeing threats is the FBI's job

Don't mean your fantasies from IAMADUMBASSMAGAT.STUPID are real.

Just means you'll believe anything your handlers tell you TRAITOR.,

So how many on the terrorist watch list did CBP not catch?

Number of people on terrorist watchlist stopped at southern U.S. border has risen​


Your fantasies of reversal are just that


HE STANDS CONVICTED and sentencing is coming.

I've voting for the guy who has absolutely owned you since 2018
Joe Biden.

After all, he's not a traitor
He's not loyal to Russia
He's not selling national secrets to the Saudis
He's an American

You abd Trump are TRAITORS, TRAITOR.
Biden is the stuttering and mumbling personification of loser. A career slug and career plagiarist who has fed off the public for personal gain.
So how many on the terrorist watch list did CBP not catch?

Number of people on terrorist watchlist stopped at southern U.S. border has risen​

A few?
Not Many?

It's your fantasy, tell us what's in your


Because it has nothing to do with reality.
Thread is so WAY off topic I had to check the OP to see what the topic actually is. It is NOT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION or the southern border guys, it is Dems keeping Trump off the ballot.

Get back on topic please.

Representative Jamie Raskin, a Maryland Democrat, on Monday said he's working with colleagues on legislation that could bar someone who committed insurrection from holding office.
Raskin made the announcement after the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that former President Donald Trump should appear on the primary ballot in states that have challenged his presidential candidacy.
""I'm working with a number of my colleagues—including [Democratic Representatives] Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell—to revive set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section three of the 14th amendment," Raskin said during an appearance on CNN.

What insurrection?
Who has been charged with insurrection?
Who has been convicted of insurrection?
Why can't the Democrats win on the issues?
Oh, you can be sure that if Trump wins, leftists will be screaming 14A all over again, refusing to accept the election results.
Oh, you can be sure that if Trump wins, leftists will be screaming 14A all over again, refusing to accept the election results.
No matter who wins the 2024 election will be a constitutional crisis
1. Biden wins: Republicans claim, and prove, that illegals voted
2. Trump wins: Democrats go ballistic, riots, refuse to accept the results in the senate, VP Harris declares Biden the winner.

Describe the "disaster."
Details please.

How many dead?
how many permanently disabled?
what cities destroyed?

Or maybe you just repeat the lies you're told like the puppet you are
Two words. Screw off. It's common sense that you can't open the border and let in people without vetting them. ISIS has been let in and there will be a terrorist attack at some point. We just don't know when.

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