Article: Wrath of the Keffiyeh Nazis.Hitler predicted them and they will end up with him on the ash heap of history.

Stop talking garbage, retard. I couldn't care less what your pathetic little brain dreams about.

The OP made a statement. I called him up on it to prove it to be true. Not sure why you jumped in because you seem to be a bigger retard than the OP.

The OP at least had the sense to disappear once I confronted him. You seem to double down on stupidity.

So, can you address my question - Yes or No?

Where in Hitler's statement does he refer to Hamas, Palestinians, or any other "Kaffiyeh" people?

Get it now? Good. Now get me the answer. Git.
Your grasp of history is pathetic. Even adolf had a better grip
the nazis and arab nationalists were TIGHTLY espoused even before
world war II. The propaganda they wrote and DISSEMINATED in the USA was floating around the town of my childhood as far back as the mid 1930s. (before I was born but examples of their crap
extended back that far) I read it and as a kid laughed at the utter stupidity---then, in the 1960s I encountered muslims from various parts of the world----mostly south east Asia, Iran, and north africa. They were SUCKLED ON IT. The propaganda remains unchanged---remarkably unchanged. Oct. 7 was not an aberration---it was
ISLAM (if you haven't read the koran---don't bother to comment)

By 1939 every Arab state had signed on with the Allies. By 1933 they had all expelled the German envoys. Are you trying to blame Arabs for the Holocaust again? The Arab world had no experience with European Jews or Zionists.

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